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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. The driver is a cock. I'm stating that as fact. I'm trying to figure if the rider could have avoided this...... Very Crazy and Dumb Accident, He Dont See It Come - The funniest home videos are here
  2. Once in a blue moon, maybe. Scrawny and proud of it, babe
  3. LOL! OMG, WTF, AOL!!! SLR, AJC, ATC, RGJ, BBC, SAS, OHC, RAF, MIT, MTP, ERV, SOP.... I could go on all day!!!!!
  4. Yep. In the UK every vehicle older than 3 years has to pass an annual test to certify it's roadworthiness. MOT Wiki Interestingly, my MOT tester checks BOTH brake switches as it's assumed you ride properly and use the front brake a lot more than the back.
  5. Never liked the L85s. Bits fell off them too much Nothing quite like racking the bolt back and having the cocking handle come off in your hand! Still got some of the old Radway Green 30rnd magazines and a few other bits, if you know anyone who might want 'em? I spent some time in the armoury at Brize and got to mess about with an HK53 - Like an MP5 but with 40rnds of 5.56. Never known anything so accurate!! How did you clip the L85 sling to your web belt?
  6. There's a reason why bikers with Cruisers have big muscles - Long time outside getting suntanned while polishing bike with Autosol!!
  7. Yep. Definitely British, then!!! Found Weapon. Always liked that term.... usually followed by the cliche, "Never been fired and only dropped once"!! Couldn't see your weapon in the other photos, though. I'm guessing you weren't allowed a sling because "that means you intend not to have your weapon to hand"? Oh, you still serving, then? Don't worry - I won't rat you out. Wanted to know what make & model they were. HPI usually tells me, 'cept these are all secrety secrety. I did. After seven years in the ATC I was all set to join the Rockapes, with hopes of joining 2 Sqn - The Parachute Training Flight. That or 63 QCS. They decided that they were not recruiting at the time and I ended up in the RGJ instead. Supposedly the Army was a good option, infantry in particular, because they run around in fields a lot more. Spent a few months being very disenchanted with what was marketed compared to what the reality of it was and the lack of professionalism happening. "A unit that prides itself on the soldier who thinks for himself".... Yeah, right. Only reason I didn't end up running twenty daily miles of "See that tree? Are you back yet?" is because I was the only one who kept my rifle clean. It pays to be a winner. Being a scrawny kid didn't help, either - Young, naive Southern kid amongst a section of very loutish Northerners. I knew more about weapons, kit, SOPs and even drill than the Cpls teaching us, but I couldn't make the physical grade. Ended up with a knee injury after being chucked over an 8' wall on an 'Initiative Exercise' and that was the end of my line. Guess it was a good thing in the end - It meant I could grow my hair stupidly long, learn some very brutal martial arts, meet women, play in a rock band and many other equally cool things. I was probably too independently minded anyway, though I have always loved messing about in a field and even today I still have Shiny Kit Syndrome. I just cannot walk past an Army Surplus stall at a rally without seeing if there's anything groovy to hand.
  8. Yep.... and BE GENTLE with the brakes. Be very careful how you ride and make damn sure your observation is top notch. That way you will lessen the chance of having to make an emergency stop and end up squeezing the less effective brakes. Just for the first 100 miles or so. Once they're bedded in you can relax a touch.
  9. Yes. I have some questions; 1/. Were you a Rockape, then? Can't make out your patches in the photos. Definitely a British unit as, aside from the Union Flag in the background, you still have your cabbage NBC kit while in the desert QMS not gotten round to issuing dessies, then? 2/. WHERE IS YOUR WEAPON???!!!! Unless that's it down below your left leg in the first photo, I can't see your weapon. Should have it within arms reach at all times!! 3/. Why does your bike registration not exist on HPI? You nick it off an SAS troopie of summat?
  10. +1 for Autosol. Works well enough on both Chrome and the Taskmistress's silverware.
  11. Bollock to that!! Don't bother with the Penguins, mate - Join the Rockapes and be a REAL man!!! Might even get to ride the combat motorcycles, too Ah, some good backroads round that way!! Just don't try them in the snow, eh. The guy who runs the Bristol branch went touring in France on his 50cc Scooter. I used to work for Reading branch, maintaining their fleet. Gave it over to one of the riders who does mechanics for a living. Horrible, horrible bikes if you're over 5' 9" or weigh more than 12st!!
  12. Pretty much as Gas Up says. It's easy enough, but I'd always recommend having someone walk you through it first time. On the brake caliper, loosen the top securing bolt and completely remove the lower one. This should allow you to hinge the caliper open without removing anything. You may have to replace the pad springs as well as the pads. Check Owners Manual. If in doubt, replace 'em. You can either take the reservoir top off, or loosen the bleed nipple and use a bleeding kit (one-way valve) when you push the pistons back in. Be careful with the new brakes for the first 100 miles or so as they're still bedding in and won't be as effective as you'll expect.
  13. I LOVE doing that to people!!! I look at my clearly empty wrist, I look at the sky, sniff the air or something like that. Sprinkling grass is a good one. Of course they think I'm a twat. The kick then comes when they ask the next person with a watch, only to have the exact same time given to them The secret is that they almost always ask me within a few minutes of me seeing what the time is. Can't do it now as I do actually wear a watch these days.
  14. Ttaskmaster

    Two up

    Opinion is - As a biker, you're an easily targettable minority, therefore you will be removed by attrition. "Bikers crash and die lots" is the propaganda line. Does this mean car drivers do not crash and die? Does this mean car drivers do not survive teh crash and spend the rest of their lives horribly disfigured? "Some bikes can go fast, therefore every biker is a speed freak". Does this mean I'm imagining the large volume of cars that overtake me doing 90-130mph, then? If he *did* do wrong, then he deserves punishment. If not, he needs defending. I can't see the video on this PC, but it possibly doesn't show the full thing. Plus, he's reportedly admitted to speeding anyway. Fact is the government and you, The Public, are mindless morons who are being walked over and pissed on by anyone who reckons they can get away with it. Do something or expect to die horribly slowly, alone at night on some abandoned road when some speeding cnut, busy on their mobile, knocks you off and drives away scott-free.
  15. Yep, it is. Take off the petrol cap. Note there's a cylindrical cavity that the cap fits into. Fill to the bottom of that. Myself, I tend to keep chucking in a little extra until the level sits just below the indented ring halfway down the cylinder. However, I then ride at least a good 10 miles thereafter, for I do a fair bit of distance. I also rev the nuts off it through riding it always in the power band and so use a lot more fuel. Very pretty shot there, Pete!! Welcome to the club!!!
  16. Ttaskmaster

    Two up

    I agree - He's a moron. The term is "sped up". Verb, past tense and past participle..... Fecking moron!!!
  17. Don't really care so long as it ain't raining/snowing/freezing. Even then, half of that I can dress against.
  18. For 80s inspiration, look at Guns 'N' Roses, Gary Numan, any New Romantic (such as Heart) or Cock Rock band (Whitesnake, Van Halen), Depeche Mode, Joan Jett, Dire Straits...... Or pick an 80s TV show, like Knight Rider, Airwolf or The A-Team. Robin Of Sherwood was always good. Don't forget advertisements too - Something like The Honey Monster would go down nicely as you could really misbehave!!!
  19. Already have a set and yes, for the money they are very good. Smaller Cruisers will have to shift their indicators backward.
  20. Ttaskmaster

    Two up

    Depends where you do 122mph. There's generally a lot wrong with it. Try that along the A4074 and you become an instant cock. VFR800 rider I know has a habit of pushing 130 along here.
  21. Aw no, not another Harleys Rule, everything else is crap debate, is it? Let me settle it - Harleys are shite for TWO main reasons - They cost a fucking bomb and their customer service staff are wankers. 1/. For the price of a reasonable Harley I could have three (count 'em) reasonable nick Jap Cruisers. I'm sorry if owning a cheaper bike that does the same thing makes them think me me a lesser human being than a genuine Harley rider, but for the 69p it'd cost me to put a .45ACP round through their skull it's something I think they can forget. 2/. Harley customer services are shite. This remark from someone who actually works there. The claim is that she cannot do anything to resolve a customer's issue if the dealership won't cough up the cash to rectify it. Typically they won't, so the customer gets shafted. It's a cash cow and nothing more.
  22. Ttaskmaster


    It's an included feature of most Invision Power IP. Boards. Most other forum software has the same thing. The ONLY people who can see it are the Mods and the individual user. It's a private reminder to the user to say, "OI - You been warned". It's either that, or the Mods spend their lives sending PMs.
  23. Took me a sec to figure out what ye were on about!!! Depends who's having me. If you interpret it the way I do, them Me and Miss Goff are in for one heck of a time, I'm here ta tell ya!! Porn? Yep, we can arrange that. You want screened or live? There'll be a cover charge to enter the showing area and you can expect an additional Clean-Up charge... All proceeds to charity, of course.
  24. Ja, I know. It did Same back at'cha...... though I really am just a consultant technician. Wet is kinda nasty as I can never find waterproofs that don't leak at the crotch. Even me Lewis Leathers all-in-one went on the third use, though that was the zip. As for the Sixties.... Guess what kind of leather jacket I wear?
  25. Ttaskmaster


    It is indeed a warning meter. Only you can see your own. If you use the 'C' word, you might get a 10% warning. If you use it to insult someone and do so several times, you can expect something like 50-60%. If you slander someone, intentionally and severely break copyright, post a video of you raping a goat, or do something else that is expressly forbidden in The Forum Rules, expect a 100% and likely a permanent ban. It's basically a Naughty Meter so the Mods all know how bad you've been recently. I need to hospitalise someone - I've not been naughty enough and I'm hoping Mistress Goff will spank me at some point!!
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