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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Then you ain't seen one - It's not from Mad Max... A far better movie, in fact Bastard to ride, though...
  2. Excuse me? So both of the 650 Dragstars I own have subsized tanks, as well as the Owners Manuals being made of lies? Or did you just Google the hell out of it, ignoring the many accurate stats pages until you found a single wrong entry/typo?
  3. Get him copies of the following, to keep him busy: Alien vs Hunter Hansel & Gretel - Warriors of Wichcraft Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (starring David Hasselhoff) Starcrash (also starring David Hasselhoff) Metalstorm: The Destruction Of Jared Synn Yor: Hunter From The Future All of those are fecking attrocious!!!
  4. Nearest Yammie dealers are Pro-Bike in Newbury or Mott in Basingstoke. One in Farnborough too, but not been there myself. Either of the first two might have 'em in, but given that I haven't even seen the thing on the Yammie site, I doubt it. If you find any, give us a shout here - Cupcake might be interested, given the Sportster similarity and I'd certainly like a look. Could make it a Reading Rideout (including surrounding area, for the likes of Foamy )!!
  5. Dragstar - Never, really. Quick scrub-off of all the muck and a rinse down. Might get a bit of Autosol to polish out the rust spots, but they're getting bigger, so I rarely bother. FJ - Whenever I do stuff to it and my hands come away blackened with crap.
  6. Great Intro there, fella! Fazers are a popular model and bloody great by all accounts!
  7. It's great getting old, innit!!
  8. They are copyrighted material and downloads are illegal to link to. Can always buy one - They're only about £50. Haynes manuals are around £20.
  9. I suspect he's either a bored film-maker, or a film student, in which case he likely gets a fair few moist ladies. That said, perhaps he is married and that's why he's fecking around... Interestingly, I've just booked in time with a friend and fellow Bad Movie fan, to actually watch Cool As Ice (1991), coz it looks like it's gonna be fucking horrendous, ha ha!! Vanilla Ice stars as biker bad boy Johnny, who saves a child from a kidnapping!!
  10. 16L... 16L... 16L... 16L... 16L... 16L... 16L... 3.5 imp gal... 16L... 16L... Apparently Google is correct.
  11. Ahem... http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/12000/longest-confirmed-sniper-kill
  12. 280 films, from ages searching for each word through the online scripts of thousands of films, getting each film, ripping them, clipping them precisely and then compiling in the right order, followed by sound balancing and overlaying with the footage? Three months is pretty quick!!
  13. For the record.. 650 Dragstar : Magic Carpet Ride, Steppenwolf FJ1200: Shock To The System, Billy Idol.
  14. Firstly, filtering is an overtaking-style manoeuvre. We overtake on the right here. Secondly, many roads have a solid white line up the left side - Know what that means? Further - Driver is on the right hand side of the car, travelling anything up to 60. The last thing they'll be looking for is a vehicle passing them on the left. Cyclists, perhaps, but that's it. They'll be watching for bikes in their right mirror and may even hear your pipes, in which case they move left and... BANG. Also, HGVs are fecking huge. If you can see safely past them to pass on the left, you have x-ray vision and belong in the X-Men, not here on the road. This is why cyclists die so often. Lastly, the left side is where all the road crap, gravel, oil, dirt and shit gathers, as well as having anything from grass verges, to surface water drainage gullies and a higher percentage of slippery metal manhole covers. You still wanna ride up the left?
  15. I knew, just missed your post asking. Besides, Google means you no longer need to guess! I expect 48mpg on mine. Shocking when compared to the FJ.
  16. Welcome, dude!! Feel free to post a progress thread
  17. Since this thing seems to be in fashion... OK, imagine I am Sir Ridley Scott* and I am filming your favourite ride ever. Your most beloved, most treasured memory on your bike of choice. All the shots will be perfect, everything will look as good as it made you feel. However, I need a soundtrack to accompany the footage. What one song/score/track would you choose? If you have more than one bike, you can choose one per bike, but only ONE song!! Answer below... *Or whoever your favourite film maker happens to be.
  18. Nice, but... this is a bike forum. Many of us don't even have cars, let alone Japanese cars... In fact, I don't know if Yamaha even make normal production cars for us end consumer minions... just a few high-end Sports and Concept vehicles, innit?
  19. Be very careful in future. We have the same thing here in Reading - Bikes allowed in bus lanes, including the contra-flows, along with taxis and bicycles. Well-known fact throughout the whole Shire Of Berks. However, a few are NOT allowed and you really have to look at each individual sign to avoid getting caught. I know several riders who've fallen foul
  20. Welcome! Good bike, that! It doesn't matter what age you are, so long as you ride
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