This forum has almost no real rules apart from a community sense of fair play that you are stretching a little. We don't use post counts, vet posts or members, just let your conscience and sense of 'treat as you wish to be treated", control the post content.
The intro is just curtesy, same as a pack of cans when you go round your mates to watch the racing/footy/rugby etc. Your going to drink, eat and use far more than you take.
Most of the time the same happens on here. people get their problem fixed and go away to live their life and enjoy their bike till they have more problems. Most of the people giving the advice have been round the block and are offering their time for nothing, and often they have been in that very situation and help just because the biking community helps people. Its a mind-set, in this day and age everything is instant. I'm already too old to give a f about instant, more do it once do it right.
For what its worth I would be checking the chain and the sprockets. SR engines are so over engineered harm from low oil esp to the clutch is very unlikely the cams would fail first unless your actually saying you ran it dry.