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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Firstly, check the 'silly mistake' stuff - Is the caliper assembly relatively clean and corrosion-free? Did you snag one of the seals when pushing the pistons back on? Is the existing fluid in the reservoir contaminated? Did you completely flush out the old fluid and/or are you using old brake fluid (which absorbs an alarming amount of water from the air, reducing it's efficiency)? Secondly, more 'silly mistake' if you aren't already familiar with the procedure - are you sure you're bleeding it right? 1/. Close nipple. 2/. Top up fluid. 3/. Pump brake handle a few times, until it starts to get stiff. 4/. Hold brake in tight. 5/. Open nipple until brake goes back against grip. 6/. Close nipple. 7/. Release brake. 8/. Pump up again and repeat from 3, topping up fluid as needed. Some people swear by these little bleed tubes (Oxford make one called the Little Bleeder, IIRC), which attach to the bleed nipple and are a non-return valve designed to make things easier. It can sometimes take a good few minutes to properly clear out all the air and get decent pressure built up. If, after about 20 minutes, you have no joy, then consider removing the caliper, stripping it down and giving it a good clean out. It's easy when you know how and is detailed in the workshop/service manuals, but we can probably talk you through it.
  2. Most frequent riders hate going pillion as their rider NEVER rides the way you like it and you can't help but get picky, especially when they do things like ride too close to the vehicle in front, ride the clutch around corners and roundabouts, etc etc... So long as I have a decent backrest and can therefore sit back without having to hold on anywhere, I'm mostly fine with it. Not holding on means I am more stable, less fidgety and pose no distraction to the rider = Better ride!! NOTE: Only men with inferiority complexes and/or small penises call it "Ridin' Bitch". For the rest of us, your pillion is now a multi-function facilitator, who will fill whichever role(s) you need at the time. For example: Cameraman, Navigator, DJ, Police & Speed Camera Lookout, Weapons Operator, etc... You call it Ridin' Bitch... I call it having the ability to employ a pump action shotgun!!
  3. Ah, disregard my last - I'd actually been watching one of the follow-up videos - Drag race of BMW HP4 vs Ariel Atom vs Citroen DS3!! Needless to say, the bike won by a clear mile!!
  4. How about Bike Trader?
  5. Bracknell, Berkshire. Nine Mile Ride, from about 2am onwards... why do you ask?
  6. Assuming you have an '09 XJ6-N, the manual sayeth: Minimum (soft): 1 Standard: 3 Maximum (hard): 7 Download a FREE pdf of the Owners Manual from the official Yamaha website - Just input your bike details and away you go. Takes a few seconds: http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/services/owner-manuals/index.aspx
  7. The Nazzies tried this in WW2. All subjects died due to progressive degredation of the circulating sustenance. You've clearly been watching those Human Centipede movies again...
  8. You'd collapse into yourself, becoming a black hole and would thus be technically immeasurable. However, your mass and gravitational would probably increase, so we'd still get to call you a fat fucker!!
  9. On the side of the bike it says it's a BMW HP4. I guess it's a BMW HP4, then!!
  10. Yes, which is why most mobile phones usually come with a hands-free headset or something.
  11. If it's a normal cheap (sub £30) keyboard, unplug it and rinse it out under the tap!! If it's something like a G19, as I have, you might wanna look into something a bit more professional:
  12. With any bike above 125cc, I'd personally not trust anything than a properly riveted chain, which you do with the splitting/rivetting tool. Heard too many stories of the open-link ones coming apart and ripping legs, wrecking gearboxes, causing crashes while banked over, etc...
  13. Front of head - Predator. Side of head - Prey.
  14. Prezident Foameh is fine. I'll just take Lord Mayor of London, thanks... I'm already 43rd Earl of Reading, so the transition shouldn't be a problem.
  15. Jeez... if that's your understanding of lightspeed, no wonder I'm the only one on the forum they allow to fly the Millenium Falcon!!! Makes .5 past Lightspeed you know... Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.... Mm. Better than that - Why'd he put both our eyes at the front of our heads, a trait almost exclusively indicative of predators? Never met a vegetarian who can argue against that... usually they then surrender to bacon sandwiches!! Ask her why Christians, who are supposed to be meek, inherit the Earth and turn the other cheek, so often turn out to be arrogant, hypocritical pricks completely different to anything they insist you should be... Personally, I don't care what religion someone is as long as they're nice. I've read Bible, Qur'an, Torah and a number of other texts - The one rule and the one thing they're all really about is not being a cnut. Simple as.
  16. Ooh.... ouch!! Somebody's on 'Sniffer Dog Shit Clearing' detail for the next few months, after this!!
  17. The British lack of tolerance for mistakes is supposedly because our standard of driving is actually quite good overall here. But yeah, having watched some of those vids and been an avid fan of all the traffic cop shows, people's attitudes really are about taking whatever they can because they (think they) can - Case in point, woman clearly driving the wrong way around a roundabout because she didn't want to queue for 30 seconds. Cars smash into each other all the time, on the basis that getting there first equals Right Of Way. On the A406 once, I saw two cars overtake a truck, one either side and then pull into the 2nd lane at the same time. They bashed into each other once... twice and then slammed, resulting in both skidding out, blocking right across the white lines and blocking up all three lanes of the fuck-off busy London North Circular for half an hour!! The only difference between what goes on when we're involved is that we usually die while they just get scratched paintwork. When 87% (it's gone up by 1%) of bike accidents involving another vehicle are because that other does not look, you either stop riding and go cower under you desk or you take action - I don't have time to discuss it politely over tea and biscuits like RJH there!!
  18. No, I was right in front of it with the fucker hurtling toward me faster than I can run... That's not safe. That's about 14" away from being hit at around 45mph. Dunno if you've ever stood in front of a speeding car, but it's pretty fucking dangerous and not somewhere I'd choose to be. You fucking WHAT??!! Ah, armchair warrior. Slam door, all manner of damage, paralysed driver, lawsuit, prison sentence... no thanks. A simple beat-down on my own terms and under my own control is far less likely to result in serious injury, especially as he'd have to throw the first punch. Kick off mirror - Bill for £50 and a driver too frightened to commit several crimes at once... for at least a week or so! I was just over 9 back then, yes... well, 9st at 5' 11", with most of that weight being bone and what little muscle I had. Why do you think I'd taken up boxing? You're right. I should just let them sideswipe me and kill me, right? After all, I'm just a bike and they're in a car - Not like they're even supposed to care, right? They're allowed to just run us down and carry on about their day, right? It's their god-given right to kill us granny-raping, baby-eating speed demons anyway... that *is* what the Highway Code says, right? Paragraph 6.11, right before it says, "Indicators? Nah, don't worry about them, mate. People will move out of your way"... right? Fuck you and anyone else who isn't paying attention on the road. Your inability to turn your head is NOT permission to sideswipe and kill me and I'll kick merry fucking hell out of your car if it means you wake up, back the fuck off and dont succeed in your murderous idiocy. Never come close to having a near miss, no. That's what defensive riding is about. When cars can't see you because they're not looking, can't hear your horn because their stereo is too loud and they're on the phone, others have left you no room to brake/accelerate/manoeuvre and one is headed toward you - What you YOU do, know-all? Turn the other cheek? Let them kill you? I've made errors in cornering, riding over diesel, misdirection and so on, sure, but NEVER close to killing someone and certain never moving without looking or indicating - Those are basic fundamentals. Most people should. There's usually a reason your car gets a kicking... They'd best kill me then, because I will NOT accept some dickhead like that without a fight! Defer to common fucking sense and what works in the real world. Or just turn the other cheek and await your death at the hands of some fucking dickhead because you can't defend your own riding.
  19. First and only post. Rest of channel comprises six videos, all RTAs. Troll-Spam, methinks.
  20. Normally you just pull out the pivot pins, chuck the pegs on eBay and put the new boards in using the same pivot pins. R-clip or cotter/butterfly pin to keep it in place and job done.
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