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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Some bike parts shops will make one up to your required length. Depends on the end fittings, although having a braided line made is one way to get a decent result. Depends what you can afford.
  2. Meh... some prick is bound to bash you off it, just so they can laugh, SMIDSY and run!!
  3. Sorry, *what* was it you're telling him to do, again...? I'm sure you said, but I must have missed it!!
  4. Trip his kill-switch. That ought to keep him confused for a few days and maybe even convince him to give up the road altogether!
  5. That's what this forum is really all about.. helping that is, not drinking, although both kinda go hand in hand!
  6. Does the clutch have any adjustment in it? Could be worth altering that, for the biting point issue you're having. The throttle... Whenever you simply let go of the throttle on a V-Twin, it will lurch forward (or rather throw you forward), as that is the nature of engine braking on a vehicle with lots of low-end torque. Consequently, whazzing it open and feeling the reverse is also a feature of low-end torque. That's the raw muscle of a Cruiser and one reason we love them so much!! Give it another go, but be properly gentle on the controls. As I recall, you're around Reading somewhere? If you like, I can nip round or meet you somewhere local this weekend and have a look at the bike, offer a second opinion?
  7. Silly question - I assume you've been riding several years? Tried many other bikes in that time? It could just be breaking in, it could just be you not used to the controls and setup/feel, it could need minor adjustment to your specific requirements... or it could be a turkey that needs taking back. Do the cheapest/easiest stuff first - Take it back and see what they say. Point out that it's not like the test bike. Let us know how you get on.
  8. So... you're saying I've scared off another new member, yeah?
  9. Google Translate is my friend... I just have no idea what I may have *really* said!! Even my Afrikaans is probably better than that!
  10. I was thinking of trying Fox's, actually. It's been far too long since I went up those roads... and plus I need to go lid shopping!
  11. Groeten! U kunt verwachten dat mensen verzoeken u in het Engels spreken. De meesten van ons gebruiken Google Translate te proberen te begrijpen .. en de taal klinkt heel vreemd! Ook wordt verwacht dat u ons iets vertellen over jezelf. Gewoon een paar zinnen komt goed. Anders verwachten een belasting van vriendelijke fietsers te zijn ... goed, fietsers! Welkom op het forum! Greetings! You can expect people to request that you speak in English. Most of us will use Google Translate to try and understand.. and the language will sound very strange! Also, it is expected that you tell us a bit about yourself. Just a couple of sentences will be fine. Otherwise, expect a load of friendly bikers to be... well, bikers!! Welcome to the forum!
  12. When are we 'Readingensians' gonna get to see it? Viewing party at X-Kid's place?
  13. Always put the disclock behind and right up against the brake caliper, for this exact reason. We had this rider in a club I once belonged to - Rode a clapped out NTV. Hopped on, revved the nuts up off it, and roared away... forgetting that he'd put the disclock right *in front* of the caliper. He got about 7 feet along the road, before it had a fit and flipped him off, in front of a few hundred onlookers outside the Ace Cafe!!
  14. I think it looks fucking WICKED, dude!!! Classic design, but with very modern and subtle restyling. Really love the classic Yamaha decals, too!! That is one seriously tidy looking machine!
  15. FUCK YEAH!!!!! I really wanna see this - Anyone know how to make the sun come out?
  16. eBay can be good. ALso check places like PartFinder and have them ring round breakers yards.
  17. Non, non, monsieur!! Non touche le Ttaskemastre, sil vous plait!! C'est un objet d'Art - C'est nes pas un objet d'Sexualle!! Merci...
  18. You can always scrub the chrome off and paint it... I hear black is the new black!!
  19. Been looking in for a while... and yet you STILL decided to sign up??!! Wicked!! Welcome to the nuthouse!!
  20. "Had have"? "typo's" (possessive)? No use of commas?
  21. Some disclocks come in two or three different sizes, but most bike shops will let you test-fit it if your bike is parked right outside. Xena disclocks have alarms on them as well, which is pretty cool. Swords... swords are good. Tasky likes his swords... and cudgels and Quarterstaves and bilhooks and flails and threshalls and, and, and.... OK, I'll shut up now!!
  22. Greetings from the Not-A-City of Reading!!
  23. Oxford are okay..... bit run-of-the-mill, though. Almax chains are pretty damn impossible to bolt-crop, but the Squire padlock they come with is fecking easy to pick open, though. Try and get something like an Abloy disc detainer padlock for it.
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