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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Sorry to pop your bubble but your bike should have CDi anyway if its a 2k4 (monoshock) only the 125's had points. Also if mine has sat for a few days that needs a couple of slow kicks to get her going. Chain and sprockets are also limited, i think there are smaller rear sprockets but you will have to hunt them down, i sometimes think mine could do with some higher gearing but i think it would spoil the way the bike rides for a tiny top speed increase. Before you ask on tyres you havent the clearance for anything more aggressive than a road legal open block. It is relatively easy to fit an entire DTR front end, been there done it and was so impressed i put the standard stuff back on . The forks foul the tank and the lock is crap, the front of the bike is far to high and shags the handling, and the real shocker. So long as you don't get it hot that drum is a better brake in everything but water. You could fit a jack up kit, that lifts the bike about 30mm without affecting the handling or suspention. Other than keeping it sweet there really isn't all that much to mod. And as to putting the engine in a buggy, heathen , thats where a lot of the old 175's have gone already.
  2. Its an oil pressure warning light, not a time to change the oil light. You need to look at the possible reasons for that. Like a bad electrical connection, a dodgy oil pressure sender or worst of all a reason for the bike to have low oil pressure. Which can be minor or serious. One thing for certain though you need to check it out as if it IS low oil pressure the engine WILL die.
  3. Cynic


    I dunno comes straight in shouting and can't even be arsed to say please.
  4. Cant see it myself either. Just another angle on bike bashing. I'd be interested to know about these fatalities, just how many of em were the bikes fault. Were never told that bit are we.
  5. Cynic

    Bike Names

    My DT is the white one that gets all shitty in the winter and the black one is the TDR. Why in gods name would you call it anything other than what it is. Unless it wont start
  6. No, and there were 2 175 motors in 1974 the CT series and the AT series carb/reed options varied and the number of transfer poorts can be different. The DT prefix (Dirt Trail) prefix appeared in the early seventies on the 125/175 the MX bit indicates the later mono shock. You are looking at a twinshock motor that should fit ok but i can't gaurantee the cdi ig will fit for eg, and its won't go as well. You really want to be looking for an MX motor from 79 to 83.
  7. Yeah top entertainment. I think most of the people that slag him off want his way of life. Big comfy house in the cotswolds, tidy missus, several reasonably inteligent/educated kids. Oh but look what he does for a living. Produces and presents THE most sucessful car motoring franchise in the world and unfortunately has to nob about with his mates in some of the fastest most exotic cars on the planet doing stuff we ALL would love to. I drive a truck for a living and the poshest car i'll ever own is my now 12 year old rangy (was 7 when i bought it). He must hate his life eh When you see that BMW, there is no tail out drifting, no sliders down no 50degree lean angles. Just a couple of power wheelies. We all know its bollocks. What do you expect its a CAR show. Do you really think they drove across the desert on their own unescorted in the christmas special. Driving around in burka's, c'mon.
  8. Bid history has a lot of Yamaha stuff in it, wwonder if he/she's on here and saw he thread
  9. Oh you have one of the early 125's. Get yourself a dt175 mx (80 -on) cdi and stator plate and flywheel and bolt it on connect them up, all the connections are there pretty much and you have electronic ignition . As far as tuning goes the engines don't like it TBH they get all nasty with horrid carbration. A sports exhaust and filter is good enough with those brakes. Mine will touch 70 on a good day and lift the front wheel if you are ham fisted with the throttle. Which side is the oil tank on yours, this is going to sound stupid but bikes with the oil tank on the left of the bike are faster due to a different filter/airbox arrangement.
  10. Ok were all on guesses here, Everything you have said is questionable so far except. 1 It kickes over so it isn't siezed. 2 there is fuel in the tank. 3 there is a spark, though colour and strength unconfirmed. Other than that were in the dark so a few questions. You say you have a spark, bright blue that you can hear clicking as it jumps the gap or a lazy orange thing you can just see? Fuel is getting through. To what, and putting fuel in the top wont work on a 2 stroke it will just go straight out the pipe or flood the cases. Is the plug wet, and by that i do mean physically wet with fuel. Air filter condition, has it got one. Coolant, level changed since it was running. Same again with the gearbox oil. There is absoloutly no viable reason for a tailpipe to make it run, what did you do to get the PV working. Checking connections, squirting wd in places, adjusted anything. You said lost power, how? Suddenly, slowly, missfiring badly or just cut out. Any noises, clicks bangs whining etc. Have you cleaned/checked the carb, just because fuel is coming from the tank don't mean its getting to the cyl. This is not exhaustive and your originall post was by no means a wall of text. Were not psychic although we really do want to help. So even if you knock out a thousand pluss words discribing every squeak and rattle up to the problem we don't mind (probably the high point of some people's day). We do need feedback, yes and no answers are mostly useless. A discription of the effects and what you have done is far more usefull. C'mon give us the details.....
  11. And looking for an 09 R6 for a first bike........ welcome although some rider training would be much advised for such a focused bike. Its hardly a shrinking violet and needs an experienced rider. You might find a FZ6 a lot more fun, faster on the road too if you ask me.
  12. Cynic

    engine sliders

    If these blokes don't know nobody will.
  13. I'd like to call him a lot of names but a mate of mine makes a pretty good living doing this. He has specific software that looks out for stuff like this. When he's on a roll he will have bought it, re listed it where it will make best price then has the person who originally listed it post it to the person that he has sold it to. So he never actually see's or touches it. Its annoying in one way, but in another i'm kind of envious. Although he is completely lacking in anything remotely resembling a concience.
  14. Fellow has been on very recently had problems, ran through the whole lot looking for the issue. Turned out he'd missed something obvious. I personally a while back spent several days trying to find why my DT didn't want to run. The new plug i'd fitted as the old one was messing about turned out to be a dud. Were just looking for the info to help. Oh if OG intends to be sarcastic, you'll know. 2 stroke needs only the basics, that being fuel,oil and spark. at the minute your 2 out of 3. Is there fuel getting through to the cyl.
  15. Actually if all you want is horspower at the cost of all else then....... I believe (I HAVE NOT CONFIRMED THISbut anything will fit anything if you really want it) the TZR 125 motor will go in without a lot of work. Adapt the exhaust and fit a rad and a coolant bottle your looking at 20+ hp with the pv pegged wide open. Realistically the 175 is the better motor it has good torque as the 125 is all revs. Sports exhausts are readily available from Big One and parts are in the main still available from many pattern and Yamaha dealers. There really is very little difference between the engines, i think it was always meant to be a 175 as that was a very common capacity in the 70's and they stuck a 125 on top to complete the range. It is also an incredibly stron motor that will run when many others wont. Mine was still running with 2 blown crank seals and bearings, a cracked inlet rubber and slipped ignition that was far enough out to damage the piston crown. Still got me to work, admittadly 45mph was about all she had wheras now 60+ is comfortably achievable it just shows what these engines can take. 125/175 175 no question.
  16. No that would be my mate Bob who is a coded welder 6ft and counting approaching 18 stone and calls a spade a spade. In a nurses uniform UUUGGGGGGGHHH my mind is forever broken..........
  17. I say again if the crank is duff or big end, bin it. It IS NOT a diy job to set a crank up and its not woth the expence, esp on a dirt only bike. Just fix up the 175 and chuck the 125, keep the cases if you want for the numbers but if the crank has rusted ITS B@@@ocked. All you need to strip the motor is a manual like Haynes, or clymer, a flywheel puller (about a tenner from e-bay) a heat gun and patience. The engine bearings and gaskets can all be bought for around 80quid.
  18. If the crank is rusted then chuck it out. Another motor is by far the easiest option. The actual cranks are pretty bomb proof. The crank bearings ideally want a puller to get them off but none of it is that hard for basic mechanics. If the 175 motor you have is good then bolt it in, don't faf about with the 125.
  19. Just swap the barrel and piston over with the cylinder head and drop the main jet a couple of sizes, need the frame number to know for sure as some of the carbs have surprisingly varied mains. Thats it, wiring, exhaust everything else is the same. Ignition timing might need the tinyest tweak but again frame number to be certain.
  20. Bet he;d write his name on a winning lottery ticket. Maybe he's shy..... Whatever, welcome to the pisstaking, er forum
  21. Anybody that 'gets' Pratchett is ok with me. Cant really see the leap from welder to nurse though, the mental image is like something from Halloween3, just worse.
  22. On a 250 virago you'll be fine. I did 400 miles at the squires weekend on my TDR250 and 2wheels did twice that on a DT125.
  23. I think the real answer is whichever one you chose, they are all ace providing you don't want to be valentino its a bike that will keep you smiling for years. Whichever one you choose providing you go in ready to look at a few to avoid the dud's you won't regret it. They are very well supported on here, probably more so than the bigger bikes.
  24. You could be going a little far there. Not really a lot of 'precicion' components in there. I've had mine full of river water at least twice. They are built to last, really last.
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