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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. A few quid and a few minutes of your time. Certainly a lot less than Timpsons or anyone else, including official dealers.
  2. Try the B2160 heading from the A21 into Paddock Wood. Used to do that every time I visited the Mrs (we both have Drags). Some great twisties around that area and Box Hill none too far, either. There's another biker cafe closer, but I can't remember the name.......
  3. Ttaskmaster

    oh FFS

    Rank? Also, who's your C.O.? Not a fella called Flt. Lt. Kev Buchannan, by any chance?
  4. I have the benefit of both seeing it do exactly that and of common sense. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, mate. They do like to prey on the newbies and the naive. Do make them feel like the c**ts they are, though. Consider finding another dealer as well. My local Yammie bods know very well they lost the sale of a brand new FJR1300 simply because of trying the same shit with me. They also know I'm making a point of buying from either Honda round the corner, or from the Yammie guys in Newbury, JUST so I don't give them my money. Of course, with that goes all the servicing and maintenance too. If these guys continue to be obstinate pricks, do give me their number!!!
  5. Angel Eyes? You gone up the local Clubhouse and done something very brave and/or silly?
  6. Ttaskmaster

    oh FFS

    Should have guessed you'd be a Sprog!!!!!! What Squadron are you with?
  7. "Ahhhh, you lot iz all pussies, coz I haz a 'Busa an' I done 215 round teh M25 an' got mah knee daahhhhhhhhhn, innit?" Only time I get mine down is when checking the oil. I've ridden with several fast people and to be honest, I prefer sitting back and riding like a Psychic, rather than a Psycho. Why do I feel like Psychic? Well, each of the aforementioned people have come this ][ close to smacking into something because they were riding like twats..... whereas I saw the said somethings waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and just adjusted my riding to cater for it. There is no substitute for making the hardest parts seem easy as feck!!
  8. YOU FECKING WHAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK...... Go back there and punch whoever said that, right in the face!! Seriously, put their nose through the back of their head. Then demand a free replacement bulb for the speedo light. OF COURSE there's a fucking light!!!!!! How else does the speedo light up when you switch the lights on, eh???!!! They are taking the piss, dude. Page 249 of the Clymer manual (don't have teh Haynes one) shows you the lighting system wiring diagram. It's a 12v 1.7w bulb. Page 279 shows you the bulb specs. Not actually looked, so I'm not sure how to change them, but THERE IS A LIGHT ON THE SPEEDO, else you'd be speeding in teh dark and not have a clue!!!!
  9. If you want to drive or ride for a living, have you considered the Army? Or the Air Force? In the MT pool, you get to drive all sorts of ma-HU-ssive things, go blasting down country lanes, screaming round the base and crazy stuff like that. Could even get to drive some armour, maybe..... Plus you get to play with guns and oggle girls in uniform, get oggled by girls who love men in uniform and generally have a good time of things!!!! ARMY BE THE BEST
  10. You also have to ride in ALL weathers and get the job done. However, it does give you an excuse to blaze down the motorway like a loony......
  11. Scouses vary, I find. Some are great, some are grating. Prefer Geordie overall, I think. Norfolk, West Country, Cornish, Somerset and all the 'countrified' ones are cultural musts, along with a well-spoken Londoner (think Ray Winstone)!! Most Scots are just brilliant as are most Irish - Daragh O'Malley has all the best lines in Sharpe!!. One I find particularly fascinating are the South African dialectic variations, from Durban and Maritsburg, through Jo-burg to a deep Pretorian and then the very groovy Cape!! Welsh, spoken properly, is quite dreamy..... and yes, I do happily watch Torchwood with the wife just because of Gwen!! Jack is entertaining, but I do like a bit of Gwen Still no idea where to get a fleece, though
  12. Sorry, the polite version of that is 'Nope'. You would need considerably fast traffic updates and to know where they relate to etc etc. None of the couriers I know care for the things. However, for advice and to chat with some who have done/still do it, just drop by some of the companies or hang around outside and chat to them when they nip out for a ciggy. The Rider's Digest can probably be of use too, as I believe they set up their publication as a 'By Couriers, For Couriers' sort of mag to read while waiting for a pick-up/drop.
  13. You could have some custom made by any of the biker patch makers out there. Some may refuse on the grounds of copyright, but not all......... Either that, or see about buying (or just getting) them directly from the companies. Free advertising can't be a bad thing!!
  14. Hee hee!!!!!!!! According to the Nation-State of Britain, I am Scottish.... But only because they think being born there makes me so. I have some kind of distant tie to the MacDougal and MacLeod clans, but that's about it. I lived all my life (bar a four-day bike tour) in England, being raised English and so on. My father's and most of my mother's family are English through and through. I only claim Scots heritage when it get's me free drinks Nah, as for the accent - I just happened to be thinking that way at the time. I'm surrounded by very different and strong accents most of the time, so I latch on to the ones that sound nice.
  15. None of our local places have 'em..... I just asked!! They're also typically clueless as to if and when they will get them.
  16. You would be, wouldn't you - It's Classic styled
  17. Wonderfully tolerant, Miss G!! I'd have locked him up in a dark room with Pee Wee Herman and a bucket of liquorice allsorts..... Not for his transgressions, you understand. But simply for laughs!!!!! Hey, it's a free thread - Play with it and have fun, eh?
  18. Weight may be low down, but that still means nothing when you're having to wrench it about. If you slip slightly, you're still going down. Thats the same reason I declined a Pan and an FJR1300. Nice enough, but a touch too big and heavy to allow for the sort of things I have to do with them. They're like a thick, thick woolen jumper compared to a thermal mid-layer. Either way, the 950 seems nice enough, but I still prefer the pseudo-retro look of the Customs.
  19. She's right!! The biggest problem is usually the lights. Front and rear mountings for the light assemblies are tremendously different between the Custom and Classic. The Custom needs the indicators shifting if ever you want to wear decent sized saddlebags. The front assembly is also different. The Classic has them on a bar, the Custom has them clamped directly to each fork. Mudguards, body colour scheme, fork sleeves, even the headlight assemblies themselves are different. Post some pics, so we can see what we're dealing with.
  20. My other half wants it on her bike because she keeps burning her leg on the custom exhausts!! They don't come with heat shields and she's short It comes in different colours (mwah-hah-hah-hah) and, done properly, it looks good. Guy at work has it on his Harley and it looks fantastic.
  21. Ye asked Yamaha directly?
  22. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenteresting..... Have you a screenCap from the PDF manual or anything?
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