Everything posted by kevin10529
Tyre squeak
Any ideas? my new front tyre is 2 weeks old and its squeaking, and doing my head in..... It comes and goes i think its worse when its wet.... Its cutting me deep.
Anyone used this before?My link Used a few other Antifog/mist Not much seems to work that well. Cheers Kev. PS got the 09 oxford heated grips on the way. Am getting old.
- fastest
thanks adam. thanks alot.
Are they hard to replace? Got one on the way for £8 off evilbay. Any ideas how much a bike shop would charge to put in on?
how much
ad say about £1300 aswell.
The speedo on my 96 thundercat just stopped working on the way back from Kirkcudbright last night.Have to go back tonight but am stuck at work at the moment and will only have about 25 mins to fix it b4 i have to leave. Any ideas on what the problem is and how to fix it? I was just crusing along at 60-70 then it dropped to 0! Its been in for a 600 sterling service(Forks re-oiled, valve clearances, new pipes, new double bubble screen,12 v charger) last week. Was thinking the guy just never connected the speedo cable properly and its worked its way free. cheers kev.
Diesel Bike???
Do they exist? What MPG would you get? How slow would they be?? Would anyone buy them?? Any other questions?? Kev
Thundercat wont go into 3rd from second
Its fucked if it is what i think it is. 1000+ to fix cause you need to take the whole transmission to get at the problem. not worth fixing unless you have the skillz ursel. Just go from 1st to 4th, will use more fuel but you will have more fun!!
Who Insures you?
279 great British pounds for the year fully comp 0 years no clams bonus 1996 thundercat (YZF 600r) 25 years old passed my full test in April. Think its called dial direct, the company that is. nea luck on your price!!
who has a thundercat
I like it. The seat could do with some extra padding. Big tank/good range for a sporty bike. Love the massive old skool indicators, cant see them wee LED ones. Fast enough. If you are tall like me its rather big for a 600 so comfy. Paint schemes tend to be a bit rank. Watch out for the rear shock getting fooked after about 20k and the mild steel downpipes/swap for stainless in the winter when they are a bit cheaper to purchase aff ebay. I find they are only sore on the wrists if you are holding on too tight if you relax they are great. Long distance you will need to loosen your legs every time you fill up but that's the same for most bikes innit?? If you put some Avon Storm ST on it grips great in the wet. Good fun on all roads and better acceleration than a r6 (so am told) Hope this helps, Kev
thundercat bars
I need to know this aswell!!!! Someone help!
ShoKz on the road
Looking for a jacket just like that. Whats the make, price ect....?? Cheers , Kev
There's one born every minute
Watch your mouth yank, you'll get a slap.
Micheal Jackson
He was a sicko. Dont get me wrong am not glad hes dead or anything like that. What he did to kids was total obscene and being a music legend don't get him a pass. Dont say cause he never got convicted he never done it......... He was a creep.
Rear Shock
To take out ther rear shock what do i do. I can see the 2 main bolts but what bout the adjuster, how does that come out? Thanks
What tyre for tcat? Search aint working at to mo, sorry!!
Need them to last as i ride all year all the time. Not into all that knee down shite but i would like the some grip in the wet (due to my location is seems to be wet alot!!!) Cheers.
Ultra Seal
Think it works in both. I'll read the box and get back to you.
Ultra Seal
Fixed my rear flat with ultra seal. Well chuffed. Its a permanent solution to flats so it says on the tin. Anyone used it before, does it work "for the life of the Tyre"? Tyre manufactures don't recommend it......... that figures if it works as good as it says it does!!
having a mare
Yeah that would be great. barkwindjammer my pms aint working or i dont have the privileged if you could pm me that guys details in glasgow that would be great also, kev
best tyres?
I need the same info!!! but am from the Fries.
having a mare
Whats his location? Whats he charging? Am very keen.
having a mare
Got a big service the other day. They recon my shock is finished and i need new chain and sprocks. Shock seems fine to me but they thinks its total done, chain and sproks is on the last nitch so that's fair play in 1000 miles or so i recon. Shocks seem awful expensive. If mine is shagged then whats the best replacement? Dont seem to be that much choice on ebay and some are a total ripoff. One company refurbishes them think its worth a try? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-YZF-600-YZF-7...%3A1%7C294%3A50 also got a rear flat tyre last night just left my bike outside my mates house, am guted. can you get them fixed, its almost new!!
Turning circle ( oiltankeresque)
Not had a chance to look. Got a big service the day. They recon my shock is finished and i need new chain and sprocks. Shock seems fine to me but they thinks its total done, chain and sproks is on the last nitch so that's fair play in 1000 miles or so i recon. Shocks seem awful expensive. If mine is shagged then whats the best replacement? Dont seem to be that much choice on ebay and some are a total ripoff. One company refurbishes them think its worth a try? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-YZF-R6-YZFR6-...93%3A1|294%3A50
Bloody weather
Yep me 2. Its better than walking in the pishing rain!!