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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Hey, I deal with Network Rail - We go screaming round to their site for "Emergency Works", only to be told the earliest we can have a track possession is April... in the year 2039... and they actually are serious about it!!
  2. You do realise I wasa Mortar Gunner? I can lob a string of high explosive shells with pinpoint accuracy from 2,000 yards out and be relocating before the first one has even landed. I think I can manage to hit the front lights of a car at most speeds... and if not, it'll be the windscreen!! Kev, no worries about yer lights, mate... I'll just get blinded and end up crashing 42st of bike through yer windscreen!!
  3. MY Dragon's Den moment - Auto-targetting system that shoots out oncoming headlights that are more than 5 lumens brighter than the sensible limit? Yes Theo, I am spending your children's inheritance on weaponry... hey, it worked out OK for Tony Stark!
  4. You should try round here AEF - It was so foggy that NO-ONE had fogs on apart from bikes and most cars that were white or grey didn't even bother with dipped lights!
  5. OK, so what about me? I *do* have glasses and my vision is spot on with them, yet I still get blinded by some cars! I also ain't that old, either...
  6. Also, some people's eyes are just more sensitive to bright lights and glare, mine included. Not an evening goes by when I don't bitch about how bright some dickhead's headlights are. Usually it's 4x4s, vans and Beemer/Audi types.
  7. Yeah, but you're in Canada, Feliks. From what I understand, your fellow countrymen have a far less cavalier attitude toward their vehicles' roadworthiness? Here, many are still trying to understand what the '710' cap is for and why they should have to service a car - Seriously, a good mechanic friend of mine currently has three vehicles in his workshop for major works, because the owners have *never* had them serviced... ever. One of them has done over 40,000 miles!!
  8. I live down the exact same kind of road... partially. The rest is proper country road, barely tarmacked and with no markings, lights or anything. Rain on the visor makes it even worse! I know my local roads well - every bend, every puddle, every pothole and can often just 'aim' off around the oncoming lights, though I've no clue how car drivers manage it. Going slower helps the ol' dicky ticker, as you're more likely to be able to stop in whatever distance you can see to be clear... assuming some prick hasn't parked on the roadside opposite a junction, or anything. Some people advocate looking toward the kerb, but that fails when there's only a dark ditch or something. If the lights are THAT bright, you can try flashing them and see if they've: a) got their high beams on and if they're switched on enough to understand and turn then down. Chances are, they're just badly adjusted and/or the driver doesn't give a fuck, so call them a cunt as you go by. If you have cars following, you can always pull in and let them pass, before following their lights as a guide. There is NEVER any shame in riding safely. Having a brighter headlight and additional lights fitted that illuminate the sides of the road can help, as you'll often see more by which to judge your position. Not sure how the little DT would cope with extra lights, though. I also hear tell that praying to your choice of deity is of use to certain people...
  9. Ttaskmaster

    Fly screens

    If it's a piddly little pissy flyscreen, then don't bother. The (Arse)Bandit hire bike has one and it does nothing except direct the wind, rain and cold right into my face, torso and hands. The FJ has a proper windscreen and even though I am taller than the rider height it was designed for, I still only get rain at the top of my lid. Torso is fine, hands are fine and if you duck into a half-racing crouch you can hear nothing but the engine. It's lovely in there. I might even get the taller touring screen! I've ridden a Dragstar for several years at speeds up to 107MPH (indicated) in standing temperatures of -7ºC (that's a wind chill -35ºC) and it was hell keeping warm... but your neck muscles will eventually build up after about two years of this and you end up looking like Noise, so it's still viable to ride an unscreened bike!
  10. Ttaskmaster


    I love that place for the parts microfiches... but the parts I need to fix my FJ were costing thousands from them!! Get the numbers and check out UK sources. Getting the same parts sourced from my Owners Club has cost me just under £300, by comparison!!
  11. Strip and clean the whole carb. Always a good starting point, just to make sure everything works and will help eliminate several points all at once.
  12. There must be a way to fab up a simple bracket and place them somewhere better... But TBH, anything will be better than the Drag horn.
  13. I just get wet and deal with it...
  14. That there is good riding, Well done, fella! Can't really blame the car driver too much, as they were at least indicating *before* moving and if you were in the blind spot they may not have been able to see you, regardless of whether they checked or not. It happens...
  15. By default, it seems to be hidden. I just looked at your profile and cannot see an email address. The only people who can see it will be the Admins and possibly the Mods.
  16. Truncated form of 'web log'. A diary published online by the author and periodically updated with new entries. Tried one myself, once... Couldn't think of anything to write that other people would find interesting, although I also noted that half the blogs out there are long forms of the same wittering, shite you see on Facebook anyway!
  17. Basically, data about data. It's more complex than that, but for example - The Network Rail Crosslink project proposal is 18,000 document pages and 54 survey videos, which totals 826GB of data space. The videos are in MPG2 format and encoded in DX11, configured to run on PC or MAC. Stuff like that. And yes, I did make those numbers up.
  18. Maaaaaaaaaaaybe....... maybe not. Depends on the insurance company. In my experience, most will insist that the insured person is the registered keeper and main rider. You could possibly insure it yourself and have him as a named rider, but if you have another bike the company might not do that as it would mean your father could technically ride it every day. As I see it - Sign the bike over to him. Get the insurance as if he were the registered keeper and IMMEDIATELY afterward, send away the V5 (just in case you need the details on it while arrangingthe insurance). It won't cost you anything to transfer it over and so long as he keeps the little New Owner slip until the new V5 arrives, his insurance it will be completely legal. Chat with his insurance company and see if they will let him add it as a second bike to his existing policy. Many will do this for small amounts (I had one quote of £2 to add a second bike, once). Again, he might have to be the registered keeper, but see what they say.
  19. I'd joke about how that was the year I was born in... but even my wife isn't *that* young!!
  20. Technology is easy... it's what people do with it that is getting silly!
  22. I rather enjoyed this guy's Vlogs: Might have something to do with him riding an FJ1200, of course, but it's pretty good. Best advice I can think of... - Make sure your video shows both the forward view and your instruments, as both will be of interest to viewers. - Have something interesting to talk about. - Avoid lots of umms, errs and long.... empty... pauses... in your... chat.
  23. The shop is for members only, but at £17 annual fees and all the benefits, you'd be silly not to!!
  24. Slice, dude... You know that FJ Owners Club I keep going on about? The one with the members' parts shop? You'll never guess what they have there!! £7.60 - Black engine paint, enamel £4.49 - Silver frame paint, metallic £4.49 - Grey wheel paint, metallic All in the exact, correct colours!! http://www.fjcatalogue.com/paint.html
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