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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. I would argue there must be 1 stage 6 element missing....
  2. For 1 i think its a spectacular waste of time and being a cheapy will cause you all kinds of greif. But to answer. You need to imobilise as much as possible. Starter circuit and ig feed are common options. Now you need to find somwhere secure and inacsessable to fit it that is not close to heat and road crud. Once you have done that you need to open the loom up and make your connections. Real good ones to. Not push fits but proper solder and heatshrink. Then rewrap the loom hiding the wiring. Also. I would reccomend wiring in bypasses to the immobilised circuits. Put them say, by the battery. Use female insulated spades then get a couple of fuses and short them so they blow and dont work. Fit them to the spade connections so they appear to be auxillary circuit fuses. Then when, sorry, if your chinese alarm causes you trouble on a wet december you can replace the fuses with good ones and get home.
  3. Nope. Didnt see that one. This end of the scale seems a total lottery. Some go cheap like the forum member bagging a Dt for 50 quid. A lot of the stuff down here in the pond scum gets bought by breakers. Who knows what they think.
  4. Well got it back, 478miles round trip in 10 hrs 10min, that included the buying and loading in Plymouth and 2 pee stops. It looks good, obviously needs work, came with some spare calipers and the rh switchgear it needs. 29k miles and lacking tlc but its not rotten. In fact little rust. Just 15 years in the hands of teenagers. Maybe teens that don't like turning out in the salt. It 'looks' like a good project and my guess at 200 quid to sort looks perfectly doable, haven't had it running yet so that is a bit of a ? but otherwise I don't feel ripped off. Esp as he paid 600 for it. He threw a hydraulic MX stand in for nowt too. Don't worry will post pics up after I take some. May start a project thread. Hmmm?
  5. Did you fit a new relay at the same time? For LEDs maybe? Or are they just on. Not flashing.
  6. Yep. With the daughters im now at 4..... Bigger garage? Or rebuild the shed? Hmmmm..........
  7. 122294281975 that's the number, just tried it in a google search and it took me straight in. Been there my first 50 did 30mph. Not for long, growing up the son of a mechanic meant no fear of spanners, add the arrogance of teenagerdom and it wasn't long before it was doing near double that. This is one, same colour too, even the graphics.
  8. Here it is, #122294281975 I just want to get it now to have a proper in the flesh look. I think I can have it all up and running in real good nick for under 600 all in. That's my aim anyhow. A lot of bike for 600 quid. As I said didn't expect to win in the slightest, pure gut impulse bid. Shame its in Plymouth gulp....
  9. Well bugger me. Put one of those cheeky start bids on a Aprilia RX50, spares or repair, runner, needs work but all there. Auction started at £400, I had bid and missed the reiju for that so figured what the hell. It spoke to me, stuck the flat bid on fully expecting it to go up. It didn't. So I now have a Aprilia RX50 needing mild restoration, as far as I can tell that amounts to a mega clean and service. Picking it up Saturday. Hope my instincts were good.
  10. I have a trailer and a tow hitch so distance is unimportant. To a point. At the minute im trying to cash in on the post christmas, " shit i spent how much".
  11. I wonder. 2 of my mates lasted less than 6mths b4 they went back in.
  12. Cheers Steve. Have got 6mths but that seems to go awful fast these days.
  13. More and more options open up, tis a proper bike. Just hard to track em down. They seem to hold their new value for a bit then once they are 5 or 6 years old their gone. Cheap is 900 quid. Well that's what the chancers seem to be after and long may they wait.
  14. Must be a proper mc. She is adamant its not going to be a scooter. "Thats a girls bike." Ha! Her words. Proud
  15. Unfortunately i dont have the cash to buy past the handgrenades. Just have to use some old skool guesswork and gut feel to try and limit the risk. Buying at the other end of the scale means most of the bad ones are gone too. Still gitted at losing the rieju. The page said i was the highest bidder then straight to 'you didn't win the item'. Thought i read it wrong first time. 400quid for an smx pro. Would have done lovely.
  16. AAAAAAARRRRRGH, how the F can mint FULL POWER 125 bikes sell for 500 quid and are commonplace and a good 50 is either miles away, Plymouth or Warrington are 2 possible, same distances tbh. And more cash. Steve those fb groups just look like links to ebay as far as it goes. Also your ugly mug appeared in a couple. brrrrgh.
  17. Yep, that's the idea. Just missed a Reiju, got piped by seconds, I hit bid at 15 seconds to and somebody managed to bid twice in the same time?????? Kin snipers. Currently sending an insulting offer to a guy with an RS 50 (Aprilia), not my fault he cant spell Aprilia: 'apillia' is it.
  18. On a MX track its epic, the A40 to Witney? Not so much. Their race bikes. There what your DT dreams of being but reliability measured in hours rather than k miles.
  19. Nope, if the clutch plates stick together you would not be able to select a gear, as you moved the lever she would be off.. I think its propping (like its permanently pulling the lever) most likely by incorrect adjustment. I bet you could cycle the gears with the engine running without pulling the lever.
  20. Yay (ow!) Happy new year everybody.
  21. As its happened before to somebody else. How much fuel is in it? Its not unknown for the floats to stick causing the engine to run out of fuel, as it runs down slow the engine revs can rise.
  22. Seriously, find another I will take it. As to posting questions, wack em up in the workshop section or, projects are really popular when they have pictures too. Run a well documented project thread and the whole forum will be itching to help with any issues, the lil 50 has a soft spot in many of us.
  23. No, get the sand out your ears, needs to be a 50..... Have a 125 top end for my DT175 when she is 17.
  24. Isn't the idea to put it back together and make sure it works before worrying about restrictions, which depending on model and age it may not even have......
  25. Jammy bugger, that DT is just the thing I'm after. 50quid, got any more...... Welcome.
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