The wife used to work for UPS controlling the night air freight to Coventry Airport and I just asked her. Anything carried by air has to meet Civil Aviation material regulations. Under air hazard regulations even 1 drop of hazardous material makes something hazardous depending on specific material classifications. Your engine, suspension, gearbox, battery as a minimum make it hazardous. Even as separate parts It is possible to get vehicles approved for air freight but it will cost,A LOT. It would need to jump through a lot of hoops to even get close. On a ship the time it takes will affect what it costs. If you send it as groupage with an international carrier it will be cheap but it will come in a container with god knows what else, god knows how long,(could be well over 6 mths if going deep sea) kept somewhere on the ship, (don't forget they lose containers in storms). Up to you but a proper vehicle transport company that im/exports vehicles would be my choice. Or re list it on craigslist and by one at home.