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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. I think sacrificing the toolbag on the forks is the best idea, its supposed to be there anyway. When I did this on my old lc, (2 small spot lights instead of the big light) I rewired all the headlight junk so any connections were under the seat and rear body. All I had then was the wires needed for the headlights at the headlights. Looked a treat. With the switchgear wires in the bars it really tidy's the bike, depends how much you like wiring.
  2. Nope, misunderstanding, you have 6 wires coming from the engine. One of those, the blue one being the neutral light, the rest from the mag. There are 6 wires at that cdi and the older cdi has 7 wires, an extra red. This called 7 wire. Slightly vicarious use of words calling it a 6wire mag but hey, roman roads are arrowstraight too eh? You 'should have: green/white - Charging/lighting (dc) yellow- Lighting (ac) brown- cdi white/red- Trigger coil black- Earth The second colour is tracer.
  3. Plenty, at the moment there is no ethanol in uk super unleaded as far as I know. The octane is higher too which helps. The ethanol is corrosive to brass, causes rubbers and seals to perish prematurely and increases the amount of oxygen in the combustion process. In a modern FI cat equipped car this reduces emissions. In our 'non all of that crap' 2 strokes all it does is make the engine run lean, and as a bonus doesn't cool the piston like regular fuel and detonates earlier causing your piston to melt through. You could jet around it partly but different companies add different amounts of ethanol so not perfect. There are additives, but that's just more cash. Ultimately (pun intended) running super works out cheaper, I run my tdr on it and it starts easier, runs smoother and feels much better to ride and gives better mpg, more than enough to offset the extra cost. In short yes, use it your bike will love you.
  4. When I was in hospital with pneumonia across from me was a WW1 veteran, old, frail, barely moved never spoke a word. Middle of the night he would wake up, sit up shouting in a voice that could still have made a private nervous, "The bastards, man the guns, their coming, wait for your shot, flares! flares! get those bloody flares up". And then the nurses would shush him down and he would be back to frail old man. Poor bugger died while I was in there, just quietly passed. At the time 80 years on and he was still having nightmares.
  5. Cynic


    Generally on uk bikes one has points the other doesent. There was a 12v one but avoid its a wiring headache. What makes you think its 125.
  6. Amazingly my grandfather signed up in 39 and did the burma campaign start to finish. I always look to see if i might spot him one day in old film. He rarely spoke about it sober, came home late 1948. No surprise my ol lady was born mid 49 eh?
  7. Ok, not sure on the piezo bit. just think the idiot light is a weak power source.
  8. Nah, that's fed from left overs coming back along the earth path. Wont have the power for an inductive load like a buzzer. Could try wiring it same as the relay, put a positive feed to the piezo and then link the neg to the indicator switch INPUT which is an earth path. It should earth with the lamps. I say should depends on power and what type of indicators you have, etc. I think I would try that first myself.
  9. Doesn't stop you saying bollox to my view and doing it anyhow, some of my best mods to my old land rover (there were many) were fuelled by somebody saying: "Idiot you can't do that",
  10. Ok, as you should really be wearing ear plugs or some sort of sound protection, probably have a fruity exhaust. Just how loud are these buzzers, even without all that you wont hear them over 10mph. You can barely talk to your pillion in traffic if your helmet is of any quality. Bad idea.
  11. Hmm, ok in a pissing contest I suppose, essentially 2 r1 engines grafted together. Honestly, didn't think much to it. Not like its a pretty engine or showing off beautiful engineering, that rad set up and the squashed in exhausts. nope Feels like someone with money showing off without the pride, that could have been a work of art, instead?
  12. ohms test, or you could connect the battery to the coil and then break the connection, that normally will cause the coil to spark if things are ok
  13. Cynic


    You will have, it was just on a subtle level. If you were adding zero load to the tyre it would not have slipped. Even tensing up you grip on the bars will have an affect on the bike. Also those piddly scoot wheels have nowhere near the gyroscopic mass of a bike wheel. That makes direction changes far easier, makes them less stable.
  14. Plug colour? Good spark? Mileage? How long has the top end been on? Checked ALL the electrical connections for the ig, including the kill switch on the bars and the engine earth as well as the mag outputs. Filter clean Reeds in place and good condition Exhaust tight
  15. Biggest pain atm is finding any kind of manual. At the moment I can get an engine manual and have found a wiring diagram which in reality looks pretty generic for these bikes like the engine. The rest of the cycle parts will have to be parts fiches like csml and fowlers and old fashioned experience. I have joined the Aprilia forum too. It does feel a bit like a car nut getting an Alpha ? Like something you should do even though its probably a bad move.
  16. Cynic


    Not unless you want studs? Its not that bad , just demands respect. I admit to using the car nowadays as I'm no fan of wet and cold and the Mondeo is actually cheaper to use for work. I did 5 years riding full time on a gsx600 and some days the ice fell from my leathers like broken glass. Be smooth, no jerky steering or brake grabs and most times you wont even realise the ice is there. Crossing slopes is something I always worry about, was one of my first crashes. But again you can see it coming. Actual tyre wise, any quality tyre will have far more grip even on ice than you might think, there were days I got off of the 600 and slipped on my arse in the car park I had just ridden into.
  17. Well its home and..... em.... well... OK its a shed. It has not had a lot of love and the person I got it from has bought it to fix and bottled it after working on it a tiny bit. Good: Engine is oil tight, looks unopened save the top end Really good spark Frame looks good and straight, No bad rust anywhere Bodywork is complete if a little 'weatherd' Bar basic fixings its pretty much all there. Suspention sound and working Forks have minor pitting outside of the seal area, look oil tight too. Bad: Don't think it will run, fuel in it was yellow....... Petrol in the gearbox Water in the 2stroke tank Engine really shitty Wiring is a DISASTER Plastic tank with some of the body fixings in it cross threaded, new one on me that. Photobucket seems to have gone to the dogs so pictures might have to wait. Anybody know a useable photo site that doesn't advert you to death.
  18. Cynic


    Nothing like an honest to goodness tank slapper to keep it real. Have you done the bloke thing or did you see the doc.
  19. I used plumbing solder. Wheel off the ground. Gently spin it. Let it find its natural rest. Get the solder guestimate at how much but start heavy 20g say? Twist onto a spoke at the highest point. Gently spin again. Trim the lengt of solder or add even ising other spokes as req till the wheel stops randomly. Now weigh the solder and buy the weights or just twist the solder tightly on the spokes. You could also remove the wheel and have it balanced comercially.
  20. Thought he wanted to avoid modified stuff. Bet he got it for a song too eh?
  21. Not sure if this helps but it may help with what you expect. HP Loss = (elevation x 0.03 x horsepower @ sea level)/1000 Acording to this from doctor google you will lose around 40% of your hp at 9000ft. That would slap my dt 175 down to around 11hp. If it made 17hp to start with. You bike may be running fine. Brown plug is hardly a warning.
  22. From a slightly less lofty position. Most 50's get messed about with. As a rule its normally what kills them but if you want a quick 50. Buy a BIKE. There are numerous 50cc motorcycles that can do over 60 properly de restricted. With bigbores and such it gets even sillier. Having a 2016 scoot means money wise you could easily have had one of those instead. Cant help on the scoot performance. Never interested me sorry.
  23. Hasn't affected mine in the slightest. You want to put a grommet in the hole though to keep crap away and water out.
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