cafe radian
what the heck is a pikkie? http://www.hubgarage.com/photos/0110/8475/....jpg?1243568838
cafe radian
pulled the 'way too modern' front fender, added bar end mirrors and hope to chop up the seat soon to finish the cafe look. need to relocate the license plate too.
fuel tap
mine has the same issue. i've installed a 5 dollar on off valve for now until i cna locate a petcock for under 100 bucks. this seems to be working in the short term.
Petcock Question - 86 FZ600
if the petcock is the same as the 1986 yx600 and is vaccum actuated, make sure you are getting vacuum. also, will the bike run if the petcock is in between? if it will (this is the PRIME position) then the petcock has an issue with vacuum. good luck!
WANTED: YX600 Fuel Tank
contact me at bfye@canyonville.net thanks!!!!!!!!!
WANTED: YX600 Fuel Tank
yes i am... and i'm just south of you in Roseburg!
WANTED: YX600 Fuel Tank
where are you? i'm looking for a yx600 tank that isn't useable... would you sell yours?
Shinko SR 712F tires...
well, since someone else posted 'no one will reply' and was correct, i'll reply to my own post. the tire has several hundred miles on it already and is great! the model 712 is a a great value at under 50 bucks delivered!
Shinko SR 712F tires...
I just bought one for the front of the Radian. It arrived today. Seems nice, if not a touch heavy, but compared to my almost bald, weather checked dunlop, it is great! I'm not looking for hyper-performance, but I'm hoping it works well in the rain. Anyone?
cafe radian
I've got clubman bars and a round headlight conversion coming, but i'd like to find a BIGGER gas tank that would fit the radian frame mounts... does anyone know of one that will work? also, is there are cafe rear pod for another yamaha that will mount on the radian frame? thanks guys... sure wish i could find the magic 'search' wording to find this stuff on the web... all i find are stuffs for the old 2 cylinder 500s.
87 Yamaha Genesis 750
sure wish my 86 Radian was in that good of shape when i started on it!
Well... seems i never use quite the right search engine words, so i'll ask...
... Has anyone here successfully transformed a yx600 into a cafe bike? I can find lots of pictures of bikes with clubman bars... but none seem to be of the yx variety. thanks for any help folks!
oil level?
augh, just like my old GL 1000s... apparently i need to do some cleaning to find the glass
oil level?
i'm new to the yamaha scene... i have an 86 yx600. how do i check the level? when i take the cap off the resevoir, there is no level indicator that i can tell. thanks!
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