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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Choose the right words. Try ones with more than 4 characters. Being a computer, the Search is also very fussy about spelling.
  2. FIRSTLY, PLEASE DON'T TYPE ALL IN CAPS - IT'S THE INTERNET EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING!!! Secondly, the worst thing is if the copper were to rape you with a rabid, AIDS-ridden rhino, but the chances of that are unlikely. To be honest, I don't know and I'd not care to find out. Assuming this 200m is along a public road - It's too short to justify under any circumstances, so he might think you're just being a piss-taking twat and throw the book at you - Fine, loss of licence, community service. All sorts. Chances are you'd be cautioned at the very least. Why only 200m, then? If it's a girl you want to impress, get your full licence, get a big bike, get her a lid and take her for a proper ride.... Then take her for a 'proper ride' If it's a mate, tell him to get his own fecking bike!!
  3. Friend of mine does own a Bell 222, aksherley...
  4. Where'd you buy it? Approved place = Check it and get a refund. eBay or similar = If they claim it's legal, chase for refund. If not, tough.
  5. EUURRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH..... what an ugly piece of shite!!! I'd rather have the Dropship from Aliens, man.... Or an Apache or a Lynx (the variant with skids please)..... or a Bell 222 painted up to look like Airwolf!!
  6. Ttaskmaster


    Rat it. Streetfighter it.
  7. Cables you can have made to measure. It's a bit more expensive, but very much worth it!! Personally, I'd advise against customining a 125 as it affects the resale value if/when you move up to a bigger bike.
  8. Two options: 1/. Get one. These will be aftermarket as I don't think Yam actually make one themselves. 2/. Get a bike jack. More useful IMO as the stand needs a wheel on the floor to work. Jack lets you do far more and can come in handy for other DIY things, too!!
  9. Ttaskmaster


    There's another variant from Australia, which locks around your throttle. Good luck forgetting that one!!
  10. Which one - African or European?
  11. Scrunched up tinfoil with vinegar is supposed to work.... I don't know why it works, but I've seen mates doing it. Apparently it makes for good polishing, too.
  12. It's got big, pointy teeth!!!
  13. R6? A 21-year-old on a blazing fast bike like that, for your first bike? Fecking expensive, I believe. Bandits and Hornets are a bit better, I think, but to be honest it's all going to be fairly high until you get older.
  14. All the new laws have done is to ensure that the criminals who used to get guns off the black market, are still getting guns off the black market and that the occasional fuckwitt, who was too stupid to lock their legally owned weapon away from kids, can no longer present that threat. The rest is again just punishing the easy and/or innocent targets. Any scrote from the estate round the corner knows exactly how to get a gun. Knives are a far more dangerous item, because knives never miss. Ask a copper why they wear stab-proof vests and not bullet-proof ones.
  15. Yeah, that's about the way it goes.... On the political level, anyway. On the ground, we look after eachother - The Yanks are often gung-ho Hollywood warrior types, but they have a great sense of humour, lots of cool combat toys and they always bring a shedload of beer to the parties It helps that I happen to like Budweiser
  16. Not as handy as the M41-A Pulse rifle!!
  17. Then the Custom bars will be wider, I *think* you'll find. Try some Virago bars...
  18. There is no official one. There is one with the voiceover to explain things to people, one without for those who like to use their imagination, one with the ambivalent dream sequence, one with the additional ending for those who can't follow loose ends..... and a whole combination thereof.
  19. Yep. Based on the book 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep' by Phillip K. Dick. There's a version with and without the voiceover, many purists preferring the latter as it leaves more open to interpretation. There's also a specific dream sequence which is sometimes omitted. Inclusion of this alters the perspective on the whole film... that and the additional clipped-on ending.
  20. It's not your property, it's OURS. WE pay for the road out of our taxes. If liable, the bill should go to the sheep owner. Technically, compensation should also be paid by the biker to the sheep owner for his sheep.
  21. Actual width (ie length from tip to tip), held length or the pipe diameter? Actual - Not sure, actually.... Held - No, the Custom is set wider. The Classic is closer to your body. Diameter - I believe they're both yer standard 22mm. Come round for a cuppa and we'll compare
  22. Chains make death. Threshalls, Flails and other assorted medieval English weaponry which I'm looking forward to learning!!! He was grown up enough to admit his mistake outright. + points. He took photos while waiting for the Hambulance, possibly as a way of coping. + points. He did it in the first place. - points. He posted up so others could learn from his feck-up. + points.
  23. Too small? Is the MT-01 not bigger, like the R6/R1 thing? You're still gonna come and chat to us here though, right?
  24. Start by flushing the brake fluid out and replacing it with fresh stuff and bleed to taste. My OH's brake is naturally quite snatchy, whereas mine is slightly spongy. The other thing to look at is the brake pads. Maybe select a different type; sintered, organic? Personally, I rarely use the front when going slow. Below 15mph I only use the back.
  25. Don't. The book is crap anyway, IMO, but the film is so much better and, if you watch the right version, is far more thought-provoking. The two plots are vaguely similar and you can see which parts of BR came from DADOES?, but IMO, BR was far superior.
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