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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic

    Favourite game..

    Its petty but this time of year is always fun, people blow the dust off their bikes and go out for a wobble. They all seem to think i'm riding a 125 (nowhere does my bike state its a 250), so I get a polite sad smile that says 'you can have a proper bike like mine one day'. Then they trundle away only to find said little 125 is all over them. Most will pull up for a natter about bikes and bullshit but some get the arse and feck off.. Later in the year it doesent work so well as the wobblers are up to speed but I still catch a few.
  2. When your that low the fuel will slosh about giving the tank outlet nothing but air, your lucky it ran. Take it to a garage and fill it up properly then see how it runs. If it was on fumes you may still not have a lot in there depending on the fuel storage on the bike.
  3. So there is no reason for it not to start. We need more were not psychic. Has it been running ok? anything changed parts wise like an exhaust? funny noises? been hard to start or cut out recently? Hell for all we know its been in a barn for the last decade? We need detail.... Then we can help.
  4. Cynic

    YBR clutch

    Something that common would have been on here. It is also difficult to really hurt a clutch pulling away unless your really. Its partly why its oil soaked. It accomodates slipping. An extra 300rpm and hanging the clutch 2 seconds longer will do no harm. I have to ask. Often people who are used to cars are sensitive to the noises of a bike. Are you being overly gentle pulling off?
  5. That i wish mine were that price and sweeping statements can give bad infomation.
  6. Cough!! on some kev. 15 quid a pair for the TDR if you get the ones that work.
  7. My thoughts too KP. Generally oil contaminated by water in any quantity turns into a hideous white gunk that takes an age to sort out. It certainly wont split. How old? How many miles?
  8. See something so tiny... Glad its sorted and thx for the feedback.
  9. Cynic

    One a day

    Hmm. Vincent black shadow. Because it did most of what we have first. Harris framed rg500, bike porn. TDR250. Mine. Mk1 Bandit 12 fully tuned up with the fun gsxr stuff. 160+ reliable horses. Like a 4stroke LC. As money is irrelevant one of Rossi's championship winning strokers just to see what its like. Prob a TDM for the day to day commute. And a Rocket Gold Star for my Dad. And yes. Everything does pre date the millenium. Save the gp bike.
  10. Cynic

    My Bike

    No, that's what people generally think. it was a character from a comic I read as a kid. Krazy it was called, big high point of the week when it appeared on the kitchen table, besmirched being within touching distance of my sisters 'Jackie'. Anyho, there was a character in there that liked nothing more than being filthy as much as possible, Pongo Snodgrass, so the Landy became Pongo. Slightly personal confession thinking about it but hey......
  11. Cynic

    My Bike

    Wow. Memory man. Name for the Landy came first though.
  12. Cynic

    My Bike

    Only vehicle i ever named was my old landy. Christened Pongo. See who knows that one. Mate of mine called his rangy 'The Fridge' because it was a big white box.
  13. Cynic

    My Bike

    LOL, was Doris round our way Slice.
  14. Don't forget the hassle with road tax too, the moment they part with the cash the tax is void. You will be liable if they ride through a checkpoint unless you have a proper receipt. TIMED for the sale. Just to be sure. The low ball from the dealer may actually be worth it soon, was when we got rid of our last caravan, we bought from them and instead of me selling it they sold it for me. On their forecourt. For a value I agreed with them. They actually shifted it for 600 quid more than I agreed with the dealer for it and I thought I had done ok, but no selling hassle, tyre kickers etc. It was just gone. One in one out.
  15. If your stuck, if you fit the Suzuki and Yamaha ones the right way they will work in a Kawasaki.
  16. Cynic

    Summer bikers

    Nah! 3 and 4 cover most of the season except for ???, i think its a Tuesday this year.
  17. What have you got at the moment, 16/45 is normal and should give around 60 ish as a top whack. Pulling more will hurt acceleration. Not sure there is room for a 17.
  18. Cynic

    Summer bikers

    I put you in the second group, you didn't just decide, 'hey i'd like a motorbike', then go out and buy everything to make you a 'biker' (hate that word).
  19. Cynic

    Summer bikers

    I find its the wallet warriors that dont nod. Because they dont know/care. Those of us that have lived bikes. Had the near and not so near misses, as well as all the other negatives you experience owning a bike. The negatives that get forgotten as your bike clears its throat on a clear, warm and dry day and you let it sing. Their loss.
  20. Meatloaf will know. He has one. Same exhausts too.
  21. You will need to keep your battery in good nick and the earth for your voltage regulator and perversely your headlight. They all work together to keep the voltage sensible. She can peak at 15v otherwise and blow just about everything electrical. Mine certainly did. Otherwise good work. Have led's in my tdr250 idiot lights. With a relatively dim one for main beam as i got blinded by the damn thing. (Live out in the country so lot of dark riding). Prob best leaving the indicator as a bulb. Unless you fit 2 led's in the same housing one for left the other right.
  22. Screens can be a blessing and a curse, depends on how tall you are and how the screen moves the air. It may change from general wind to a strong blast that's hitting you in the face. Its different for everybody, just fit it and see.
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