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Everything posted by Bobsid

  1. Bobsid replied to d2eeb's post in a topic in The Bar
    Had similar poblem my self. with my XVS125 and it turned out to be the rectifier under the seat next to the battery mounted on the mud guard What had happend was the diode inside it had burnt out this regulates the power from the altinator and keeps a steady charge of around 12.5v to 13v to the battery any excess is burnt off in the heat sink the reason for the cooling fins on the body of the rectifier. if the diode burns out and you are lucky it just stops carging your battery and once the voltage drops bellow a certain level the spark to the spark plug gets weaker and the same thing happens to the engine power till it stops all tgether and the orange flashing fault light comes in this case a faulty rectifiyer.If your unlucky it overcharges the same thing happens but as in my case it fried my battery pumping out 28v on full revs which indoing so caused the engine to loose power and eventualy cut out giving me the flashing orange light even though there was srill enough juice in the battery to light the ign lights there wasnt enough for a healthy spark to enable the engine to run. The cause of the fault was me cramming to much stuff into the tool box peventing air curculating around the rectifiyers cooling fins. the chances are its not whats causing your problem. but a low battery due to knackered rectifier is worth taking into consideration I know when mines been stood awile theres enough juice in the battery to spin the engine over but not to start it.a quick couple of hours charge and it cracks up straight away.<br /><br />Hope this has been helpfull regards<br /><br />Bob
  2. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in The Bar
    Tried both. Even went on Aftermarket website. tried every where.all my serches kept leading me back to the used set on e-bay So Had to buy and fitt them. seems they were the only set left in the UK lol.
  3. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in The Bar
    Granby Motors have none Wemoto have none MTC or Motorcycle Parts have none but can order from Yamaha JAPAN but will take 2-3 weeks and cost £41.00 + Vat same as I was Quoted by my local bike shop. so I've had to buy the used one on E-Bay as it seems to be the only one or pair in the UK. Thanks to you all for your help any way. Bob
  4. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in The Bar
    It's not the length thats the problem it's the shape of the fastenings and adjustment yolk that screws into the twist grip at one end then the other one at the carb end thats the problem. If the outer cable was ok it would just be a case of running a new inner cable through and splicing new nipples on the end. If I had a load of different cables to rummage through I probibly would find somthing that would fit. not nessesarly Yamaha. There are lot that look similar on e-bay and other sites but it would be a foolish gamble to pay 20 odd quid on the strengh of a photo. thanks Bob
  5. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in The Bar
    BBeen to several local bike shops LANCASTER area but they havn't any or anthing even copatable. one place even phoned Yamaha and even they didnt have any in stock and that no other models were compatable they would have to order one which would take 2 to 3 weeks and cost £41+VAT so looks like it'll have to be the used one off e-bay. Thanks. Bob
  6. Hi. Having trouble finding a replacement throttle cable or cables for my xvs125 Dragstar, have tried e-bay etc but can only find one set of used and he's wanting £21 the cost of a new set Theres only the open cable snapped fhe shut offs ok and dont fancy fitting a set of used ones which could be on there way out.. Can any one advise me of an online dealership who stock them. Ive tried every where but tinternet just keeps giving me the run arround. leading me back to e-bay and for some reason a xvs starter cable and the second hand ones. Is there any other model of 125s that use the same cables or even cable (open not shutoff cable) that is compatable? If so do you know the model and if possable the part number. Bob
  7. Bobsid replied to Decks2004uk's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Best thing to do decks if you want to travel at speeds over 65mph is to get a bigger bike its not worth farting about spending money changing sprockets ect just to get an extra 5mph out of it. Its a 125 cruiser designed to look good sound good and most of all be economical which it does very well.
  8. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Jim and thanks I'v already tried checking It for conituity and thats the problem there seems to be to much of it allowing 19v through and not enough resistance keping it down to 14v max as I've said to Oldgitonabike it's a sealed unit and cant be repaired anyway so I've come to the conclusion that it must be the regulater that needs replacing can't see any other reason causing the fault and as Oldgitonabike pointed out to do a proper multi test I'd need a workshop manual charting the correct output in ohms for each wire which after all that messing about it would only confirm what I already thaught and that is tha i'ts probibly burnt the diode out inside as a result of cramming my waterproofs into the toolbox smothering the cooling fins on it and causing it to overheat or its just died of natural causes.
  9. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yes I agree 19v is far to high and on hind sight it has to be the regulater I can't see it being anything else looks like i'll hae to buy a new one as it's a sealed unit and I can't see any way of repairing it. It just seems stange though that it's not blowing any of the bulbs as you would expect a surge of 19v to do.
  10. Bobsid posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi I have a XVS 125 and I'm having problems with the electrics, the other week it fried the battery which has now been replaced and the voltage output from the alternator to the batttery on tick over in put out just over 14v rising to 19 when reving up. this leads me to believe the rectifier to be shot. but due to the high price of the unit for this model of bike I'd be a bit miffed if I baught a new one and found that the regulator wasn't the problem. Is there anyway of checking the reg unit using a multi meter before I lash out for a new one.
  11. Bobsid replied to Bobsid's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks. Have put a new battery on as you suggested and checked the voltage. on tick over it registered just over 14V and went up to 20V as I reved up. Is this a simple problem to rectify or does it need to go to the dealers for repair as I don't have a workshop manual so have nothig to work from.
  12. Bobsid posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    The other day my wife and I set off on a run, we had only gone about 9miles and were steadily purring along at about 80km when all of a sudden the bike just conked out on me, I freewheeled into a layby and stoped, there was a horrible smell of sulphuric acid so I opend the battery box to find that the battery was frying and the sides of it were buckeling I allowed the bike to cool for several minutes then turned the egnition on and everything seemed OK but obviously the battery was'nt up to scratch as the ign and engine management lights were dim but the engine management light went out after about 1sec as it should. I bumpstarted the bike and it ticked over as normal but when I try and rev it up the engine management light comes on and the bike cuts out. has anyone any experiance of this sort of thing. do you think that simply repacing the battery will solve the problem or is there somthing more seriously wrong ? can anyone help me.