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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Didn't know steve loved his DT's THAT much. No worse than a sock I suppose.
  2. Cynic

    New bike

    Looks like the heat shields could end up with gravel rash real soon. Why is it? if you scrape yourbike on the garage wall your gutted and ready to kill something but scrape it on the road,( I ground a hole in my fairing on roundabouts and dragged my exhaust so much I ground a flat on the can) your all smiles.
  3. The wife used to work for UPS controlling the night air freight to Coventry Airport and I just asked her. Anything carried by air has to meet Civil Aviation material regulations. Under air hazard regulations even 1 drop of hazardous material makes something hazardous depending on specific material classifications. Your engine, suspension, gearbox, battery as a minimum make it hazardous. Even as separate parts It is possible to get vehicles approved for air freight but it will cost,A LOT. It would need to jump through a lot of hoops to even get close. On a ship the time it takes will affect what it costs. If you send it as groupage with an international carrier it will be cheap but it will come in a container with god knows what else, god knows how long,(could be well over 6 mths if going deep sea) kept somewhere on the ship, (don't forget they lose containers in storms). Up to you but a proper vehicle transport company that im/exports vehicles would be my choice. Or re list it on craigslist and by one at home.
  4. Need pictures, also, a warm air gun is much safer than a butane torch. The naked flame can hot spot the metal. You cannot heat with a heat gun to a dangerous level (for the bearings and cases), nor turn yourself into the human torch in the garage.
  5. Cynic

    Fz600 Gulf

    Just trying to imagine an engine with valve clearances measured in feet?
  6. Cynic

    Fz600 Gulf

    That's a bloody big shim, whats the valve gear on a ship?
  7. Cynic

    New bike

    That back tyre says you enjoyed that fist ride. Can never beat that new bike feeling.
  8. That has little to do with the boost bottle, either the fuel level (float height) in the carb is out or the pilot jet is blocked. Needing choke at idle is a classic sign. The main jet does nothing relevant to its size until the last 30% of your throttle.
  9. Welcome back everybody. The TDR site got done too but they haven't had a nasty upgrade to deal with. Well done Alex.
  10. 62 is not bad. If its for the little lady then she is im assuming. Learning. I imagine the little lady may well get more than 62 too. Why do you want to risk it all for not much. The ybr is a small learner friendly bike that is cheap and economical. Encourage her and get her through her test. Then get her something bigger. ' oh er missus'
  11. Mileage? Do you know the last time it had a top end check?
  12. The tap has a diaphram in it. It may be getting good vac from the carbs but the tap may need work. They are ok. I have had 2 go on me and each time running on prime kept me going. Parts are not expensive and its relatively simple to do once the tank is empty.
  13. Do you not think its a security backstep?
  14. Have to admit with my last set of fork seals............. I got Churchills to do them down the road from me, called In 20quid and in the time it took to drink a cup of machine coffee they were done. I had completely stripped the forks down to the bare tubes, minus springs and oil and just had them do the seals. One of the few jobs I will farm out. Not so the headstock, have a big old cold chisel I have ground a step into to bite into the small lip and drive them out. All else fails stick some weld on em. But they WILL come out.
  15. Heh, the tell tale 'You will go faster if it kills you' twist in the throttle grip.
  16. Cynic


    Dunno, it was blue. When I asked how much he said it came from the US and couldn't remember the price. I can't remember the name of the stuff but Magyvers is even apparently better and you can get that from Halfords. The colour stuff is from 'Poorboys'.
  17. Cynic

    Its too hot

    Factory I used to work in, if you had to go to the top of the plant on days like today it was well over 50. You were working above 4 chemical reactors running between 100 and 240 deg c with associated pipework. On a busy shift if you were spannering on the plant a lot, blockages etc you really would be dripping in sweat.
  18. You will get a lot more from the forum if you take a minute to say hi first in the new members area. Lion share of the members ignore 1 post questions as often as not it stays 1 post even after the member spent the time/ effort replying. Its not a paid service, just a group of bikers. Helping fellow bikers, chat, pi55 taking etc.
  19. Cynic


    Well I resisted as long as possible but I relapsed, 57miles was all she got as a run in. Then stayed under 7500 for the next couple of hundred. Job done now, today was the first full fat 'Oh that's why you ride a two stoke' moment. Many more to come, I hope. Second thing, thought the bike looked a little flat, even after I had given it a clean. So at the suggestion of my neighbour (has some show and shine trophies from car meets) took all the polish off with some blue stuff from the US he lent me. Then gave it a good seeing to with some pigmented wax, again from Lee next door. WOW Looks amazing, much deeper colour and shine. Apparently polish/wax can go a bit off if it builds up too thick and make the surface opaque. Could be bollox but going on the finish I now have on my TDR im convinced.
  20. But does it get bigger if he lies?, prob better duck if he sneezes too.
  21. And this is different?
  22. Cynic

    Malibu and coke

    Huh, I like the health option, far more responsible. All the time im in cornwall the local pubs have apple juice on the bar. It may have gone over a bit cos too much can seem to make you a bit dizzy. Good for the 5 a day though. While were away I can be doing 7 maybe 8 a day. Feels good to be healthy, hic...
  23. Cynic

    Yam bits???

    And people think 2 strokes are expensive....
  24. Damn DDT beat me to it.
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