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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. 1/. Wait until you're old enough and have the money to get a bike before deciding which one you want. 2/. Tastes change - When I was 12 I wanted this red sporty thing. When I was old enough and had the money, I realised a Cruiser was better suited to what I needed. Don't base your choice on looks alone. 3/. My bike doesn't even go 120!! Biking is not all about speed - That's where your dad is already starting to get the stereotypes from and quoting insane speeds like that will not help. If you want his respect, KNOW the speed limits and stick below them. Start by learning the rules of the road. ALL of them. Become a safe riding geek - Talk to the Police riders, go out with your dad in the car and talk with him as you negotiate the roads. 4/. Do all the training you can get and see how you like it. Then let your experiences dictate which bike is suitable for you. 5/. Training, awareness, responsible riding and hi-viz clothing will do more for your safety than anything else. Good reasons to get a bike rather than a car: - Cheaper. Costs less on tax, fuel, ownership etc - Ease of maintenance. Pride in home maintenance is almost a way of life for bikers. - Freedom. - Support - Socially and technically, the biker community is second to none!!
  2. Ttaskmaster

    tax in post

    What about Evil Jobsworth Motherfu...... I mean, Traffic Wardens?
  3. Ttaskmaster

    tax in post

    A copper could still be in a foul mood and hassle you for failure to display. Personally, I go to the Post Office or local DVLA office and get a disc there and then.
  4. Breakers' Yard? PartFinder? Fowlers?
  5. Aye - Anyone who sells bike accessories, really. MTC round our way stock one which you can sling on the bike immediately after riding. No melted plastic there. I keep meaning to pick one up, but I'm never in the area.
  6. The knock offs are indeed direct rips from standard Japanese designs, but either made with cheaper materials and/or jury-rigged mods that achieve the same effect but are again cheaper than using the proper parts. The good ones (Jing Chen aren't too bad) work OK for a bit, but then the cheap parts fail and it's a right bitch to get replacements. The 'build quality' is fine. It's the parts quality that's shite. Good for someone who likes a project bike or is good at making their own parts. You can try using OEM parts from the original Japanese Manufacturers
  7. What is Trolling? Sorry had to remove - Goff THAT is Trolling - "Angling by drawing a baited line through the water", or in the context of the Internet - purposely baiting people into an argument by posting defamatory, incendiary, wind-up statements and generally being a prick on purpose.
  8. There is no dipstick, you dipstick!! There should be a sight glass on the side of the engine casing. Knowing Yamaha, it'll probably be somewhere around the side stand pivot. There should also be upper and lower level marks - The oil level should be somewhere between these. You'll need the bike upright, so use a proper bike jack on level ground, or have someone sit on it.
  9. It's very, very loosely based on aspects of Hamlet... But then, many of the good shows are. As for 'far-fetched'.... well, yeah - If it wasn't, there'd be nothing happening most days and it'd be booooooring. Shit has to happen to make it interesting!! If you want to see stuff about bikes, watch Orange County Choppers, Men & Motors or one of the many other docu-things already out there. This is about people. They just happen to be bikers, which allows for more interesting plot points than the shite Eastenders comes out with. It's a seriously hardcore version of Desperate Housewives SAMCRO is not what it's supposed to be anyway. That's one of the obvious plot points So you don't like their bikes.... Who cares? It's about the people, characters, multiple levels, intertwining plots and all that shit. Ooooh, you're harsh!! See, half agree it's an overly dramatised, but realistic version, half say it's nothing like it. Depends how the Club is run. Despite several chapters, SAMCRO is basically a small MC, which we don't have that many of in the UK. Most seem to follow one of the other Club formulae. One guy told me that Prospects would never be sat in on meetings, whereas another guys has said he did that very thing when he was Prospecting. I don't think it will. Certain characters, yes and people still have trouble with the concept of anti-heroes, but for the most part, they are good-hearted boys with a srong sense of family and the high ratings would suggest people are slowly warming to this idea. The downside is already on the way - When unsuspecting members of the public start buying the unlicenced Patches (Fox has point-blank refused to licence these to anyone because they understand what Patches mean), ie the 4-piece Backpatch set and try to wear them on Cuts on the streets. There was hassle over the Black Label Society patches and there will be trouble over the patches you can already buy on eBay from some unwitting/unscrupulous sellers. He wasn't sure he could. Character-wise, he is similar to several chaps I know and I know some who remind me of the other characters.
  10. They have some Technical Advisors from the actual Backpatch clubs (specifically, one of the big five). However, the most common complaint from bikers is that details are inaccurate. The most common argument is betwixt said bikers over said details, because some do the very things in their club that others say a club would never do!!! So - Don't expect 100% accuracy and allow for a slight exaggeration for entertainment purposes. Other than that, it's FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! Ron Perlman is a great choice for Chapter President Drama, comedy, bikes, bikers, women.... It's all there, man!!!
  11. I cannot believe there isn't already a thread about this.... Sons Of Anarchy. A TV show starring Ron Perlman, Charlie Hunnam and Tommy Flanagan, about an outlaw Motorcycle Club in North California. Screens on the FX channel 10pm Tuesdays in the UK. Currently screening Season 1 - US is already on Season 2 So... who's a fan, then?
  12. No cable, so no - Cable won't have stretched..... BUT - The hydraulic hose rubber could have perished a bit. In short, when you pull the lever and put pressure through it, the rubber wall expands and bulges, meaning less pressure to operate the clutch. Again, get it checked and if/when you have to replace it consider getting a braided one. They look better, anyway
  13. Afore you go so far as replacing it, unfasten the top end and pull it all the way, to make sure it's the cable at fault - It may not adjust in enough, y'see... Make sense? I just thought of this as it's now Summer and metal stuff can expand/stretch from whatever position you last had it in - ie back when it was colder.
  14. I wonder how they got to use that name for a car...... EDIT: A-HA........
  15. Quick question - Might the cable have stretched a bit? If so, either adjusting it in and/or replacing the cable could be all that's needed. Always check and replace the cheapest parts first!!!
  16. Think you'll find that's a 'design feature' of all Yammy cruisers, mate. YAMAHA, you bastards - If you're listening - Design your bikes better will you!!!!! You need it upright, either jacked or with someone sat on it. Then get your head down on the filthy floor, shine a torch at the sight glass (making sure you've rubbed it clean first) and then shift both about until you can see the level. It will possibly require tilting the bike slowly from side to side (it needs to lean quite a lot) until you can make out the oil level. Maybe use a mirror if you can't get your head down there. If you still cannot see the oil, then you have probably run it dry and must fill up NOW!!!
  17. Paint 'em yourself. There's a variety of suitable rubber paints out there and I've even seen some accessory shops sell the stuff (so you can have DUNLOP or BRIDGESTONE gleaming whitely on the tyre wall, of course).
  18. Also, if it's not too late...... Avon's Distanzia set sound like what you want. Clicky here I like Avon - I have Avon Venoms on my Cruiser - I put a new one on the front when I bought it and I'm just pushing 19,500 miles on that - It's got a little more to go yet and, so long as I don't have any trips to Scotland this year, I probably won't need a new one until 2010!!! I ride every day, everywhere and so that'll be over 2 years of successful all-weather riding from one tyre!! That includes riding in that week of snow we had I have not needed to change the back tyre at all yet.......
  19. My ex did her actual test on her own 125 Drag. The U-Turn will be a problem, but it's up to the instructor to find somewhere wide enough, not you. So long as you are good enough, no worries!! The problem you might find with CBT on a hire bike is that they will be fecking tiny. However, plenty of people manage it, so it may be worth giving it a go. I'd advise NOT riding around before you have the DL196, unless it is private property.... which I just saw you have stated, so no worries CBT will challenge you with left turns, right turns, figure-8s, roundabouts and a few other things. No slalom, from what I recall... Have a serious think, decide for yourself and have fun on the day!! Listen to what you're told and learn well.
  20. OMG, I hadn't seen that thread!!!! Two different sources saying the same thing... MUST be true!!!
  21. OK, that makes sense, yeah. Dragstar - 125, 250, 400, 650, 1100. Wildstar - 1600. Warrior 1700. Midnight Star - 950, 1300 or 1900. Why can't they just have one bloody name!!!!!
  22. I was just gonna say... A 400cc is usually around the 33 mark anyway, so no need to restict (do check first, though)!! That way it'll do all you want and you can keep it for a good few years! XJR400s are very nice bikes - And they're Yamahas!! Did my DAS on one.
  23. Couple of quid for some black spray paint - Instant Rat bike!!
  24. OldGitOnABike is out on a long summer ride in the country... Feeling hungry, he pulls up to this roadside cafe in the middle of nowhere, parks his bike and walks inside. As he passes through the doors, he sees a sign hanging over the counter: COLD BEER: £2.00 HAMBURGER: £2.25 CHEESEBURGER: £2.50 CHICKEN SANDWICH : £3.50 HAND JOB: £50.00 Checking his wallet to be sure he has the necessary payment, OG walks up to the bar and beckons to the exceptionally attractive female, who is serving coffee to a couple of sun-wrinkled Harley riders. She glides along the counter to OldGit.... "Yes?", she inquires with a wide, knowing smile. "May I help you?" Old Git leans over the counter... "I was wondering young lady", he whispers. "Are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?" She looks into his eyes with that wide smile and purrs, "Why yes... Yes, I sure am". Old Git leans closer and into her left ear whispers softly, "Well, wash your hands real good, cause I want a cheeseburger".
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