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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Not got the cojones for a 2300cc Rocket III, then?
  2. Duplicate Post Frickin' Forum just had an eppie and copy-posted my post half a dozen times!!!
  3. Errr..... Oh-Kayyyyyy........ These are Olive Green U.S. Issue Jungle Boots. I have a pair of 1982 Issue Boots Combat High as well.
  4. Oh, I understand now - Use of the occasional comma would help, dude. I thought you were somehow bumping it on the centrestand with the bike tilted onto the back wheel!! Are you saying a bike can bumpstart with the ignition off? My mind says that's impossible... But I have taken the front off a Honda M50 (Jing Chen copy) and it's continued running... Weird stuff.
  5. Classic - Fat front wheel, fat fork covers and fat saddle for fat bikers, who really want a Fat Boy... Custom - Retro looks for the Rock Star image!!! Plus, it comes with chromed side panels instead of colour-matched ones. I had Classic owners offer me money to trade with them!!
  6. Fantastic choice!!! Get the Custom, rather than the Classic - It's lighter and looks better
  7. Your local Professional Auto Locksmiths will do you a set for a decent price. Shop around and get some quotes to sift out the cowboys, though. Not all the ones in the phonebook are professionals.
  8. 1500 Goldwing Dunno what teh V-Max is, but that's quite big. FJR 1300 - Pretty fuckin' fast.... MT-01 - 1700cc XJR1300 XV1900 Midnight Star Several with large displacements. None I can think of that go Fuuuuuuuuckin' Faaaaaaaast, though.
  9. Might be a drained battery. Check that first. Then check all your connections. Bump?
  10. To be honest, if you're 5' 11" (which I am) and still feel a Jap Cruiser is too small, then no Jap bike will suit you. Primarily they're built from the Japanese perspective, which as an average is slightly smaller than us Western lot. They make 'em bigger than their average, but some do still have problems. You have the option of altering the bars and adding extended foot controls. The other choice is something BIG like a Victory. The 8-Ball is a nice one to try for starters. Engine size will be a factor, if you're after performance. But as a new rider, especially in this traffic-heavy country, the last thing you want is 1900 CCs (or even as much as 2300) of low-end torque waiting to surprise you while you learn the finer points of throttle and clutch control. You'd blast into the car in front like a Cruise Missile. Either way, I think you are ill-advised to be hopping on a litre+ bike as your first ride, regardless of bike type. This is the typical Short-Lived Summer Biker syndrome. Rule Number 1 - Stay Safe.
  11. I'm just waiting for some twat to come along and say, "Nah, mate.. Get a Sports Bike, coz it's faaaaaaaaast, innit?"...........
  12. Dunno quite how it works in the US, but... I'd always recommend 6 months on a 125. This teaches you to rely on timing for safe manoeuvres, rather than power to get you through. It also gets you in the habit of riding far back from things, giving you adequate thinking time, braking distance etc. Then, trade it up for a 650!!!!!
  13. Yes, modified pipes make your bike LOUDER. Won't really make it go faster, though. No point on a Cruiser, anyway. Personally, I advise making sure you re-jet it as well.
  14. Anyone who actually likes McDonalds food has no taste!!
  15. $250 = about £190. Sounds pretty average, TBH...
  16. Right..... Yamaha XVS 125 Dragstar - 2002 model. Unmodified in anyway. 15,000 on the clock. MY top speed on flat motorway = an indicated 76mph in 4th gear. How to do it? Use the search function and read the several other posts I've already put up about it.
  17. In fact, my bike prefers the taste of the standard 95 fuel. There are a few different additives you can get (Silkolene are a good brand) that alter the combustion properties. No doubt some will make your bike go that leeeeeeeeeeetle bit faster, but the one to get is the one they do to help stop carb icing in Winter
  18. I believe most bikes people ride nowadays have a switch that cuts the engine out if you put it into gear with teh sidestand down. It was done to stop this very thing.
  19. Ttaskmaster


    Really? When I did mine I was told you did need to do it again if you were changing to a geared bike.....
  20. Yes. From Datatool. Check their webshite, or give 'em a call and order one from Spares/Replacements Dept.
  21. Pah - I went to a Gramur Sckool.
  22. Mine was an '02 German import - Unmodded, topped out at 76.
  23. I've had 3 friends killed by people driving while on mobile phones. I've almost been run over myself, while walking on the pavement by someone doing this. Hands-free kits cost a few quid. Most phones come with one included in the box. It only takes a moment to pull over before answering a call. There is NO excuse. So we're bimbling back from Portsmouth and this guy comes blasting along in the next lane... Mrs looks over and see's he's on his mobile phone. As is the custom, I give the guy the usual hand gesture and indicate he should pull over. He decides he's going to blast in front, stop at the lights and get out for a barney. I can't be arsed with another fight, so I just drop the window and listen to his rant. Something about having to go to Wales to see someone in hospital and how he's just got back from Iraq. He then storms off before I can even get a word in. Even if it is true, too bad. His unit SOPs probably have something about this anyway and he certainly ain't no use to anyone if he's crashed because he's on his phone. I hope the cunt learns his lesson and I hope he's the only one who gets hurt.
  24. Me neither. I hand-stitch everything
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