Finally done it.
Got a diesel car, drive a diesel truck, it was only time before I put petrol in the car or.........
Yep, sussed it at 3.96L, same label, same Ultimate logo, just one is red the other black. Guess how they do it at BP!
Anyway the 'eastern' staff were as helpful as the handbook permitted and I had a flat phone and 50 miles to do. Well once upon a time my old man did the same in his car, his solution was more fuel. So I brimmed it for want of a better timely solution.
Well it worked, mainly because of the vacuum fuel tap meaning the bugger would start cleanly because the carbs were uncontaminated, then a VERY smoky trip home. It did stink, no exotic 2 stroke smell. More like a bad traction engine rally.
So a TDR 250 will run with over 25% diesel mix lol. Not bad for a 'fragile 2 stroke'.
Still got to drain the bad fuel out but it got me home.