Everything posted by kevin10529
Safe Filtering
Was just wondering about safe filtering?? Getting ok on the wee thing and i think its about time to cut through the traffic. When to do it and at what opportunities, also could anyone clear up the laws of filtering? Its what i got the bike for in the first place!! Cheers again, Kev.
This is the one for you. http://www.bulkpowders.co.uk/product.php/2...yl_ester_malate All the info for on dosage is at the bottom Class price. That loading phase is a load of piss (lots of knobs down the gym will disagre) but believe me am right. You'll just waste it and have to take loads and in powder form it tastes total rank. Its total class but remember the golden rules. Lift Massive. Eat Massive. Rest Massive. Grow Massive. Then buy a bigger bike to carry the extra weight!!!!
Winter Riding
Its not the face of the discs itd the edges of the rim if you like. MAT4.....Think i'll pass on putting grease on my breaks thanks!!!! Sounds nuts!! Got my some stuff off ebay today...... fastest postage ever. Check out my tube http://dogyew521.blogspot.com/ Got it off thid guy http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/healyauto0...QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ Put the order in y/day around 2 and it arrived today.... that is rapid for ebay. I'll get some photos of the rust b4 and after i use Autosol and they might give me a job!!!!!!!
Winter Riding
Sure your not a salesman for Autosol??
Winter Riding
Been on ebay and got some Castrol Chain Wax Aerosol. Scottoiler seems a bit excessive. Take it keeping your chain lubed makes it last longer and less chance of disaster??!! Another question..... how do you know when your chain and sprocket needs replaced? Love this forum, keep the info flowing!!
Winter Riding
Ttaskmaster, what about chain lube? whats the best and how often do you apply. cheers again.
Winter Riding
LOL wish i could do that too mate but its my only form of getting about! Winters up here tend to be a bit more chilly and wet than what you boys get down south. Still beats walking........... grind!!
Winter Riding
You certinly know ur stuff, got a tube of Autosol on the way from ebay and a can of spray ACF 5O. Rust not to bad Just some on the pipe, rims and a little on the disk breaks (not on the contact area). Will i just use a rag for the Autusol or will i need something more hardcore eg. wire wool?? cheers kev.
Winter Riding
Is that Rust protector? My bike is rather bad for rust just now so i better invest. Can you put that on wheels?
Winter Riding
Gonna keep on the bike for the cold and wet part of the year. Can anyone offer any advice/tips for winter riding and keeping safe on the road. Thanks, Kev
New Bike Test Delayed - Six Months
http://www.dsa.gov.uk/News.asp?id=SXF1E5-A782F5E8 Big news for us still motoring about on our "L plates" Can't say I'm too suprised.
Anymore suggestions on what bike to get if i pass? like the look of the GSX R600 but looks like it would give me serious back problems and one of my mates said is would have me points within a week!!!!
Cheers for all the advice so far. Whats the hardest part of the test woud you all say? Whats the part most fail on?
Hi, just gonna sit my test in a few weeks and was hopeing for some advice for the big day!!?? Also would like some advice on what my first big bike should be?? Am 6'3 and think i a tourer style bike would be better cause i tend to get a sore back on smaller low down style race bikes. All advice would be welcome. Kev.