Everything posted by eddiesdad
my r1-z
hi mate ive got one of those r1-z 250's and even standard it flies!!! quite a small bike tho! so if if your a bit tall you can look a bit of a dick on it mine is black and silver,but that colour works well. they are fetching good money now so worth keeping hold of them all the best jon... ps i would however love to own a dt125mx again
Hi i am a newbe.
hi slippery yep it was in april but the pic was taken in the morning and the weather was fine untill chelsea bridge loomed and then it pissed down most of the day!! i felt sorry for my mate fred who came down from derby but we had a laugh what were you on and are you on the rd forum? jon.......
Hi i am a newbe.
yer like she was born yesterday!! (she would say and with draw any marital rights !!) but i suppose thats what happened with the r1-z and she didnt belive that jon
Hi i am a newbe.
oh God she is beautifull that has re wet my appetite for one but easier said than done ive got to get it passed my wife! ive all ready got a gpz600r that ive had since 1985 that needs help but i must have another dt. jon......
Hi i am a newbe.
sad syndrome !! lol i know what you mean its been crap but its given me the opportunity to get the bike off the road early and get the frame powder coated and a few leaking gaskets sorted! i see you have a dt 175 mx, ive been hankering after one for a while now. I used to have a125 when i was 17 and had the 175 barrell on it,but after years of searching i cant find it any where!! there are a couple on ebay but i got my fingers burnt on that site once before,if you can please post up some pics so i can see it and feed my addiction for one !!!!!! speak soon jon.......
Hi i am a newbe.
Hi oldgitonabike i did see that issue,and it has bought a few out of the wood work which is great!!! shame the summer didnt allow a few good ride outs!!
Hi i am a newbe.
Hi all just a quick note to say hi, ive just joined your yamaha forum, having allready had a quick look around it looks like i am amoungst friends allready i have an r1-z 250 which is an import. I love it to bits and have spent reasonable amounts of hard earned cash on it. when i was given it i was advised to dump it in the skip because parts would be hard to source!! which they were but it goes like a rocket and iam very glad i didnt dump it !!!! i have a mate off the rd forum with one in derby so i am not alone. Here is a couple of pics of my black r1-z with my mate freds in the back ground,were off to the ace cafe in london with some of the lads from the rd forum I look forward to speaking to you all soon. jon...........