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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Just nipping by, not got time to check, but I'm sure Wemoto can help, too... Welcome to the Forum!!
  2. Messing about with the WW2 guys down at the Broadlands show in Romsey, Hampshire. Got the heavy weaponry and the Armoured groups are bringing some vehicles, too. It's multi-period, so there'll be some Medievals, Romans, Civil War and stuff as well. We're also doing firepower demonstrations!!!!!! Anyone around, feel free to come by the show and say hello. I'll introduce you to some high-calibre personal friends of mine!! Just ask for the WW2 American mortar section
  3. Waffle away - I do!! I have the exact same thing. Now we're out in the country, the ride into work is mostly great scenery and great roads (dreading Winter, as they certainly won't grit our country lanes). The only bad bit is the A33 into Reading, but half the time I'm awake enough to skirt around the dickheads who are still dozing behind the wheel and swerving about.
  4. Sounds like a great price, too!! Take good care of it and it'll return the favour
  5. Ttaskmaster


    "Are you drivin' wit' your eyes open, or are you like... using The Force?" Eddie Murphy as Axl Foley Beverly Hills Cop II
  6. Ttaskmaster

    Gay Test

    This gal is a classic example of how the bowstring should sit, ie off to the side past the left breast. Only amateur female archers need chest protection, but they usually learn what to do after the first Nipple Twang anyway. Only the foolish ones don't...
  7. Greetings Irene and welcome to the YOC Forum! Forgive the kids, there. They're just being silly as it's raining, so they can't go outside to play! They're usually a bit better behaved. 125 Drag - A great first bike for many a member here, myself included. You'll find quite a few here with a wealth of info about your chosen sled. Feel free to ask away!!
  8. 650 Dragstar = Great bike. Custom version is better, though. Tax disc - Left side somewhere is the usual. Try the rear nut on the mudguard. That's where mine is. Heat shield - If it's the part I think it is, I believe it will just bolt back on, yes.
  9. Ttaskmaster

    Gay Test

    REAL archers don't need a bracer... They do that elbow pivot thing to move the forearm out the way and/or have their bracing height properly adjusted in the first place!
  10. Ttaskmaster

    Gay Test

    "If you noticed the bow first, then I have bad news for you..." Err - It's a weapon. Of course I noticed it first. Doesn't mean I'm gay... just psychotic!! If you had to wonder enough to think you even needed to take the Gay Test, then I have bad news for you... But then, if you were worried enough about Gays to have to create a Gay Test in the first place, I have some really horrendous new for *you*...
  11. I did have, earlier this year. Couldn't find a worthy charity, so I spent it on an M1 rifle instead.
  12. Go 650!! The extra weight only takes a short while to get used to and when riding it feels SO much more stable in the corners!!
  13. What got me into them? Whitesnake and general 1970/1980s hard rock music, I think!!
  14. One has a bigger engine that the other AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... Oh my, I'm funny, aren't I? OK, basically the 250 engine is bigger than the 125, with notably higher performance. Other than that, they're pretty much the same. IIRC, they even use the same basic frame. Components like the drive chain will be slightly uprated, but that's about it. Only major difference is that you can't ride the 250 on a CBT cert. The 400 is somewhere in between and I've never even seen one in the UK myself. The 650 is really where it starts to make sense. Proper, full-size Cruiser with enough kick to have a play with and start handling the big rides. Some 125 and 250 parts *may* be interchangable... Check ze manuals.
  15. I'd have gone straight into him. See if he can 'get away' with a body stuck in his windscreen. Any luck, you'd have smashed his face in, too. Seriously though, good you're not badly hurt. Get checked out at a hospital anyway, though. These things often come back to bite you in the arse years later. You may also end up recalling the number plate, so it's best to have some evidence.
  16. Been offered the chance to test-ride a mate's Hornet 900 and his R1... Still debating whether getting killed is worth the brief rush of speed.
  17. Welcome to the Drag's design flaw. To see properly, your head will most likely end up sideways and almost touching the floor. Use a cloth to clean the sight glass. Have a torch to hand. Ideally have someone sat on the bike, leaning it left and right so you can get a visual on the oil level.
  18. Jacket - Back of the chair. Lid - Under the table or on a spare seat. Trews - Wear 'em. Boots - Wear 'em. Gloves - inside lid. Some places are cool enough that they'll put them carefully under the desk or something at reception. Keys - Vehicle specialist Locksmith. Proper ones are much cheaper than dealers. Single key - £7. Set of 3 - £15.
  19. ANY shop that sells bike parts. Doesn't have to be a custom shop. One that sells normal bits like brake lines and oil filters will do.
  20. ANY motorcycle parts shop should be able to supply what you need. If you can't find one locally, we have several here in Reading.
  21. Now THAT is a decent intro!! Welcome!!
  22. Hanibal crossed the Alps with his army to go fight the Romans. Many of them famously rode elephants. History joke, although I was sure there'd be a motorcycle called an elephant (or in this case, Elefant)!
  23. Not that *I* would know of, but there's plenty of things going 'Eh' in Canada!!
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