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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Then leave it be. Just keep it on song. Pv adjusted properly. No nasty leaky frontpipe or powervalve seals. Good filter. Change the plug every 4 to 5k miles. Keep the chain and sprockets oiled. All that will keep you 4 or 5hp ahead of the knuckle dragers and have a nicer bike to ride. A 98 is a quick bike anyway with a good pipe. Something from J Lomas would sound sweet and give RELIABLE hp boost of maybe 10 to 15% across the rev range. (I want some for my TDR)
  2. Then fit 9. I just googled it tbh. Plugs are something i swap out regularly. Changing from 8 to 9 you wont notice. But an old plug swapped for new makes a big difference. Waiting till they are dead will waste fuel and hp.
  3. BR8 is fine its the standard plug. The 9 can stand higher chamber temperatures for sustained high speed work (on a dt?). Downside is they make it harder to start. I will just subtly add. IT WILL MAKE NO, REPEAT NO, THAT IS UTTERLY COCK ALL difference to the bikes performance (power wise) whichever plug you pick. For the benefit of the 125 tuning gurus/mates that know best but have never even touched a motorcycle.
  4. Just to highlight. The problem is in the dual sport/ off road section. Just say hi on here.
  5. Neighbours. Its a mx bike. Full blood rip your nuts off leave your brains at the start line mx. It will rev to maybe 12000rpm and make cock all power till 9. Below 5 prob wont even pull away. It is meant to spend its entire life either on or spinning the rear wheel. (Moved to proper place)
  6. Cos its a yz80. Its what they do. Subtle and smooth are not used to describe a yz.
  7. Cynic

    XS 250 CARBS

    Could have been worse jimmy. Could have been a Z250
  8. Doesent really matter tbh. Just check the studs are clean and the head is flat and true. Then tighten them down evenly to the right torque. That is more important really.
  9. Cynic

    XS 250 CARBS

    Define rebuilt... No idle means blocked idle jets. Or idle speed set wrong.
  10. Cynic

    Touring MT 125

    Ha! g1hsd id be approaching my 3rd fuel stop at 225 miles and the seat would have cut me in 2 with the exhaust cooking my knackers.
  11. The 'overflow' you mention is the float chamber vent. If blocked it will upset the mixtue. Esp at idle.
  12. I would sooner have a set of handmade pipes on the TDR. With change for fuel.
  13. Cynic

    Hidden rust.

    Around 700quid for the pair. Plus cans. Plus rejetting. Sound fkin A though.
  14. Cynic

    Hidden rust.

    I know its not very exciting but after having to take my exhausts off I figured i'd give em the usual blast of black to smarten them up. Well I noticed some quite substantial rust bubbles in the paint so decided to knock it back to get rid and give a good key. Jesus it took over an hour to clear the rust, all the hot spots had rust forming UNDER the paint. Each little bubble would show an area the size of a fag packet that needed treating and the front of the exhaust is completely stripped back to the front of the expansion chamber. The steel must be truly fkin awful quality. I went from cleaning a couple of blisters on the swan neck to practically stripping it In patches back to the rear of the cone in front of the stinger. Im debating bear metaling the whole pipe.
  15. You might even luck out on some damaged rims, you don't want mint just the hubs. Junk the damage rebuild/paint the hubs and re lace em. Cheap sm set.
  16. Ok, this will help visibility. Really, as someone wearing hi viz vest over my jacket with reflective piping. Hi viz motorway spec reflective over trousers and my lights on people STILL pull out/ infront of/ across me. Pretty much the same as when not wearing it all. None of that fairy light junk will make any odds and you will look a prat as a bonus.
  17. You know I think this could well be timing related.(Something I say VERY rarely) If this is as well as its ever run the timing cannot be discounted. (pun intended)I don't think its anything silly like the woodruf key, I think it may just have been done wrong. It needs be out by little more than a couple of mm and it will run but any revs will advance it passed the point of not running. 1.8mm BTDC for your bike , do you have a puller and a dial gauge, you don't have to have the dial gauge but the puller is a must.
  18. Nah dont like suzuki cars. Got a mondeo myself.
  19. No not alergic to cumin' at least not mine and the wife's. I mean the spice. It in everything indian. Its in anything curried. Except mexican. Thats ok.
  20. So it has ALWAYS run like this. Its strange. Normally a sick 2 stroke WONT start. Easy to start and idle says the engine is essentially ok. The filter making no difference is wonky too. Have you done anything with the float height. It is something they can be fussy over. Have you checked the float height?
  21. What happens with the filter out?
  22. Some good news, found the pipes on the carbs (they complete the choke circuit) had perished and needed replacing as well as a weepy fuel line. The carbs were dirty inside too, took the jets out and cleared the muck in there, just poking through wasn't enough. Now have 2 sparkly (on inside) carbs. Have some later exhaust gaskets too which should seal nice and tight too.
  23. no for me! allergic to cumin, not wanting a chat with hueeeeeey down a campsite bog.
  24. Before you do that try riding without bar ends. If it makes no difference then the heavy ones wont help.
  25. Into the float chamber and on the other side of the slide in the venturi.
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