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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Feck, OT...... Come summer, that should sell for around £2300!!! Seriously, wait a touch and flog it when the market's good!!
  2. Ttaskmaster

    car drivers

    Just to add to this, here's an experience from last night. Pulled out of work and turned right onto a normal urban road, 40 limit. My ongoing lane is clear. The oncoming lane is solid, stationary traffic. I'm moving up just past 25 when it happens... Bloke in an Estatey Volvoey thing decides he can pull out of the line and blast down my lane. I know he's seen me. He flashes his lights a couple of times as I approach. I have seen him move out and am already slowing, planning an exit. He flashes his lights a couple of times and beeps his horn. I hear his engine rev as he speeds up. Slowing further, I shift down into first and swerve to the extreme left, narrowly missing his right wing. Having partial target lock, I catch him smiling and waving. I'm supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a passing apology..... But he is a cock and I have no doubt.
  3. 'S okay. We do get a bit arsey about such things, for one simple reason; Walking into a forum and going, "Hey, vote for me", "Tell me how to fix my bike", "Show me where to find accessories" and whatever else people tend to ask is exactly the same as going into a pub or biker cafe you've never visited before and saying the exact same things. Consequently you get the exact same "eh? Who the f**k are you?" response...
  4. Buy a flame thrower - They're cheaper!!
  5. Ttaskmaster

    car drivers

    What, of my imaginary BMW driver's private bits? Well, he's imaginary, so use your imagination :-D
  6. Uh-huh........ Sorry, but why should I vote for you? "As some of you on here may know, I’m into my RD’s and TZR’s" That is all I know about you and, given that this is your only post - not even a 'hello' in the introductory threads - I doubt anyone else here would know you.
  7. Ttaskmaster

    car drivers

    And every biker should be made to learn how to drive a car and a truck. That way they can appreciate how car drivers might not see them. Every cyclist who runs a red light should get run over.
  8. Ttaskmaster

    car drivers

    Oh really? Well, watch me crash my BMW Executive 7-series turbo charged box into your flimsy bike and see who survives. I survive, which means I'm right. I'm also right because I'm a company rep and I have a big willy. Truth is, there are many reasons why they do what they do. Lack of attention, stupidity, lack of judgement, delusions of performance and even on purpose. The hard fact of riding is that you cannot fight back. You must be defensive all the time, else you risk someone being a murderous c**t and wasting you, before simply driving away in the knowledge that they won't get punished. There are people that will give way to offensive riding, but you won't know who they are until it happens.... and if it's not going to happen, the only time you'll find out is when it's too late. If this concept is too much for you to deal with, drive something bigger (an APC is my personal choice) and bully them back.
  9. Define "looks good". I think the 700 Deauville 'looks good'. So does the Hayabusa, Rocket III and several other different bikes. What look are you going for? As for commuting, the Drag will do it. Do not expect to be as amazingly nippy as a CG125 or anything, but you will be surprised at how nippy you still are. Remember that you're still a massive cruiser and your bars are close on 3' wide. Comfort is a matter of opinion. A lot of short-arses get cruisers because they're low to the floor. They forget that you need loooooooooong limbs to reach the controls. However, the Drag is quite forgiving of this and at 5' 11", I found it was ultimately too small for me to be comfortable beyond about 150 miles. Even my 650 is a touch on the tiny side. Overall, a very good bike (but I hate chain drives), light enough to chuck about in the twisties and manhandle into tight parking spaces. It's a reasonable deal. Not amazing, but reasonable. You can find better with a bit of a Google.
  10. Just shell out and get new ones, mate. I did this a few months ago and everything has improved dramatically. Mine were £80 for the pair, but I'd expect yours to be less.
  11. There was a time when people who'd crashed their sport-ish style bikes Fightered them because it was cheaper than rebuilding. However, neither the term nor style originated here. It's mostly modding for reasons of handling, performance and function. Wiki will have some info about it, I'm sure.
  12. Same way as how you conquered all the fears you had when first learning to ride. Do it right, survive it, learn the limits, rinse & repeat.
  13. Ttaskmaster

    car drivers

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. Cars own the road. The road was created for them. You are a motorbike. You don't belong on their road. All you motorbikers ride far too fast and dangerously, cutting cars up and being invisible. You should all be banned from the road. Next week: Lorry Drivers.
  14. Goff..... I love you!!!!!!! If you read David Hasselhoff's and William Shatner's Auto-Bios, you'd realise that all other men are lower life forms and you shall only find true sexual satisfaction by sleeping with one of them. If you read George Takei's, you'll get the distinct, yet subtle hint that Shatner is a prick who has only recently started earning respect by sending himself up in his later movies. Mine for the good work she does. Promoting better riding is an admirable deed. Never thought I'd say this, but I respect Will Smith more every time I hear about him. Never loses his temper and starts decking photographers (Russell Crowe), never does anything stupid that makes him an obvious target (Hugh Grant) and is generally a nice guy about it. If he's ever done anything bad, I've not heard of it. Compare him to, say..... (tries to think of her name)..... Oh, that Kerry Katona. Only thing I know about her is she's famous for doing drugs and making an arse of herself. Start with how long you've been riding, how many miles you've done and how many accidents you've had (or not had). That seems to me a fairer vote-earner than whatever your vital stats are. I promise that if I'm impressed I will give you a 10.
  15. True, but inaccurate. In fact, they're so busy trying to hang on for dear life as they accelerate towards 60 in less than 3 seconds, that not enough blood reaches the brain and they cannot remember to change up into 2nd gear!!!
  16. I park and block them in, before going into teh shop and lodging a complaint immediately. Security at the local Tesco are all bikers, so they happily assist In the past I've leaned against the cars while smoking a ciggy and staring at the ma-HOO-ssive sign that says, "Motorcycle Parking Only". Whenever said fuckwitts take exception to me, I point out that it's a private car park, monitored by a private clamping firm who can legitamately ticket and/or clamp any car in the bike bay. It's probably true as well!!
  17. Depends on your perspective. If I were a woman (not a girlie, though), I probably would find him attractive. He's got that mischevious twinkle in his eye and far more personality than half the shite out in Hollywood. As is, I'm a bloke, so I can only admire what he does. When they can't handle the shallow world of glossy mags, they expose the lot and end up in top shelf mags. I love the whole "It's degrading to women" argument, though - If it's degrading, how come so many millions of women in teh UK alone are making such a tidy career out of doing this stuff voluntarily, then? We don't see them complaining when they get the paycheques, do we???!!!! She can't be that good - I had to Google her name up to find out who the feck she was.... shortly before scanning her Wiki entry and then dissmissing her. Shall we count them? 1/. Sex-Obsessed Instructor 2/. Sex-Obsessed Examiner 3/. Sex-Obsessed head of biker chapter, with whom no-one dares argue OK, I speak from childish past experience and it's a rare occurrence, thankfully. Most bikers have gotten that title on merit alone and regardless of their gender.
  18. She can come on my motorbike any time she likes Neve's probably most famous for her starring role in the Scream movies (which she's sworn never to do again, thank feck) and the Three To Tango comedy. Well, that and the steamy scenes in Wild Things. She famously broke her own No Nudity contract rule for the 'artistic' When Will I Be Loved. I personally love her for all the charity work she does on the sidelines. Like Joan Jett, she does most of it on the quiet without any publicity. The only thing that gets any media interest is that she's the spokesperson for the Tourettes Association because people tend to know her brother is afflicted. Basically, she ticks all my boxes... aside from the brand of ciggies she smokes. Marlboro Lights - Urrrgh!!!!
  19. Following on from another topic, I thought I'd take -XX- up on her suggestion and start a thread all about how and why Neve Campbell is so adorable. Praise only, please - If you don't like her, start a thread about who you do like!!
  20. Of course it's a good idea. So few celebrities deserve the laudation they get. Fair enough, people like Brad Pitt can (and sometimes do) act well, but such worship on the basis that they're cute is such a waste. In which case it becomes the "Miss: I Think I'm Cute And Want People To Agree" competition, doesn't it? If I were a woman in this competition, I'm sure I'd want people to worship me because I raced and beat the feck out of Rossi, not because they liked the size of my tits. Don't get me wrong, BTW. I love decent breasts. But they have specific purposes and none of those include making someone a better rider.
  21. Some P&Ds will state that bikes park for free. It is lessening in some areas, though.
  22. If it's simply speed on the straight you want, pick a Hayabusa. Incidentally, a Rocket III is faster on the 0-10, 20, 30, 40 and 50mph marks than a 'Busa.
  23. Short answer - YES!! Given that there aren't many local Backpatch clubs and it's one of the smaller counties, Berkshire has a very high percentage of Cruisers!! I and the wife both own 650 Dragstars for starters. I have....1, 2, 3, 4....... Seven friends that I can think of who all ride Dragstars. Then there's a load of others that I see around. This is just Reading I'm talking about. Plenty of clubs, groups and all that who will welcome you with open arms, mate. Parts, servicing etc is fine and easy, although Yamaha are a tad expensive for OEM bits. Still, no problems though. A lot of the work you can do yourself, too. Quite a few owners and former owners here (myself included), all of whom will tell you it's a cracking ride and possibly the best 125 Cruiser you could ask for. Mine saw me happily through 12,000 odd miles.
  24. Track and Motorway are two very different roads. A lot of it is down to the dickhead (who thinks he's) in control of the vehicle. Flat out, bikes move faster but cars overall have a higher top speed, it seems. I'm talking actual top speed as things like lack of fairing greatly affect what you can and cannot do. I've 'beaten' cars on a 125 Dragstar down the motorway simply because of the way I rode and how I forced the other vehicle's hand. Everyone else beat me in a Mini-Moto Race evening simply because they were happy to risk (and actually cause) a crash by bashing me aside as they passed.
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