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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Definitely give the ol Cruisers a go. Loads of leg room, upright position (or slightly laid back if you want), custom seating and all the biz. Once you get going on these things, they're very easy on the rider. If wind buffetting is an issue, you can always whack a screen on. Various sizes available to suit. Yamaha do the Dragstar in 125, 250, 400 (import), 650 and 1100. There's also a 1300, 1400, 1600 and 1900 versions. Possibly a couple in between as well. The Virago is also worth a look in. Suzuki do the Intruder and Marauder in various sizes, both retro and modern-styled versions. Kwak have the Eliminator, an older Drifter model and a couple others that I can't recall. For Honda bullet-proofness, check out the Shadow range. Then there's always the Harley and Victory stuff.
  2. 1/. They can fecking try me and see where they get. Please note, this applies to ALL persons bringing violence toward me, irrespective of religion, race, creed, colour, name, gender or anything else that may be considered negatively discriminatory. 2/. I'd like to know what the exact wording and justification of this Jihad is, before I take up arms here. I don't believe that it's as clean-cut as "Kill the Infidels". I suspect something has been missed in translation, similar to the Judaic 'unpronouncable name of God' thing.
  3. Crimony, dude.... LOVE your pipes!!! What did you do to blacken them like that? That IS the 650, chap. THAT is the factory standard seat I was telling you about in the other thread.
  4. Try just sweeping the stand up gently, rather than slamming? Maybe lube the stand pivot. WTF???!!! Cor, that is a bit on the hoofing side, mate...... Maybe the previous owner had a wide load for an other half? That's not the standard back seat for a 650 Drag, either. Plenty of custom seat makers out there, but maybe you can pick an original one from a breaker?
  5. Right on, Little Dave. We use a fair amount of those when formation riding, though half of it is common sense too.
  6. Pretty easily when the limit here is generally 60mph.....
  7. Nope. Both mine and the Taskmistress's 650 Drags do this. Be worried when the engine starts making those noises!!
  8. I just get a dull TUNK when I flip mine up.
  9. Note these are usually given to bikes going the opposite way to you, therefore on the right side of the road. This stuff works the same for countries who drive on the right as well. Thumbs down, usually with the right hand = Trouble on the road ahead of you. Usually Police, but can be any kind of hazard. Point quickly at rider (optional) then flap extended arm up and down = SLOW DOWN, MATE!! Usually it's a horse on the road, but can again mean any kind of hazard. Point diagonally up, as if pointing at a speed camera on their side = Speed Camera Ahead! Open and close hand with arm extended = You left yer indicators on, mate!
  10. Nip into Reading and stop along the Oxford Road. You have MTC, Motorcycle Parts Centre and Hein Gericke among others.
  11. Talk to an auto locksmith. They can extract the broken key and cut you a new one for a few quid. I have the kit to do it myself, but you're a bit far.
  12. It can make a difference. Certainly if you have a Cruiser, you need different tyres, else it rides funny. Don't just go by just what your manual says, tho. I'm supposed to ride Bridgestone or Dunlop on mine, I think, but Avon do a set designed specifically to do what I want and last thousands of miles (16,000 on the front and still not needed replacing yet!!!). Thing is, most manufacturers tend to make sets of tyres, designed to work together. It's mostly only pro racers that need to get very finicky about such matters. Pick a pair that does what you want (maybe even ask the manufacturers about it) and you should be pretty happy.
  13. You are still 'mate' to me, Big G. All bikers are. Because they're bikers. Not male, not female, not nothin'..... 'cept fellow bikers. Sounds like a challenge!! Oh, tell me you've gone the whole hog and put a CB radio in there? All the decent Capris round here have one - It's gotta be done!!!!!
  14. My first check'd be on the air/fuel mixture.
  15. Do you have blonde hair and large breasts? If not, the filter may have blocked the image
  16. So why the fuck didn't Prescot take over when Tony resigned? This is why I find politics confusing. It's too political!!
  17. Ask at your local Newbury MAG. Also known as West Berkshire (WeBe) MAG, I think they meet once a fortnight. Here is their website Speak nicely to Kev and he might be able to help (and you, young Space Cadet, make damn sure you call him 'Sir' as he's an RAF Officer!). Tell him Woody sent you. Might as well join MAG while you're there, too.
  18. Nah - we just raise the left hand up to shoulder level and wave!! Depends partially on your location and partially on what you ride. Cruisers and Sports traditionally don't mix for some reason. Speed vs Style, maybe.... I dunno. I DO reciprocate, unless I'm watching the road and don't see you. 125s don't wave because they're fearfully gripping the bars too tight to let go. Harleys don't wave because to do so would invalidate their insurance. Goldwings don't wave because they're too busy trying to operate the heated seats, electric windscreen adjustment, heated grips, seat adjustment, stereo, radio, CD changer, SatNav, electric mirror adjustment, cruise control, cappuccino machine etc etc.
  19. That is human nature, though. Everyone sees it that way - It's how we instinctively tell friend from foe. Like Us vs Not Like Us. It exists everywhere someone has something about them that distinguishes them from others, be it skin colour, physical build, choice of music, football shirt, hairstyle, wealth or even choice of motorcycle. I thought that when we voted for Tony (or not, as the case is), the idea was that Brown is the back-up that's supposed to step in if Tony leaves? We vote for the party and the leader gets the PM role? His second takes over if neccesary. Everything else. Oil, land, crops, marriage, racial supremacy, freedom, slavery...... Personally, I'd rather be fighting aliens, but that's just because I want a Pulse Rifle!!
  20. There's this small company called Yamaha who do one for the 125 Drag. Costs about Seventy of your English pounds.
  21. I was going to ask, although we never had a dance either. I must be ancient..... My ex did her dance thing in her father's 1940 Ford Deluxe. THAT was a proper hotrod. However, it's been done before. Realistically, just get a couple of LOUD police bikes and 3 of those Audi A6 Saloons (the '02 1.9 TDi SE is good). The bikes lead, with you in the second Audi. You all arrive, the doors open and several men emerge from the cars, each wearing sunglasses and earpieces. They look about for a bit, then open the door and allow you and your date to exit, before escorting you inside.
  22. Ttaskmaster

    3rd sitting

    Been staring for ages now, but still cannot see this tattoo, Goff. You sure you photo'd the correct leg?
  23. Easiest answer is to ride as per the DSA instructions. However, this is only the basics. Thereafter, you have several options. Bikesafe - Best done fairly soon after your test. Within 6 months is a good bet. Also getting a copy of Roadcraft for bikes will help. Read through it lots and slowly allow the lessons to creep naturally into your riding. Don't force it - Just marvel one day when you realise you've just done XYZ on Page 53 and discovered something cool!! Refresher Training - Many schools actually offer this, wherein they remind you of the proper stuff, help keep bad habits out of your riding and introduce you to new things. Advanced Riding - IAM, ROSPA and so forth. Pretty good, but best with a bit of varied experience to relate the training to. Experience - The best teacher, but also the harshest taskmaster. You learn a lot from just getting out there, but unless you take it very cautiously you may get hurt. Above all, as stated, look first to your observations, second to your handling skills and rely on reactions as a last resort.
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