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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Nope. You wont find it cos it aint there. There were jack up kits that lifted the bike about 30mm. They pop up on ebay. Otherwise moving the top shock mount was done in the past. Someone did it to mine. Doesent do the bike any favours as the steering gets twitchy and the chain rubs the sw arm.
  2. Just expected you to prefer being up bippos rear end. You would sooner mention kev, up yours.(see what i did eh?)
  3. Just adjusted your title. Was a little confusing.
  4. Thats foamy in a cold sweat for days.
  5. Yes i agree its like yours paul just more knackerd and yellow but seeing as my dt would stump all of that logic. The chassis number will tell without any doubt.
  6. Like i sais even just the first 3 characters of THE RUDDY CHASSIS NUMBER will tell.
  7. Cynic

    Fake or not ?

    Think about it dt. On some bikes like vee's them plugs could punch holes in skin... Pays peanuts...
  8. Nope. Owing to the properties of large lumps of concrete and some clever maths. The car hitting concrete has to absorb all of its own kinetic energy. When 2 cars hit head on assuming the same mass they each absorb their share. Therefore a car hitting a car head on of the same mass is actually identical to 1 car hitting a concrete block at the same speed. Be it 40, 60, 100mph.
  9. So finding out 120mph into reinforced concrete is bad is a shock because.....?
  10. No. Its not liquid cooled and having (i think) a head stud showing at the back of the head its a 175. 6 studs for 175, 4 for the 125. Dependant on the side the oil tank is on and if it has a round or square section sw arm will date it. As is its a 1979/80 ish Yamaha Dt175MX. The 125 is litterally identical bar a clutch plate,bigger bore and 4 or 6 head studs. Easy upgrade, or in my case down. I will be making my 175 a 125 for my daughter. Put the first half of the engine/frame number up and we can say for certain.
  11. Modular some maybe. How many people have been on this very site with the same or similar: "I got a cheap motor from a mate but". Then spending more in time and or money to fit/fix the replacement than repairing the original. Sounds like its only done the piston.
  12. Cheap engine swaps dont happen. Whatever is wrong with the gt it will be cheaper to fix than replace. You will need to work on the exhaust, air filter/carb. Engine mounts.. it goes on. Not least of all is the insurance will rocket.
  13. Something gsx's are very fond of my old one did it regular. As to carb draining. That dates from the 2strokes of yore. The oil didnt mix nearly as well and would drop out over a short while and stop the bike from starting. General practice was to shut the fuel of as you were stopping then when you hear the revs kick shut it down. Now we do it cos the fuel life is rubbish.
  14. Cor buddy idiot parking their bike on the yellow markings tch.
  15. Im flexible. I go to squires for the yoc. You lot make the squires meet. Andy, how many other clubs are there where a 600 superbike (well a triumph, we are the Yoc) a 30 year old 250 and a 125 on L plates have a laugh on a 100mile trip. I dont much care where but i think a specific weekend event should be chosen. To give focus. Thats all squires is. Cheap camping and some scoff. Cant call it food.
  16. Cynic


    Same for me works fine. 240 barrels are a straight swap and if you werent told it was a 240 you wouldnt know from riding it. So long as its fully fit.
  17. Smoke and mirrors. The exhaust and the actual port sizes control 2stroke power. Reeds may affect pick up very slightly but unless the rest of the system is highly worked you wont notice. The different reeds.
  18. Pah. My tdr does it properly. Two pipes under the seat from 2cyl.
  19. Ah. That changes things. Will still be air though. What are the carb joints like.
  20. On the sidestand the carb floats dont move so the carb runs dry. If it stops just right a little fuel will sill be getting in to keep it running. But as it gets leaner it gets faster. If its lean enough, in extreem it will auto ignite. mine has done it. Caused by a suspention lift and leaning further on the stand. Scary but nothing wrong.
  21. I wish they would all shut up about it. All the scotts and english crap. Some people will get very rich. Most (scott and english) will lose out and i can do no more about it than i can stop it raining. Be nice if we got the chance to get out of europe.
  22. Please don't post the same thread in different sections mate. It gets proper confusing to try and help. As to the problem? The star, pin wheel, etc has a specific location on the selector drum shaft. Normally set by flats on the shaft etc. Can you select gears just by turning the star. Without the selector mech. Never seen the guts of an rt so guessing a little.
  23. Yes. The japs have only ever had 95ron unleaded. As a mineral poor country producing its own vehicles why pay lead to burn. Thing is though they werent adding 10% ethanol to it either. It can ruin mixture. As well as eating carb components. It killed my dt motor.
  24. Also. Wiring diagrams and bought looms may not be complete. There will be small links and sub looms that may be missing or different. The different pv set ups as example. Keep everything you have for now. Decide on a spec for you electrics. Be it 2002 or 2006. Then stick to it. I have done a few looms for my own bikes and once you can understand how they work they are very simple. You have 2 basic lines. Generator fed and battery fed. Ac and dc if you like. At least figure that and it will be much easier to understand a drawing.
  25. Cynic

    Death of a rider !

    This is getting ott now. Its not them and us. We all use the roads. There is not a single road user who at some point has not had some sort of,"Fuck me where did that come from" moment. Second to that. This very morning i have seen 3 bikers that without the actions of cars would be in hospital at least. All pushing for gaps in traffic at speed. We have all done it. Playing the odds is part of why we ride. Nobody was right or wrong in this, everybody loses. The car driver. The biker. Familys etc. The message from the video for me is to be more aware of the dangers. Not play the blame game, with content as strong as this video petty finger pointing is at best innapropriate.
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