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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. They shouldn't be that black... Lightly spotted brown-ish is the usual. Which one are you on this?
  2. I look younger if I shave... I think.
  3. Hmm... have heard of surges more commonly between either 2-3000rpm (normal) or the 4-5000 range (modded bikes), but I'm mostly familiar with just one particular R1. OK, here's just some ideas to be thinking about.... Do you use iridium plugs? If not, they're about £30 for a set of 4 and a good thing to get anyway. People also advise against gapping them out the box. I'd personally start with the "carb thing" - Clean & balance carbs, check everything out, especially the emulsion tubes. Failing that, start with checking everything in the chain from fuel tank to inlet valves. Anything that can be cleaned/adjusted and doesn't cost money. Oh, and might as well check the valve clearances & timing while you're there. Check also the TPS. I know there was a recall on R1 TPSes, but not sure if model dependant or not. Ask a local Yammie dealer... If so, free replacement! There's a rumour that your VIN plate will have some kind of obvious scratch mark if the TPS has been checked against recall. Do you have one of them Power Commander things, too? Custom exhausts and/or air filter?
  4. Hola Foxy!! Any chance you could add some more info, maybe fill in yer profile a bit? It's useful to other members when helping out if they know stuff like whereabouts in the world you are, age and riding/mechanical experience, etc. The rest is just interesting stuff to chat about. Don't be shy - We don't bite... Also, if you're female and let everyone know, most of us will actually mind our manners a bit more... !
  5. But that's the beauty - You just swap them out. Probably make the bike a whole kilo lighter, too. I'd be wary of the lighter bike... heavy is good. Is sign of reliability. Plus if it fails, you can always hit them with it... oh wait, that's guns innit!
  6. Aaaaaaand the truth about the Widow finally comes out, ha ha!! Get a ShatNav. They're more accurate than yer dial... If it's dual carriageway, it's not a country road... in fact, it ain't a country road until there *are* bloody tractors, cyclists and horses everywhere... occasionally with banjos playing. However, if you find Ewan and Charley also on it, you're seriously lost! "I'll take that bet" YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! You have NO idea how long I've been waiting to properly use that movie quote!! Seriously, no-one bets me anything any more. But yes, you have a bet, sir. You go buy the bike and if I win, I keep it. If not, I'll buy it off you for every penny, every cent, every zloty you bought it for. deal?
  7. Specifically here: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=glenfinnan&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&safe=active&ie=UTF-8&ei=72PlUdnYFKSW0AXW6IGABQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg The Road To The Isles is the A380 at the North end of the loch - Ride that right out to Mallaig and from there catch a boat to go explore Eigg and Rum. Make sure you spend Thursday night in the Glenfinnan House Hotel bar, where they have a fantastic ceilidh band. Try the venison and chat over beers with Duncan, the owner and most excellent head chef! They serve a fantastic Full Scottish Breakfast as well
  8. Let's hear you say that when I put a BT125-5 between yours... you'll be begging for a Virago to escape on!! You're supposed to remove them and sell them on eBay to recoup your money/fund more custom parts!!
  9. Official numbers are pretty much all that's being published. The 950 Midnighty thing is approximately the same and the actual tested figures tally, pretty much. That's fine, though. All you need to hear is, "Goes fast enough for you to lose your licence". There is still a speed limit in this country... apparently. 70 on a country road??!! Firstly it's supposed to be 60 at most, so bad boys whoever is trying that. Secondly, that NEVER happens as country roads all have bloody tractors, horses and cyclists everywhere!!
  10. I never had a problem, but the fact that Hagon pretty much have the market aside from OEM kinda sucks donkey dick... and Hagon would have you believe that donkey dick is expensive!!
  11. You been watching too much Top Gear again? "This is Steven... and this one is Tarquin..."
  12. TL:DR - I'd not rush out to buy one, but it'd be on the cards... I'd buy one, just so I could compare it with Dyna riders, ha ha!! Actually, in all seriousness, the Sportster market is exactly what Yamaha seem to be competing against anyway, especially judging from the Harley-esque front indicator placement (that'll be the first thing to go). For once, I rather like this model. Lots of blackened bits instead of fecking chrome, modern internals, but Sportster styling blended with the older Custom styling of the Dragstars... Something I really missed in the new 'streamlined' silliness of the Midnight Stars. Despite calling it 'Neo Retro' styling, which sounds like oxymoronic bollocks, at least they haven't done a Suzuki and named it after a dildo* range!! Oh, and hey - Disc brakes both ends and ABS on a Cruiser??!! Wicked!!! I think the best part is that it already comes in Camo Green!! And now the bad? Might need outrigged foot controls. That looks a little tucked in for long-limbed comfort. Cornering clearance looks rather small in the below video... or is that camera trickery? And what's with the pissy 38.3kw Yammie are quoting? I'd have expected 50-60-odd... What up wi' dat? 12 litre tank??!! TWELVE??!! Are you taking the piss now, Yamaha? I want to go much further on this bike than just down the shops for a quick pose. Jeez, even the Viggie finished at 13L... BIG disappointment there and possibly a deal-breaker. Cruise away the miles, but only about 150 of them at a time, if you're very very careful... See a Jackson Teller wannabe compare the Bolt to the HD 833 in this video (and hear it if, unlike me, you have sound at work): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOVghy0AgYk&feature=player_embedded *Marauder and Intruder, in case anyone was wondering!
  13. Speaking as someone who's also not very mechanically skilled (mind works, hands don't), I say forget that bike and just get one that is mechanically sound to start with. One that doesn't require fiddling to get it running in the first place. If you ask nicely, I'm sure a member fairly nearby would come look over any potentials with you, help eliminate any hidden nightmares. Stick with it. We'll see ya through and on the road where ya belong!!
  14. There are those who argue Hagon's rebuild service is only because their products have a tendency to blow. Most are the older riders more cynical than Cynic here, though! The extra seat height isn't that much, just noticable. I happen to like it, as it seems to improve the handling. You could always save £75 and alter the preload, with a balance on the dampening. Kinda what the adjusters were for, I thought. I know a couple of Hagon users who have discovered derriere delight after a quick fiddle...
  15. Right turn, Noise!! I'd have stopped listening once I knew he rode a Harley In fact, I first started zoning Harley stuff out when I saw you can buy a single pair of Harley Davidson branded boxer shorts in the local dealership, for the meagre sum of £185!! I've never actually ridden a Jing Chen M90, but I know it'll be fucking awful... So... anyone else wanna debate XV535 vs XVS650, or have we utterly derailed yet another thread?
  16. Glenfinnan is amazing! Aside from me being born there, you have a wealth of history, the Harry Potter stuff if you're into that, THE best venison in Scotland, Glenfinnan Gold for a decent brew and Loch Shiel to enjoy. From there, ride the Road To The Isles, enjoy the sweeping corners and stunning vistas (but keep one eye on the road), stop almost anywhere and you'll enjoy your sandwiches with awesome views, completely free!!
  17. This is England. We say pillion here. And I am man enough not to belittle the women with poseur bravado terminology... Although I'm sure you know more about 'Sissy Bars' than me! Besides, I'll ride pillion before ever going on public transport again (lived in London, served my time in hell, fucking earned my freedom!), it was easier to operate a film camera (talking before the days of affordable HelmetCams here) or a bike rather than trying both, it's easier to sleep on the back, I sometimes get very drunk... Many good reasons. "A man who knows only one side leaves himself vulnerable to the other". Book Of Five Rings, I think... This is England. We say V5 here. Besides, that's just proof of registered keeper, not ownership... and while the front is only half-pink, it's the green bit that's of use. I'd say the same to you, but I *REALLY* don't want to be lumbered with that... thing.
  18. I'm reformed. I went to the 'correction camps' and everything!!
  19. Thing is, I ain't old... well, not *that* old, anyway!!
  20. They also rust to fuck if you don't keep them scrubbed. Not sure the eternity guarantee covers that... But take the baffles out and ride straight-through whenever you feel like it and you kinda forget about the rest of the world.
  21. Shh... having fun!! Firstly, your speedo is broken. Secondly, so you can 'overtake' parked vehicles. How nice for you. Well... yeah. Obviously. According to *that* website, the 2010 650 has only 20HP and a fucking chain drive!! I took manufacturer's quotes averaged out with performance and road tests from various reviewers, particularly those testers who had reviewed both bikes at some stage. You know something all of them don't? How nice. Doesn't mean you can ride 'em properly... I have a 650 Cruiser and a 1200 Sports Tourer. I can still outride the latter on the former up to the speed limit, everywhere except outright straights. All in how the individual rides... I've not ridden the Honda VT750 Black Widow, no. I've ridden the Honda VT750 Shadow (both seats) over about 16 months. Same bike, for all intents and purposes. If you're really gonna try telling me the two are THAT vastly different, you'd better make it fucking good... Any time we want some bullshit about how yours can outrun bikes twice the size, we'll just forget about you, eh. Everyone here knows she also rides a Dragstar. Custom model and everything. But you can ask her yourself, if you like. Yeah, everything from Harleys to 'Blades, 'Busas and Rockets... You leave them in the dust with your 90.4mph, I'm sure... Get down this way before I sell it and we'll have us a race. See how you fare with that. Also, my dad can beat up your dad!!
  22. Ah, apologies. I assumed 50 meant 50cc scooter! 2L fuel bottle in rucksack, maybe? Ignore float thingy - Looks to have some weird LED type electronic sensor thing. The sensor is beneath the tank somewhere and may have shorted out or picked up a bit of rust. According to some owner sites, the sender on the sensor unit often goes up the duff on Aprilia bikes... and many Aprilia owners speak in some indecypherable language called TxtSpk, apparenty!! Edit: Sender already mentioned while I was typing!
  23. You're right, I should... Skype with webcam, or is it easier to video it and email the file to me?
  24. Your one opinion, based on how you choose to ride, versus published facts and statistics? That must mean a Fireblade is a really small, shitty bike that takes ages to get up to speed but is pretty sensible for careful Sunday riders to bimble about on.
  25. Are you starting/running it with choke on?
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