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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. 1/. Ask a member of a Backpatch MC what the difference is between our motorcycle 'club' here and their Motorcycle Club (note capitalisation). 2/. Typically, an official, proper club will have a committee, meetings, accounts, registered addresses, AGMs and all that. This is just an online forum, wherein the £10 supports it's running and admin.
  2. As opposed to it's usual sleek, streamlined speediness?
  3. 92mph according to the book. Had mine up to an indicated 107 before I started fecking around with it. Now only manages about 92 on a good day with the right abount of fuel in the tank. Drag is 230 kg and has 40bhp. Virago is 182kg and has 44bhp. Draggie = 0.1792hp/kg Viggie = 0.2418hp/kg Have you had a full-on tune-up?
  4. This is not an official, actual, proper, endorsed owners club. It is literally just a bunch of riders chatting together online.
  5. What, the two flange-headed bolts that secure the footpeg bracket on? Bolt, Flange, Part No. 90105-102A3? Yeah, you can get them easy. ANY motorcycle parts shop should be able to get them, if they don't already have them in stock. When you get them, tighten them up to 64 Nm (6.4kg or 46.3 ft/lb).
  6. Somewhere on the forum there is a photo of me doing that exact thing... or there was, at least. Threads have been disappearing. Anyway, it was posed specifically for Goff , who was suitably impressed. Dunno if I'd refer to her as 'gash', as I believe she's a FAR more sophisticated and empowered entity than the utterly dehumanising term 'gash' suggests.... But even the actual gash are impressed when I am thusly sat. The trick is to have your leg(s) on the left side of the bike and either sit or recline in a manner that exerts a supportive pressure toward the right side, thus having minimal weight actually on the stand itself.
  7. Don't need a sticker if the cable converter is in place, AFAIK. Converter can be had from any decent parts shop. 'MTC' and 'Motorcycle Parts Centre' in Reading can both get them.
  8. I would say mine flexes ALARMINGLY... But they all do that, so nowt to worry about.
  9. Car??!! What is a 'Car'? Can't help ya there...
  10. If it's anything like my 650, the right grip will also be glued, but to the throttle sleeve not the bar. Be careful when prising this one off in case you crack the sleeve.
  11. Seen 'em also strapped above the headlight, on the backrest, along the back of the rear seat, on the frame between and just above the footrests... just about anywhere, really.
  12. Hi, I nicked a bike and want to re-key it as cheap as possible, so I can flog it. That's what I'm reading here. You may be genuine, but for a single post without even anything in the introduction, I certainly wouldn't be prepared to offer much advice on a public forum. Speak to a professional locksmith with a VAG66 kit. They will require proof of ownership and will likely sort you out a key set for a LOT less than 17,000 Swedish Korona!
  13. RIP??!! But.... but..... I used to live down the road that CC in Harrow is on the corner!! I would pass that place at least twice every single day and drool over some of the fantastic machines they always had out the front!! Dammitt. What about the Yammaha place on Kenton Road, Harrow - South side, between Rushout Ave and Churchill Ave?
  14. Smooth whining noise, a bit like a spaceship cruising along? Gets higher as you go faster, then starts back down when you change up a gear? Are you sure it's not there? I had the exact same thing with my 650, or so I thought. It's something to do with the bikes being shaft drive, apparently. I don't notice it half the time and/or wind & road noise covers it up, but it's always there.
  15. Probably, yes... but it's not neccesarily anything to worry about immediately. First up - Have you checked all the bolts are properly tightened? Just to be sure, most of them have a torque setting which you can find in the service manual (downloads linked to in various threads here). Try going back and checking each one.
  16. Watford??!! You not gone to see the guys at Colin Collins, either in Watford or Harrow? They used to be pretty good, although I haven't lived in that part of the world for almost a decade now...
  17. Nice lot of talk here.... You have two choices: 1/. Ride defensively. Accept that you will always encounter people who will potentially knock you down, either by accident or on purpose. They are always better armoured than you and, like other road hazzards, it's just one of those things you have to work around. 2/. Be an aggressive type. Remember that you are on a bike and likely to come off worse in an altercation. Remember that if the guy gets out of his car, you will find it very hard to fight in full kit. Be aware that he may indeed have something in the car with which to arm himself. Be prepared to take this fight ALL the way, ie to put the other guy properly down. Forget this childish kicking the mirror off - You want to fight, you go in intending one of you going to the hospital... because if you start something, that is potentially what the other guy will do. Road rage is a nasty business. It's not some office squabble. It's a proper fight and I've seen some proper nasty shit go down in these conflicts. Seen one car bash the other right out of the parking space that both were fighting over. You think your bike is a match for that kind of driver? Ride safe.
  18. I lived like this for years, bike out on the road. Chain it, disclock it, get an alarm if you can, but most importantly = get a bike cover. That will disuade most people from bothering - Can't be tempted to sit if it's a shapeless mass.
  19. You can find ones that are designed for the 650 - They're just different from the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, ie Yamaha supplied) one. I would have expected something designed to fit a specific bike to have the appropriate block connectors, so you can just unplug one, plug the new one in and away ye go.
  20. NO - None of this electrickery bollocks. Get one powered by Thorium!! Forget electric power, forget hydrogen fuel cells. A piece of thorium the size of a sand grain will power my watch for many lifetimes. A piece the size of a fist - mega engine power and only one moving part. Thorium is very abundant, will last us a good 2,000 years easily, is one of the safest nuclear powers going and is very difficult to refine into weapons grade - which is why research into it's uses stopped in the early 60s and the sole reason we aren't using it already!
  21. IIRC = 'If I Recall Correctly'. I've picked up a few of the common internet-speak phrases from the young folk... I had a quick Google around, but no-one really sells spare headlight assemblies, it seems. There was one for a Classic on Amazon.com, but it was megabucks (and based in the US). This could be an opportunity to get a custom one fitted...
  22. Did you know about the Lion Rally in Reading last weekend, Foamy? Was a complete wash-out due to the rain, but in the past 15 odd years it's always been the best of weather! There's also the 3-Bs rallies - Have to check teh webby for dates, but they're usually pretty decent.
  23. I always put mine in the garage, immediately I get home. I also shout at the Mrs when she doesn't do the same. We've got it, we should fecking use it and with good reason!!
  24. IIRC, they're very different. Can you not just take/scrape the sticker off?
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