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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic


    Wow thats tidy, only 2 things as far as i know with FZR's. The rectifiers die inexplicably and they rot like old apples. That bike has been treated like royalty to be in that nick, or its had a cosmetic rebuild. Looking at that front wheel its as clean on the inside as it is on the outside so i'd say its been re done, dipped and coated etc. If thats the case then you really have dropped lucky, enjoy.
  2. He's one of the convicts OG, they obviously dont have the emmisions claptrap that we have to suffer down under. As a result they could and did keep the old DT175 motor(much stronger and more reliable than the LC) going right up to around 2006 (I think), so he basically has a DT LC with the LC bit missing
  3. Float height is set wrong, or your fuel feed is blocked or restricted. Either way you are burning up the fuel in the carb then having to wait while it refills.
  4. I like realist but it means the same thing. Your not disagreeing with me though Ttask eh.
  5. The greater part of the fuel used is gobbled up by companies sending their reptiles and other company personell around the country. They get a considerable amout of that tax back. As for the price, too many softies will just keep using the car for the sake of it. In my village this afternoon i walked the 3/4 mile or so to pick the kids up. The woman who lives next door DRIVES, by the time she has got through the crush of traffic I was home first. Add to that all the people who seem to relish a 1-2 hour commute for work,they have to buy the fuel. I don't understand the commute thing. Thats life time you are giving away for free. It takes me 10minutes to get to work, its one of the reasons i work there, its certanly not for the company . Short answer is were fcuked as far as the price of fuel goes. Now its gone over a pound a litre it won't stop till it hits a new hot spot price that gets the press interested, but all that will happen is the chancellor will put back the date of his tax hike to avoid the spotlight, like the August hikes we have now that pass un noticed. Our political system is corupt and selfserving, controlled by the media and large cash 'donations' from large corporations. Untill the whole stack of bile collapses under its own corruption we are stuck.
  6. Towards the rear of the gearbox above the kickstarter on the top. Should be a raised rectangular area around 15x75mm with the number stamped into it. Thats a full power jobbie by the looks of it. One of the last rd's before the TZR took over. When they are running well they go like buggery.
  7. You cannot get the timing out by 180 degrees on a stroker, that would be at the bottom of the piston stroke. Your engine's timing can be varied by about 10 degrees, max And no if you have actually managed to get it running backwards it won't actually do it any harm, aside from the fact that the kicker would have jammed or the transmission if you were bumping it.
  8. Cynic

    r6 tyres

    Isn't that most of the regular YOC members.......
  9. Cynic

    r6 tyres

    Sounds like the perfect compromise
  10. Not another one, its the dealer not the bike. From my experience with dealers i would bet the useless dolt had got a stock issue and is giving you the bums rush. As for changing the front sprocket. 20 minutes in the workshop including packing up the tools and washing your hands. Get phoning, pop in, keep phoning, pester the money grabing tit untill he is dreading the phone ringing. I actually had a call from a company asking me to stop phoning as it was distressing his staff, I said i would happily stop when he sorted my problem out he did.
  11. Cynic

    more power

    From what i understand of the 400, its the best of the bunch. The 600 is pretty much a 400 with a big motor in it which is compromised by air filter volume and exhaust routing. A 400 that is designed to work with something like the exup valve is going to ride like a lazy 2 stroke till it comes on cam, probably at something like 9-10 thousand rpm. The bike without the exup and a fubar'd exhaust is going to run rough as old bolts. But the harmonics of the engine with the RPM ceiling of ? 14/15thousand rpm will be all wrong with a 600 pipe. Get the bike running like it is supposed to, with the exhaust patched up and the exup working and with the extra torque that you get the bike may feel a bit quicker but will be a lot better across the box.
  12. If you have one of the early LC's then the sw arm is broadly the same as the aircooled bike so this should give you an idea. http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-dt125h-1981_model8794/partslist/C-05.html Items 22 through 28 Can't be more help really, but others on here will know that bike better than i.
  13. Absolutly, a lot of the time they are loctied in, or being steel in ally they 'grow' together. Get some stainless (they wont stick but will need a drop of threadlock or some springwashers) replacements ready before you start.
  14. Cynic

    more power

    So all the delicate technology that has gone into that 400 which in the right hands will more than likely ace the 600 and possibly the 750 on the right track, you talk about precise head work which will involve some patient carb mods to really finess. And then ask if the EXUP valve makes any difference cos your cables are knackerd and you have just tied it open. Struth.
  15. Looking at that piston i'd say that engine is in pretty good nick, just showing normall wear and tear. Result.
  16. I wouldn't unless you have had a new rim fitted to mount it on it will pinch and ruin the handling.
  17. Who said it would be on tarmac....
  18. Do you not think that its the media that are actually in control. The government only react to what keeps them in office. Thereby acting on the media on air at the time. Therby controlled by the media.
  19. Cynic

    r6 tyres

    Make up your own mind, some say the 60 profile quickens the steering, the fast boys recon the 70 feels better at full lean. Fact is they both fit but the 120/60 is the official tyre. I dont think there are that many people who are actually good enough to tell. My neighbour has tried both and say's its down to rider preference. 60=nervous 70=stable(slightly)
  20. I find the scary part that it was only said once, in a news report early on in the morning, i was listening to the radio for the entire day in the truck and the news report was edited to remove it. I know what you mean about the stats though. And your comment on the royal mail vote is what i'm saying about government. Numbers and info twisted so only the truly cynical, read realist can see it.
  21. This is a subject that lights my fire as well so i'll do my best not to rant. Drawing the thread away for a second, in the woefully thought out question time fu up it was mentioned that as a party the BNP had 6 per cent of the vote at 1million people. I find that scary, 6% is one million, so the total vote was about 18 and blair got around 22% of that for a commanding victory. Thats around 3.5 million voters wanted the current shower of sh1t out of 60+ million population. I'm more worried that the only thing that will change at the next election is the colour of the party banner. Fcuk all else will change. And it will be the sheeps fault. Swallowing all the spin and mirrors. And anyhow blue will blame red for the first term at least.
  22. Been there done it, knoblies are for proper dirt not dirty tarmac. If you are fitting tyres for winter you should be going to full road spec, not them silly semi sliks the power rangers use either. I ran my DT on knoblies for a couple of years, nothing rash just medium surface jobbies. Superb on the trail and perfect for the back of the van on the way home.
  23. My favorite Quote to the RD brigade speaking as a DT pilot was simple. 'You want a race fine but make it a proper one, decent money down, you pick the way there, I pick the way home'. Funnily enough i never had any takers.
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