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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Topping a battery up is one thing filling it from dry is another. The battery is as good as dead and may blow your new reg/rec unit.
  2. To be fair if the bike is designed to run with a chain that tight why worry. If your output bearing or wheelbearings fail early then fair enough. Use the warranty. Out of curiosity, how close is the sprocket to the sw arm pivot and the angle of the chain. It may well be there is less slack needed by design.
  3. I thought 25mm +/- 10 at the mid point was standard for most anything. Except crossers. Did you sit on it to check the tension with it compressed.
  4. Tread carefully, by example the 1979 and 1980 dt175's engines are identical. Just ig system is different. On the actual bike they changed the airbox amongst other small changes. Depending on model the main jet varies by up to 50 points, yes from a 130 to a 180. All engines run at a certain fuel ratio, the fuel also acts to cool the piston crown, you can get brave and run a leaner fuel mixture, that will give more power with no changes but your pistons will run hotter, you will also be riding harder to use the performance compounding the effect. Ultimately you could be riding into an engine sieze, I have done it, many others too.
  5. Considering the chain hasn't been done long, is the front sprocket tight. Next easiest check as I see it would be wheel bearings in the rear wheel.
  6. 10v is the model code of a dt125. one of these, https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=dt+125+10v&id=DAB0B0B5EC9216404B9CCBC84ECD9F09BEA0459B&FORM=IQFRBA
  7. It does happen, Yamaha are a bit hit and miss at the best of times. My TDR only has 1KT as the engine number, that is because that's the model identifier and all Yam bothered with in home markets. If, in the past someone damaged an engine case then the replacement cases would come blank and the mechanic would be expected to stamp the numbers in. How often do you think that happened.
  8. 493 could well be the prefix for the dt, its missing on my list. Having a letter in the prefix is far more common than not. The fact the 6 engine digits match prob means your just not seeing the first part. It was in 82 that the newer 17 digit system came on stream which is easier. And yes, they did sell off road bikes in 82, they have sold off road bikes alongside road bikes since more or less the beginning in the 50's.
  9. Done 500miles with them now and their fine. good adjustment too. Can do it on the move with gloves on.
  10. Cynic

    Im well chuffed.

    3 calories a pop apparently and its good sugar, apparently as your body has to do a bit of work to get it. Compared to a snickers a big handful of grapes is a win.
  11. I wish I had the exhaust sound of that h2 canned. if the devil rode a motorcycle that is what it would sound like. You would not have heard the fiddle while he rode down to Georgia, you would be trapped just listening to the pipes.
  12. Cynic

    Yamaha rd 350

    My friend dated an import too, she emptied his bank account and went back to Thailand.
  13. Cynic

    Im well chuffed.

    No just tagged along with the daughter. She swims 3-4 miles a week. Instead of waiting with a coffee I decided to get wet. only 15 or so lengths (improving). Made a big difference to my asthma though. I could barely go anywhere without my inhalers by last Christmas. In derby I actually forgot them and went the whole weekend without them.
  14. Cynic

    Im well chuffed.

    Ok, this is only going to be exciting to me but:- Today is the day I have lost a full 10kg. No fancy diet, no fancy exercise just cut out the crap and started swimming once/ twice a week. At work I would have a box full of cherry tomatoes and grapes instead of choky bars and crisps. So from the end of last October to now, I have gone from 94kg (hardly a porker at 6ft) down to 84 kg, that's over a stone and a half in English. Or equivalent to around 5% hp gain, for freee
  15. Go some on my tdr. Dog legs. Adjustable span. Fitted easy and feel solid. Cost 16 quid with postage.
  16. Cynic

    What is it

    It's not a yam. KHI is kawasaki heavy industry. That is a kawasaki 250 estrella with some cosmetic work. Look, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=mNJ1Z1l6&id=91BC19503890C16FF318103197CB801E9F0754C5&thid=OIP.mNJ1Z1l6WbXkxl4bZYMEpwHaEk&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-mbMoqd0pE_U%2fVoa7gK-wL_I%2fAAAAAAAAL9o%2ftd1MhEMvkcY%2fs1600%2fKawasaki%2BEstrella%2B250%2B2016%2B01.jpg&exph=454&expw=736&q=kawasaki+estrella+250&simid=608040850410507813&selectedIndex=2&ajaxhist=0
  17. Pah, that sucks. Talk about fix it for the rich boys. 175% of my wages would suck big time, I would be hitting the cap, Beckam would have to pay a grand too. How is that remotely fair. WHY IS IT CAPPED.
  18. Cynic

    brake discs

    I would not discount second hand disks. The disk on my TDR is second hand coming with the wheels. It was in very good nick and well within spec. It is very much buyer beware though. As said above though you literally live or die by your front disks. if there is no effect on braking I would not worry. Remember disc's are not smooth per se, there will be ridges on the braking surface. Seeing as you have not been on a bike long it would be a good idea to get a biker to have a look. If you filled out your profile properly with a general location (within 10 mile say) you may have someone on here pop round.
  19. Not on that drawing. Not on that drawing.
  20. Oil level sender and neutral light are linked to bring on the oil light in neutral as a circuit test. That should in theory work. Have you tried splashing 12v on the coil feed(disconnected from the cdi ofc) that way you will know how good the coil, lead and plug are. As powering then disconnecting the coil should give a spark.
  21. Have you got a new pump or gone back to the original? Should we have a sweep stake on how far you get?
  22. Farcebook wished him well. Maybe he is like the queen, more than one.
  23. It would appear our glorious leader has increased his years on this day. ?
  24. There you go :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-RD125LC-10W-13W-1GU-55K-GENUINE-SWING-ARM-SHAFT-PIVOT-4V0/263768816708?hash=item3d69d8bc44:g:gRgAAOSwXudbF39v
  25. That engine can be on the bench in 20 minutes, exhaust, couple of cables, some fuel and oil pipes, bit of electric and the carb rubber. That's it.
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