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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster


    Morning to you too, matey!! Just to clarify - UK Filtering is moving between two lanes of slow-moving or stationary traffic, at no more than 40mph (where the speed limit allows). It is also allowed on the M/C test, provided it is done safely. Any faster or with dramatic sideways steering and it's high-speed weaving, which is dangerous and illegal. Typically (and best) done by insane M/C couriers. Filtering is also applied to moving down the right side of single lanes of traffic, though technically it is overtaking and any cops who stop you for being a prick tend to view it as such. It must be understood that you have the right to filter but you do not have a right of way when doing so, just like overtaking on a single lane - You may do so if it's safe, but if there's anything oncoming then they win. Because there are no definitive rules, people push the boundaries on this and end up pissing other people off, crashing and riding obscenely. Hate them, by all means. I do. But back to the topic..... Who wants my love, then?
  2. Carole Nash actually did me the best deal.
  3. Hey Tom..... Nice sig, dude. "How much for de leetle girl? Your wife? Your daughters... sell dem to me... sell me your cheeldren!!!!!"
  4. Name them? OK - I name 'em Sam, Johnny, Nellie and Tarquin I'm naming the FZR thingy after a friend of mine called Sam, who owns one.
  5. Ttaskmaster


    Look closely - They're on the peg. The peg is (as always) very low-mounted. Where's the Smartass smilie? As for the Lane Splitting - Yes, it is illegal in some of the States. Here in the UK it's legal within certain parameters and, as mentioned, pretty much essential under certain conditions. AFAIK, there are no precise laws covering it, but a lot of guidelines within the riding instruction community. As for the 'Asshats' pulling in front of trucks, or cutting you up.... We call them suicidal tossers. Generally they crash somewhere further along the line. Oddly enough, over here I see far more cars doing that than bikers, though. As I've said before, you get good and bad in ALL categories. You tend not to notice the good ones. You really want me to inject my love into this forum??!!
  6. Ah, he can say what he likes, so long as he's got the balls to back it up face to face. I'm guessing that, like so many others, he hasn't.
  7. Transport for gentlefolk? That'd be a Deauville, surely?
  8. Personal attacks on me are allowed, so long as you do it in person and you fully understand me when I tell you I'm armed
  9. See, see - water!!!!!!!! A-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hahhhhh!!!!!!!
  10. Have you modified the machine into a state that you personally feel is great? Then who else's business is it what you do with your own bike? Unless you ask for an opinion, it doesn't really matter. Your bike, do what ya want with it, fella!!!
  11. WTF???!!! Did someone's finger go through the toilet paper, or something??!!
  12. Ttaskmaster


    But you ride a GSX-R, so how does your opinion count?
  13. Monday is always hilarious... Usually because the boring bastards at work dare to enquire what I got up to at the weekend!!!! I then proceed to shame them with my tales of High Adventure*!!!! But back to the topic - Go on then, fella. Have your say. Speak to us about the technique of downshifting. Seriously, do. I can't be arsed to talk about it again, so you have a go. Plenty on here that will benefit!!! Share the knowledge!!! *Yes, I am indeed Conan The Barbarian
  14. Check it with a colourtune kit. Comprehensive instructions are included.
  15. Water works rather nicely too, I think
  16. No problem with added safety options, so long as they are practical and do not take away the responsibility from people. So long as drivers, riders, pilots or whatever still feel scared of getting hurt enough to play it safe and operate their vehicles in an acceptable fashion.
  17. I'd never bother. Mine works fine the way it is and my riding has thus far kept me quite safe. Loud Pipes sometimes get you noticed. The attention is not always the welcome kind as people don't always give a shit and/or will be purposely evil.
  18. I'm sure the airbags are a good idea, but there's no substitute for driving skill. Secondly, I can't afford a jacket like this. Heck, I only just have an armoured jacket because it was reduced from £180 to £30 as End Of Line stock. As Gas said, if these become law then I'm hanging up the bike leathers (except for special nights with the other half) and getting a nice, safe, protected APC. I won't be able to afford to ride.
  19. Loads of places, both here and in the US. In fact, Europe is pretty good, too. Just bear in mind that sometimes the Import Tax, international shipping etc makes it more expensive. Shop around and check prices before you buy. Start with a Google for things like Custom Cruiser Accessories
  20. Ttaskmaster


    Shit like this needs to be dealt with VERY harshly. I am talking extreme prejudice, but I doubt even that will stop this world from going even further up the creek than it already has. Give it about 10 years and we'll be living in a combined state of extreme dictatorship and outright anarchy.
  21. Depends entirely on yer bike. Most will sit with the wheel to the left. I prefer it that way as there's less of a chance that the bike will get blown over onto it's right hand side. Some, like the Virago 535, need the wheel turned to the right to engage the steering lock. Mine's to the left for this reason. I recommend you do likewise as you've an XVS650 too!!
  22. I'm sure that, if the government wants to enforce something, it will have been 'scientifically proven' in 'tests' that 'show' a 'significant reduction' in fatalities...... .....Just like that Mayor's Report that 'showed' how letting bikes in bus lanes actually increased dangers.
  23. She's had to go offline for a bit as her computer arrangements are being altered. She's in Reading, BTW.
  24. Seen a pre-restriction 'Busa with NoS and a few other such insane things added to it. Don't see the point myself, unless you're only going to use it on track.
  25. Indeed - Some rats look great!! Others do look shite if they're too messy. Thing is, Billy - If you style the rest of the bike to match the screen, you'd have an amazing looking deal, there!!
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