Everything posted by HalHark
Extreme motorway riding
Worst iv been in was on the A66 from Penrith to Scotch Corner over the top of the lakes... Absolute shit storm! Hahaha was having to lean like i was taking a corner to stay in a straight line... Horizontal Rain with the passing lorries giving me the added hose pipe treatment! Wouldn't of been so bad if i had some decent waterproofs on and on something a bit more suitable than an R6... All good fun though eh..!
R6's - How fast DO they go?
168mph with some left.... Just not enough tarmac...
- Im single!
- Im single!
Car insurance?
Named Driver on a parents insurance is the only realistic option in my opinion, unless you or your parents are rich. It gives you a lot more flexibility financially when choosing your first car! instead of having to settle for an awful old knackerd 1L...
Why God gave them camels!
Watch my vid and help me win a 2011 Ford Fiesta
Pure comedy!
yzf125 r tunning
Why don't just buy a proper motorbike instead of pissing about with a hairdryer? Oh yeh... What the hell is a Drag YZF125R... I couldn't think of a more pointless thing to do to a learner bike!
Productive Day!
:lol: Thanks for that!
Productive Day!
Thanks! Where both ok which is the main thing i suppose! The damage to my bike is all cosmetic i hope, although it hit the curb pretty quickly... Ain't had a good look at it yet, to busy nursing my sore arse haha. I'll take some pictures tomorrow and post them up! Probably going to strip it all down, work out what needs replacing and start building it up for the track! Got my eye on something more comfortable i.e a thou for me and the missus!
Productive Day!
Looks like i'll be making this into a track bike sooner rather than later! Might even get into Novice Racing! Any suggestions on what Aftermarket parts / Modifications are used in racing? Cheers.
Productive Day!
Had a fantastic ride out today, apart from a few minor discrepancies... Start of the ride some dick slams his anchors on to avoid a Feasent.... Bang my mate clips his flank ripping his R6 in half! (He's ok) So we wait about an hour he goes home, we set off again! Unreal ride... Just going round a big long roundabout into the town i live, like iv done a hundred times! then oh no don't look now the dreaded patch of oil! Dropped the bike about 40mph, slid watching as the bike spun into the curb... Nice!
3rd sitting
Wrong post...? Silly question...? hehe!
Ride out tomorrow (Saturday)
There are 8 of us out tomorrow! For times and location PM me! Anyone interested! Anth.
YZF-R125 Safety Recall
My Sky HD box is getting recalled actually... Similar fault i believe! Or was it the HDD?
- Thank God...
- Thank God...
Thank God...
...I'm off work today! Not 1 cloud in the sky, no wind and nice and warm! Could creep up to 13C... This calls for a Scarborough trip me thinks! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
First decent ride yesterday
Hmm... Im wondering if iv completely missed your sarcasm here... If so i apologise!
My YOC Pose
Do you mean 'Wey aye man'...? And i wasn't exactly aiming for that sort of reply (I'm hoping your been funny) I was hoping for an insult as to the lack of respectability of this post!
First decent ride yesterday
I think you misunderstand a little not been a car driver yourself. Predominantly driving is just a practical form of transport, a necessity, so there isn't really any community spirit among your average car driver. If every driver acknowledged each other they'd be a lot of accidents! Personally i don't think its the 'Drivers' that are miserable its just driving isn't that exciting!
Near Miss...
Cheers fella's! I don't know whether he genuinely didn't see me or whether he just misjudged the time it would take for me to reach him, either way i think he was in the wrong... The sad thing is he had 3 girls in the car with him, wouldn't of been very nice for them if i joined them through the rear window...! That's only the second time that has happened in 2 years so at least everyone isn't incapable of seeing further than the end of there bonnet!
My YOC Pose
r6 insurance
Same model as mine... And yeh if you give it some off the mark it does tend to power wheelie! A better option, second gear 8000rpm, flick of the clutch and away you go! (not on public road mind ) Take Pillniggas advice about the bike mags, you may not get 100% perfect service from the insurence companies that will deal with you but you'll be covered at least!
r6 insurance
I'm assuming you mean a restricted R6 as it isn't possible for you to ride an unrestricted R6 at your age. I doubt you would get insured either to be honest, but if you do and want fully comp you'll be lucky to get it lower then £2500. And yeh what Shokz said you will kill yourself! Nice enthusiasm though!