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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Flour. The Mrs bakes me bread and cakes and stuff.
  2. I just clean the bike and polish with Autosol on the chrome. I have heard of 'Ku-rust' being used with great success.
  3. I have fairly large leather saddlebags. Get 2 bottles of Coke, plus about five bags of flour, a box of crackers and maybe some Mars bars, all in one of them. But there is no standard size for panniers and saddlebags. Each set is different.
  4. Ttaskmaster


    That £250 was brand new from an online shop (eBuyer, I think), back when they normally cost £400.
  5. Uh... Yes. In fact, I'm banking on the too much oil DEFINITELY being what's causing the issues.
  6. Ttaskmaster


    Damn straight Seriously, bought my TomTom Rider 2 a few years ago. Cost me £250 odd including map of UK and Bluetooth headset. Fully waterproof, very fast, simpler and in many ways better than the Garmin. Mate of mine got the Garmin one and replaced almost every component, before throwing it at something while out on a ride.
  7. There's your problem. As mentioned, get your bike upright and level. Drain oil down to correct level and there you go. Might take a couple of goes to cycle the excess oil out.
  8. I believe it is specific to the 650. I always get asked which year and model (Classic or Custom) as well, for some reason.
  9. Nope. Is fine. Buy the bike, then come back, make a proper introduction, join in the community and be friends with us!!
  10. 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' is about the right term - This is possibly the least concerning road hazzard I've ever known. I hereby virtually laugh at you and call you a son of a silly person. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time! Look at the silver lining and take the free opportunity to clean your visor. I'd be more concerned about the number of bugs and how there's always a big, fat one that lands square on your central viewspace, streaking it's bodily contents across your visor... and it dries instantly, making a quick wipe clean impossible!! Incidentally, Tunbridge Wells people (including my in-laws who DO read the Daily Mail) are nothing like that stereotype
  11. Mine did that when I put too much oil in it once. Cheapest stuff first - Clean the switch out and check the contacts.
  12. Your fault for going to McDonalds in the first place!! There are MANY reasons why I astound my friends by refusing to go to McDonalds, preferring to starve or walk miles and miles to somewhere better. Parking scams is low on the list.
  13. Ttaskmaster


    Free, forget it. You get what you pay for. TomTom Rider 2 - Easily 6 hours battery, even after several years. The Scala headset battery last 2 weeks in continuous use and holds it's charge when not in operation. I can't even remember the last time I had to charge it up!!
  14. Feeling a little inadequate?
  15. Serious lack, yes. Small lack, not really. Depends who you ask. Every mechanic I've ever spoken to strongly advises rejetting. Bikes were designed at a cost of millions to work a specific way, so in altering them you need to keep everything in balance. Rejetting is simple enough and may only need the existing jets altering slightly. Personally it's something I would have a mechanic do (and I've yet to arrange it for my own bike).
  16. I wouldn't expect more than £200 from Carole Nash.
  17. Here's one that is free and easy to do. At 5' 4", my Mrs also has small hands. She rotated her bars forward and slightly further down, so she could comfortably reach everything. What we found is that the hands sit further round over the top of the grips - Not massively, but enough that the controls are easier for her to reach. Try that and see how you get on. I can take a couple of illustrative pictures, if you like? Also, her brake is very firm and the clutch is adjusted to bite when the lever is less than an inch away from the grip. Every time I ride her bike I stall it at least once, ha ha!!!
  18. Nothing is difficult to strip down. The hard part comes if you try and replace certain parts in-situ, such as the carb manifolds. Those are fecking fiddly if you're trying to reach around the carbs and fiddle-fit them without some kind of firm purchase... I managed it in the middle of Winter a couple of years ago. Took me over an hour!! But if you're taking everything down, you'll find parts are a lot easier to fit.
  19. Watch First Blood closely again, particularly the chase scene. At one point when Teasle halts his car to get on the radio, you see Rambo in the background on his bike. He heads to the right of the screen and then stops just before the frame exit. Next shot he's apparently still speeding along!! I have friends who visited the filming locations, including the abandoned truck where he gets the tarpaulin to make his poncho. It's all still there and the guys picked up the leftover tarp from which the poncho was cut and a piece of the rope he used for the binding. It's actually worth quite a few hundred bucks! I love the First Blood films. The first is bang on for the novel (aside from the ending) and even though I'm not a Stallone fan, I think he does a fantastic job of playing this character.
  20. 4 pages of new posts since Friday 1800hrs.
  21. Nope, no opinions at all. The whole point of customising a Custom is that you put on what YOU like best. It's a blank canvas and YOU are the artist. That's why there are so many different custom component places. Best I can suggest is post up links to the stuff you're considering and we'll let you know if any of them are/look/might turn out to be complete shite.
  22. I sign in almost every day and always find at least 2 pages. Sometimes as many as 6 after a weekend.
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