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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic

    First proper ride.

    Nah, 38hp is proper licence territory and not many 'real' bikers want to ride a 125. They don't understand the rush of a stroker that powerful, or want to put the effort in to keep it buzzing. 38bhp, that's nearly 320bhp/litre, makes an R1's 175 sound pretty limp.
  2. Cynic

    First proper ride.

    Lol, her 'new' bike is still in bike hospital. She was on the back, has done for a couple of years now, she has enough experience now that apart from allowing for her weight on the bike (have to be careful there) I can just get on with riding. She can handle full power acceleration and braking, just flicking from left to right takes care but I'm being really picky.
  3. True, one of the members on here has an SR125 that has done well over 70, with witnesses. Got a LOT of miles on it though.
  4. Went out with the daughter yesterday, not the most auspicious start as the first stop was for fuel just outside the next village. And my wallet was in my normal jeans I had changed out of, Doh, daughter had to wait there while I went back. Think I'm going to be hearing about that one for a while. Otherwise got out did some of the better bike roads with some high speed stuff then turned off into the back country, old 16th century villages and single track roads around the edge of the county working back. Only around 60 miles but with the country stuff (some 10mph) we were out maybe 3 hours all told and we were both suffering with numb backsides by the time we pulled up at home. The TDR seat is hardly FJ quality and with little room to move about it gets a bit uncomfortable. Will soon toughen back up with a few more rides. Was good to be out. Warm sun, crisp air, perfect.
  5. Welcome, don't worry about the 5-10mph. Whatever bike you have from now till the day you hang your gloves up will not be quick enough in a straight line. Just find a twistier route, 50mph round a 40mph bend will get any pulse going.
  6. I really like that, simple, effective, think I will have a go at that myself on mine. Looks inexpensive too, those brake fluid res are only a couple of quid for the ebay cheapies. As for a squirt every 6 miles, really, and the spotless back end, that is poetic licence. No dead bugs on the front neither. That was cleaned to within an inch of its life before that vid.
  7. Sounds like you have been used as a cash cow. Anybody actually checked the loom. Or the ig and kill switches.
  8. Cynic

    Revs hanging

    Start easy. Fan switches are notoriously unreliable. Bypass it to check the fan. The poor running may well be the temperatures going out of expected limits.
  9. Kicked in pretty good today in the black country. Several early bloomers showing some skin. Was 16deg and sunny today.
  10. Cynic

    Loose earth

    Their gristle not cystal. You dont mention what bike, what fault, when it happens. You could do with saying hi in the new members area too. Makes a diference to the replies you get.
  11. Yuasa has always worked for me. None of my bikes are electric start or have complex electrical systems so its not really an issue untill a battery is completely fkt. Dunno about the maintainance free bit.
  12. When your chewing on lifes gristle, Dan't grumble, give a wistle Then things will turn out for the best AND
  13. That is common when the engine is not running. The gearbox is not like a car, the gears need to be moving to locate cleanly. Put the clutch back on the splines and use it to rock the input shaft (what the clutch is fitted to) and the gears will most likely select easily..
  14. 6000ks. Nope that is very unlikely that its been split. When you say 'only' get second. Can you expand on that. How, where etc. These engines are ridiculosly strong if not powerful it will be something minor. Unless you have been a real clutz with your gearchanges and bent a selector.
  15. I was told a story where a fellows wife pushed her bike home after running out of fuel, maybe a mile or so, wherby the husband pipes up with. "Why not use reserve?", "reserve?" says the wife.......
  16. Sounds drastic, is this post rebuild? There are some arrows, the centre arrow lines up with a dot on the selector drum shaft so that is properly aligned but its not something that normally gets disturbed. The other is around the outer rim and should line up with a dot on the case, round about the 1o'clock position I think. Been a while since I was in mine.
  17. Struth Bippo, that photo makes me shiver just looking at it.
  18. There is a section for new folks to introduce themselves that's all. The forum doesn't put any real restrictions on new members, the last forum I joined for a bike I bought recently vets all your early posts upto the point your not perceived as a troll, or maybe a bit of a plumb . Your far more likely to get worthwhile information if you give a little, fill out your profile etc. The pub is a common analogy. Would you walk up to a group of mates talking bikey bulls#it and just state, "Hey I need a new exhaust for my bike". That's all, it really is the difference between 1 reply and 10.
  19. I had a 600 Suzuki and I know its not really a help but buying a quality stainless exhaust (remus) was dearer by maybe 150 quid at the time but that exhaust is STILL on the bike. Not that I have the bike. It was 2 years old when it went on. So that will be 20years old next year. A cheap unit if you can find one will not last a tenth of that if you ride year round.
  20. Haha, I wouldn't. That's why I have a car. My bikes are more expensive to run than my car, they are all older statesmen in the scheme of things and riding them in the pissing rain and cold. Been there done that. Have done 7 winters all told and that was plenty with 2 wheels as my only transport. Fun times where the visor iced shut, or the carbs open (always fun), you and everything else coverd in black slime, never really knowing if the shine ahead is water, ice or diesel. Nah, save the odd winter sun they go on holiday from October to end of Feb.
  21. Why the only person working on my bikes is me. Save for one other. Even our cars. The bloke next door who has done my car mot's for the better part of 20years. HIS opinion i listen to.
  22. More bikes are on the road, (not mine yet still needs an oil change) and the forum is awash with questions from the great unwashed. Start your engines tit Monday is coming....
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