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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Just bear in mind that we can't all leap to the rescue at a moment's notice... we have lives to lead and jobs to do. This is why you also make friends with the local mechanics, who can look at problems (which we can't do unless you get a camera).
  2. 30 secs to spare? Try to keep it above 10 minutes, else you'll be asked to join the Paras or the Regiment (RAF, not the one with the green boathouse).... or worse still, they'll make you a PTI!!!!!!
  3. Nothing wrong with DS, dude. If it was Britney Spears I'd have to shoot you, but no embarrassment here. Plus, they actually write and perform all their own stuff!!!!!
  4. Can be had for cheaper. Also, it's far cheaper than paying a mechanic with the right equipment to precisely set your mixture.
  5. Cheeky motherfucker......... I do so sincerely apologise for having to be away from my computer whilst working to fix a winter-damaged sewer pipe, that was causing a serious inconvenience to the paying members of our client base. I hope I didn't cause you any undue stress and worry by actually doing the work I'm paid to...... If you are unable to detect the scornful mocking in my reply, I suggest you sit down on a level crossing and consult your owners manual.
  6. As has been said of many conflicts - Whoever 'The People' are, if The People we're fighting for the freedom of don't like it, then we'll go elsewhere and let them lose the freedom they're whining about. Fuck 'em. When I look around my immediate world, I'm kinda glad I'm not fighting for this country. In it's current state I don't think it's got a great deal worth fighting for. Offering help to other countries if & when they ask for it is fine, but this place needs a serious arse-kicking and not just because of the immigrants, either. National Service'd be a good start.
  7. Bunch of wankers taunting and abusing MEN WHO ARE TRAINED TO KILL FOR A LIVING...... "Detail, load......." Should let them all be shot. You just don't have a go at the guys & gals who voluntarily defend you. I thought people might have learned from Vietnam.......
  8. Can't see the vid, but I'm guessing it's that English Self Defence one with the dude going ape and windmilling into students?
  9. Start by getting a Colortune kit and check your air/fuel mixture.
  10. Yep, AFAIK this is just consciously countersteering by leading with the shoulder/body. You actually do this anyhow, but in this 'emergency' situation, you do it faster than usual. You lean your body and the slight movement of the shoulders delivers the neccesary nudge to teh bars, thus countersteering. Better to get used to conscious countersteering anyway. That way you instinctively lead the movement from your hands and your emergency swerve will be faster than a body-led one.
  11. You do get what you pay for, though. About the only thing I have left that still does it's job is a disclock and that only because I am a locksporter who knows a bit about how to look after such things. The waterproofs aren't. The radio headsets are poorly wired. The jackets are a touch flimsy. They do for your first set of kit, but don't expect them to last more'n a couple of years.
  12. Everyone cares, everyone listens. No-one DOES anything.
  13. And you seem surprised that you get a 'Fuck Off' attitude. Kinda like if I'd started the whole 'women do not belong on bikes' debate.... Notice how few people actually bother buying expensive Harleys. Notice how few people actually spend £70 on underwear that says, "Harley Davidson". It's a rich man's thing and enough people don't care about (or aren't even aware that they are) paying well over the odds for decent customer service that Harley continue to make a very tidy profit. It's a club that excludes people who cannot afford them. They're no better or worse than any other bike, but people don't like being reminded that they can't be part of the club simply because they're poor.
  14. What, the David Essex song??!!
  15. A decent auto lockie should be able to impression the lock and cut you a new set of keys for a small sum. You can even find how to do it yourself if your Google-Fu is up to scratch. You basically need a wide hacksaw blade.
  16. So take the limit down and possibly save a mere 8%. They say it 'could' save this value, not that it will. I think people are just being popped at, though it's good to see all motorists being hit for once, rather than just bikers. We have a car now that can read road signs - WTF FOR????!!!! Are people no longer expected to possess this particular skill? Compare how we learn to drive to how they do it in Finland. Speed reductions will not help. Improved learning will. There's some other reason afoot here.
  17. I don't care. They test on animals. It's done in a legal fashion now, but CR UK and GlaxoSmithKline were two of the biggest illegal testers going. Either way, they're off my love list. TBH, I find if you dig deep enough, most charities have huge admin costs that drain the cash away and leave precious little. Amnesty lost my vote when they tried to prevent the death penalty for a serial rapist and murderer in an arabic land where the punishment was pretty standard for the crime. 'Human Rights' really don't mean much in that kind of case. Oxfam too have been called on how 60p of every pound is used to cover their admin costs. True. But a great deal of it is down to our chosen lifestyles. If anyone who drives a vehicle complains about my smoking, they get blasted with the full force of my millitant wit - I find it very hypocritical when someone hassles me for smoking, yet spend their time blasting about in/on a machine that spews out carcinogenic chemicals that poison everybody who lives near a road. Sad as it may be for those who have lost, some of it is just misfortune and Nature doing it's indiscriminate thing. Some of it is people being stupid - Like my cousin who suffered an embolism due to smoking. Person on a film/TV set who carries stuff, moves it about between locations etc. In short, the person who carried the cameras up the mountain (not the camera operator) as well as any other stuff like tables, chairs, tents and all that gubbins.
  18. If you're at Halton, you'll be doing your ground defence training with IGDT Flight RAF Regt. 1st aid, NBC, Weapon Training etc. This will probably involve a few exercises somewhere near the little CQB range. There is a canal nearby. DO NOT step into the canal. If you get the exercise where you have to build a bridge across it, DO NOT volunteer to step into it. The canal has several sewage outfalls that feed into it. The bottom of the canal contains raw sewage from properties to the West. Step in this for more than a few moments and your boots will NEVER shine again!!
  19. I think they only come as a set, mate. Might as well replace them both, anyway. If one's worn, the other might not be far behind.
  20. Oddly enough, I'm with Gas Up. I choose not to bother with 'human' charities very much. My personal ones are usually animal related, where I've seen and/or have knowledge of where the money is actually going. Two of them are small local wildlife recovery centres. Out of principle, I refuse to help Heart and Cancer charities - If it's a problem, people should exercise more and stop smoking. I smoke about 20 a day myself and I don't believe in scabbing off a charity due to a self-inflicted illness. Anything else has either been exposed as corrupt or failed to convince me of it's honesty.
  21. For bikey stuff, I'd add Magic Carpet Ride to the list and Silver Dream Machine just for a giggle!! However, I'm a big fan of Gary Numan, Joan Jett, Alannah Myles, Whitesnake, Tom Waits, The Sisters Of Mercy and Descendants Of Cain. Others feature too, but those are the ones I have the complete collections of.
  22. Fine. On that basis - I own a sword, which I know how to use, and I want to kill someone with it. It may well be fun to blast about but if it's breaking the law, it is breaking the law. Everyone may well do it all the time, but it's still no defence. No use moaning about governments clamping down by putting cameras everywhere. The MCN thing sounds like bullshit anyway, but even if it's not people will just find other roads to speed on. You already know where your local Gatsos are and just speed on the roads where they aren't. Who cares?
  23. You clicked to see the picture of your bike, right? MCN? What, More Crap than News? Sounds like foundless shit-stirring to me. Plus, if they do have fixed cameras, they should have it signposted too. Even if they don't have to, what are people doing exceeding the speed limit anyway?
  24. Reason I wondered was he was drifting right in his lane. My thought would have been to drift left and go around the back of Cock's car. Looks like he got quite hurt too.
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