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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Hmm, had to bump the questions. Cos they have been asked to death TBH. Although its usually the DT/YZR lot wanting more poke. As far as the headlight goes, don't know TBH. It is not as bad as you think it is some of the old 6v stuff can't light the road to the point your not actually sure its on, i'm not kidding either. Tyres, personal choice although again on a YBR its a bit of a muchness. So long as they are a reputable make like you have they will be fine. Performance, its a 125 4 stroke single. The primary restriction is the fact its 125cc, the second is the engine is designed for the 12KW or whatever paltry figure it generates so changing the exhaust will amount to little more than noise. I know it sucks, i was in the same place 20 years ago with a GP100. There is not a whole lot to get much more poke (although 2 strokes will give more). My choice at the time was get my test then move up. Easier then i know, as a fall back i made sure my bike ran perfectly so i had every hp available and none were wasted on rusty chains or bad brakes. Then i concentrated on improving my riding, Google 'Keith Code' riding instructor to the greats as many years ago i watched a fellow on a CB400 wet dream humble blokes on CBR and FZR600's. I cetainly couldn't catch him on my LC Your riding can make up for a LOT of HP if you pick the right roads. Anyway hope that helps a bit and welcome to the forum.
  2. Where are you in the world, one of us may be near enough for a hands on lookie see.
  3. Nah not me , don't like being shafted. Anyhow even money the chain even though it was lubed up was well past its stretch limit. Either that or a worn pin is all it needs, also like task said, all that stuff that got mangled saved you being mangled.
  4. I'll have to use my addenoids (trainspotter voice for this). The exhaust on a 4 stroke is tuned much like a 2 strokes, the only real difference is the lack of an expansion chamber. Aside from that rather obvious difference they work the same. When the exhaust valve opens there is a pressure wave that travels down the pipe pulling the gas with it, the bike will be 'in the power' when the 'tuned length' of the pipe harmonises to a particular RPM to create optimum gas extraction. This is because there is a reflection from the end of the pipe back to the engine which reduces the efficientcy of the exhaust. Not as drasticly as a 2 stroke as the gasses are being pumped out but there none the less. That is why multi cyl bikes have primaries all the same length, if they weren't it would cost power as they are effectively 4 engines bolted together if one is out of tune its like a bad carb. By messing with the silencer you are messing with the reflection, this will now be out of cync with the carb/airbox where exactly the same happens. Only the system is now out of wack slightly as the airbox will be most efficient when the exhaust isn't and vice versa. Its why most 125 tuning feels like its worked because you lose some midrange spread so you 'feel' a power surge. Your cheap copy chynyoung thigimy dodah probably had bad exhaust and carb set up and you put it right getting better power, chances are yamaha have done a much better job and there won't be a lot of losses to get without some grinding. I hope i've explained it clearly.
  5. Could try dropping the needle a clip, see if that improves it by leaning out the midrange.
  6. Easy de restricted tzr125 uses something like a 240 main With a 170 kit your up to 280's, bigger with porting.
  7. To give you an idea just how finely airboxes are designes respective to volume, induction harmonics yada yada zzzzzzzzzzz. When my gsx was tuned by TTS they expressly left the airbox on they will only remove it from a direct order from the customer. With the tining they did:- Vernier timing gear (absolute valve timing accuracy) Reset valve timing /overlap for performance Fitted custom dynojet kit (the centre carbs had different carb settings to the outers) Full race 4 into 2 into 1 remus pipe and double exit shotgun can (superb would reccomend to anybody) 4 deg ig advance K+n race filter It took over 30 dyno runs to tune the carbs and the bike was 15-20bhp up which is HUGE and a power/torque curve to die for. Nearly 90bhp at the rear wheel, at the time it was a lot. ESP for the old teapot. Oh yea the point..... On the GSX airbox there is a rubber tube thing to direct the air, initially they took it off. Crap engine didn't like it, they ended up trimming it a little at a time over 4 dyno runs to get it perfec. That bike was and still is shocking to ride, no other 600 bandit or gsx compares from 4000rpm to 13500 it rocks, the best 1400 quid i ever spent (included the exhaust). Sack of shit from tick to 4000 due to the valve overlap being performance biased. Flames out the back on overun lol. Oh and fuel economy going from 180miles per (3gal to res) tank to 100, i managed under 60 miles from full to reserve on the iom. Nearly there..... It took several recognised experts with a lot of experience and kit over 4 dyno runs to trim less than an inch of rubber from the inlet trumpet onthe inlet of my bike. That handfull of holes you have drilled may very well ruin the carberation. The biggest restriction on 4 strokes is the exhaust carb combo, thats the key the combo. The rest of it is that mess of whizzing metal ruining a perfectly good motor (not a 2 stroke is it). The head sets the performance of a 4 stroke in stone. I'm not saying don't do it, god knows i messed with enough of my kit over the years but the airbox alone is not the place to find horsepower or drilling holes. If you have fitted proper sports/performance exhausts maybe.
  8. I'm intregued by the rxs, rsx reference, are you in the uk?
  9. Both my bikes are on the same agreed value mileage specific, classic policy for 130quid
  10. Just to balance the argument I rode my old mans intruder once, found it heavy dull and exasperated at all the metal i was grinding off in every corner. Bikes are very personal, keep a very open view on your first, my poison is the 2 stroke, comfort is passable, fuel consumption shocking, and reliability is of the throw a six to start variety. But when you know how to grab it by the balls and tell it who's boss the rush is a bit special. There are the commuter hum drum stuff, the 600bandit has spent its life living in the shade (glory) of the 12 as one is brilliant,the other not brutal enough for its looks. Honda's are OK but thats as excited as i have ever got over one they just work. There are folks on here love their big singles too, or the power rangers. If were honest we all think we ride far faster than we actually do and a 250superdream would be all the bike most of us ACTUALLY need. But its that personal thing again, think very hard over what you want from a bike. Sole transport and must do everything, total toy and can be as fikle and tempramental as a pissed of girlfriend. Want fuel economy, like moto cross, prefer the looks of a classic like a GS1000, it doesent end. You must at some point have seen a bike irrelevant of any practicalities and thought "fuck me i could handle one of those", once you have that thought come back with what it is and then we can give you some options.
  11. And with that response you have proved the worth of the post. Other owners now know that they go right weird when they are on the last gasps of gas.
  12. Correction everything and i mean everything (from wank mags to eco freindly greeny save the planet garbage) you buy will be connected at some point, usually many times more than you think to a truck. Simple. Fuel goes up EVERYTHING GOES UP.
  13. Lets look at this from another angle, Car dealer, "Yes sir, insurance payout you say, last one was a ford. We do have some lovely offers" or Customer, "No i'm fine, was nicked but we got the car back very quickly thanks to the tracker. Not even damaged as the nicked the keys" One option makes the firm thousands........... Same as speed limits, the main thing that makes a sat nav the size it is is the screen for us dopey mammals to read it. It could easily be the size of a matchbox. Connected to the ecu it could tell the car just what the limit is. Then keep it there. Would you buy that car? Not till its law, oh hang on that will never happen as if cars can't speed there will be no speeding fines. Same as the lights transmitting a signal to the car telling them they will change so you cannot jump them, easy enough technically, imagine the accidents that would save. Will they do it........? Car telemetry has already been used to procecute, a Range Rover driver was procecuted for speeding and dangerous driving using the car's cpu for the speed and driving behaviour up to the accident. How the driver accellerated, braked steering etc were all in there as data.
  14. We haven't got a choice, its not like there is somebody selling it for less to let markets control the value a little. You have to put it in to get to work/shop etc. Seeing as how by far the greater part of the fuel used is used by business you can stamp and shout all you like, the overpaid wankers in westminster won't give a monkeys as they can afford it, or claim it as an expence so couldn't care. The bussinesses will have to buy it or die. Tipper firm run by a bloke i know is too far in debt to sell, but cannot afford to continue for long. He's bankrupt either way unless fuel drops. The man in the street, or more accurately the working man with his own house a missus (working too) and a couple of kids amounts to 20% of the population and were paying for the other 80. When you consider a pensioner having worked their entire life gets half what the average immigrant gets and don't get me going on social lakeys. There are 2 women within 200yards of my house. BOTH were preggs within weeks of the 'Benefits reduce when the kid is seven' thing came about. My sister in law lived in india for a while, know what you get there if you claim refugee status? A bowl of fucking rice a day. Need some of that here. An i don't mean with a tika sauce. The whole sorry stack of shit will collapse, its when not if. Politics has become so utterly self serving, un policed and tainted i get really pissed off just thinking about it. Sorry rant over,
  15. Cynic

    Clunking sound

    Why not remove the chain, then run the bike up through the gears. Tie the chain up out the way and push the bike about a bit with the motor off and see if that causes the clunk. Then at least you will know if it is chain, engine or chassis.
  16. Unfortunate and a little embarasing but even money says there will be somebody who reads this when there bike runs funny and checks the fuel and prevents what happend to you.
  17. 16v at 3000rpm! Whats it making at 6000? Where exactly are you in the world. I would check your info on that voltage, its generally checked at 5-6000rpm and 16v is high TBH.
  18. Hmmm close, but then your on here so there is no hope anyhow.......
  19. They do all sorts of weird hours. You dream up a combo and there will be somebody doing it. Like mine 4 till 3 is hardly social. Alarm clock goes off around 3 am.
  20. Ah missed the bit about countrymen.
  21. Ha no just those folks that think that everybody works day hours like theirs, its still frosty it was -2 Monday at 4am. By the time he's going to work its 7 or 8 degrees warmer. Our lot do some right weird hours to cover busy spots over the day and ensure 24/7/365 coverage.
  22. Ok i got the arse today, (no chips at the seaside) hurt my foot at work which had put me in a bad mood then for the umpteent time when i get back to the yard one of the office wads pipes up with; " Oh it must be so much better riding to work on these lovely mornings"; to be fair he was in an insuferably good mood. He looked surprised when i told them that at 4am its not a hole shit load different to what it was a month ago. The response, "Oh well, i do 9 till 4 so i wouldn't know"; that made me feel a hole lot better as i work 4 till 3
  23. Oi, so what was it then? you can't come on with a problem then get it fixed and sod off without telling. Its rude and bloody selfish, somebody else could be having similar problems.
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