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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. It's not cc its a power to weight figure. My TDR250 I believe would be out of bounds till your 21. There is plenty of info re licence classes online and with the risk to your licence the best info is to go to the dvla Web site. Anything else could get you in bother.
  2. Cynic

    Wheel noise

    Check your chain first. Either tension or you could have a couple of dry links. To me it sounds like the chain isn't running well over the front sprocket which would cause vibes in your left foot.
  3. Why on earth are you messing with that. Is there something wrong. That pump is as reliable as the sun coming up. They so rarely fail without owner help you should not worry about it.
  4. And frustration, expense, etc. I warn you now. You will hate it at times and love it all the more. Keep an eye on the coolant and change the plugs if you even slightly think there may be something off. Keep at least a pair of proven plugs for testing too. Enjoy.
  5. Me! Running, only if their giving away rd500's
  6. Sounds like the battery may be toasted.
  7. You have flattened the battery and may have killed the starter solenoid. You could be lucky and have a bad connection/earth but the 'pow' noise says that something blew. Lower battery volts means increased current. Solenoid is designed to operate briefly. Sooooo.. Get the battery back back up to 13.5 volts and see what gives.
  8. Hmm. Butter, cream, corned beef, bacon, proper sausages, nuts, belly pork etc Basically all the stuff they say is bad. My biggest issue is Not losing weight.
  9. Is already. I feel too good to go back. With hindsight this has been with me for years. In the last couple of years I have cut out a lot of junk and eaten better and I think that has kept me on the edge. I'm assuming whatever balance I had wS tipped a few months back when I really started to feel washed out. Not going back. Low carb high fat is not for everyone but I love it.
  10. No nothing about phosphates, going to be re-tested in January and have been told to try diet as a first option as im only just. Apparently if I change things now I may go into remission, whereby your blood sugar levels are below a level that causes damage. Doesent stop you being diabetic as such but your not going to suffer from any secondaries, well no more than anybody else. I have to say even in a couple of weeks I feel so much better in myself (apart from sore fingers), my 'gammy leg' has cleared up 80%, no more pins and needles. If fish and chips becomes a holiday treat because of it I can live with that. I now feel like I could have picked up Jimmys Xj on my own when he, 'parked it'.
  11. Wow. Calm down. I KNOW I'm not the only one. I'm just expressing a feeling. There is little if any correct information out there. Just wanted to chew the fat with some friends about it.
  12. This is the manual I have and it does have the diagram you want. isbn 1 85010 300 3
  13. Oh yeah, lots of worse but if you think about the affect it has on your life its up there. And unless directly affected nobody knows shit. No beer, chips, rice potatoes etc etc. No take out, no cake, burgers (well the bun). Literally takes a massive life change. Don't forget it can still kill you. Not directly but the damage it does causes secondary failures, heart disease, stroke, nerve damage even limb amputations. You cannot 'just' drop carbs either, you have to moderate things like salt, teaspoon a day around 5-7 g added to your diet. Take that to the Jamie Oliver camp. Fluids too. Can't just load up the protein as that knackers your liver. It really is a kick in the balls. I'm not one to go ott about stuff, I'm a very, "Well that sucks, how do we deal with it?" kind of person rather than blubber and whinge but I have to admit to a bit of a wobble.
  14. I had to go to the Docs a while back for an annual asthma check up, while I was there I mentioned I wasn't sleeping all that great and felt knackerd all the time. Well she got me to come back for an MOT, "your at that age". So I went back and gave some blood etc, psa test so no gloves needed ? , eye test bit of a trip on a treadmill etc. Turns out I'm Fking T2 diabetic. What a right royal pain in the arse, after looking into it you have to control your diet with supermodel obsession, and you would not believe what you can and cannot eat. Even the stuff you can eat you have to eat intelligently. I'm just starting to accept the life change, but the shock, how much better I feel. I mean really better. After reading a lot of information about it its also scary the amount of rumours and false advertising/labelling too. The words 'low sugar' are as abused as 'top quality'.
  15. Cynic


    Must be a blacksmith near you down in Cotswold land, the one in our village does all that old world type stuff, wrought iron, black iron etc.
  16. Yep, well known on here the weird world of why the F Yamaha did that. Its not a bodge either its how they are.
  17. Hmm hi as instructed. I wonder??? You should send a mint low mileage rd500 to me care of yoc..
  18. Me too. I don't know what I meant. Posting too early and before coffee. Will just go back under my rock.
  19. Think Elvis Costello saw it all coming a long time ago with "Olivers Army".
  20. I would qualify the above with check the head bolts are tight with a torque wrench rather than nip them up. Don't want to snap or weaken a stud. Head bolts don't vibrate loose unless they were not done up properly in the first place. If its a truly 'tiny' oil leak don't worry about it.
  21. Cynic

    Engine swap

    I think the Sr engine was actually first used by the Romans and hasn't changed hardly at all. Electrical compatibility is probably the thing to check.
  22. DLCaFOWMLCIL (Desperate Last Chance at Fitness Overweight Mid Life Crisis In Lycra) just doesent roll off the tongue.
  23. 10 per cent sounds pretty good to me. Normally people fit power commanders and the like for rideability and to correct/optimise the fueling for other mods like pipes and filter. The days of mega power from simple mods is long past.
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