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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Dont think your being fair to cal. Rossi put him on the dust by giving cal the option of move or we both go down. Cal had not got the top wack to stay with the factory bikes. Considering its a satalite team and he was fighting the very top of the sport i think he did ok. More importantly what could he do with a factory ride?
  2. Lol. Near hmmmm. Ok were in the same county. Im in Bugbrooke
  3. Cynic

    Oil leak

    Never owned a shaftie but my dad has had a few. They dont have a lot of oil in those bevel boxes so it may just be due a change.
  4. Cynic

    Oil leak

    Not a lot to tell with a diff. The oil just gets splashed around and does its thing on the gears. Although its not really a diff on bikes. Unless its a trike of course. Erm what are we talking about. Ha ha How long has the oil been in there and when did you last check it. There may be water in there from a weak seal or a worn bearing causing things to warm up. Or the oil might just need a change.
  5. Yes. Frank thomas of all things. 60quid. Armourd waterproof overtrousers. Have zips right up the leg making them dead easy to get on and off. Even have hi viz element to keep the europrats happy. The waist adjustment is shite and the zips could be better but for the money and covenience of wearing what i like underneath they were a bargain.
  6. Cynic

    Oil leak

    Doing short trips and just been a bit further because its warming up..... Likely to be condensation. How much is there.
  7. I have ridden all winter and have been fine. I found the most important part to keep warm are your legs. Proper leggings save you loosing massive core temp and thats what keeps your hands and feet warm. Your body gets cold and your body considers fingers expendable compared to core body parts. Keep your core warm and your body will send hotter blood it now has spare to your fingers.
  8. Buy better gloves. Heated grips are not worth the hassle.
  9. Cynic

    1970 AT1-B

    Ha thats nothin missus came back early and caught me bang to rights with the engine cases in the oven. Ooops
  10. Looking ok. Might want to give that engine a good degrease. Looks like you might have a couple of leaky gaskets to tend to.
  11. Yea bugger the chrome. Its for dirt not polish. Go smokin....
  12. No problem. Which part of the US are you in. There are a few septics on here.
  13. Woah. This needs sorting quick. The engine to exhaust seal should be airtight. If not the bike will go massively lean. Hense the 3500rpm. Using the choke is correcting the mixture after a fashion. Seal the pipe up then check your air filter. That may be partially blocked but you will lose a little go as running lean gives more power. Problem being the cyl runs too hot and pistons melt, (yes litterally). So a slight trade off is needed. If you keep running with the loose exhaust you WILL BLOW THE MOTOR. Costing at least a rebore.
  14. Other way round Ttask. Cars have syncros. Basically a method of matching the speed of the gears during a change to make it smooth. Bikes have sequential gearboxes. Changing from 6th to 2nd has to be done by passing the other gears. This is due to the gears shifting in the gearbox. The gears never mesh more than once at any time. As a result the taper on the teeth allows the next gear to connect cleanly. But only if done off throttle.
  15. Cynic


    Somthing infuriating but simple. Clutch cable i recon esp as its been through a winter. Although i think i have caught groucho's luck lately. Happy to pass it on. Generosity and all that.
  16. Yes it can if you do it wrong. Its still all about timing and feel. You need to lift off the throttle just enough to unload the gearbox then slight pressure on the lever will trigger a rapid upshift. Stay on the power though and you risk bending the selector forks or chipping teeth. Dont bother on the down change. You have to be super smooth and traveling slower than you might think for it to work smoothly.
  17. When you did the seals you did remember the little o ring under the collar behind the primary drive gear. As to differences. Flat out there is not much in it but mine is far pepier if that is a word to use. I have wheel lifting punch in the lower gears at the expence of fuel economy. Top wack for me is about 70miles from a tank. If i enjoy myself that can easily drop to 40. Even worse off road. That may be a quirk though as i have the early ig with the later airbox. Gives the bike quite a personality. The best comparison i think is Gary Lineker and Vinny Jones. Both footballers, both from the same era but very different personalities. On mine traffic becomes targets of oppotunity. Anyho. Had the ol girl since i was 16. Becoming known as trigger funnily enough (not very many original parts).
  18. Cynic

    Yamaha LS2

    Oh that is not fair. The rs and the capri topped off with that little screamer and the LC. I dont like you humpfh...
  19. Sat waiting at the docks for a load of timber. Sleeping in my own bed or the truck tonight is in the hands of the gods at moment. Oh and my replacement kickstart broke this morning. So i have a good shaft (snigger) and a good knuckle (one for the ladies) so if i get home i should be able to make a good one from the remains.
  20. The gianeli pipe generally needs the little circlip on the needle placing one groove lower. Therby richening the mix. Doesent sound the issue here. .Airhead has a 79. Minevis a year later and breathes a lot easier..heh heh....(read quicker ahem)
  21. Shouldnt make much odds unless you live on the limiter. Maybe lift the needle a clip. It sounds like more of a float height issue. How are you checking it. Outside chance of crank seals or compression but float would be my first check.
  22. Your problem is not the battery. That just stores power. A bigger battery will go just as flat. As will a Li-ion. Your problem is that you are using more than the charging system can replace. Either reduce the electrical load or improve the charging output. Although of the 2 reducing the load is by far the easiest. Dont foget how juice hungry halogen lights are. If you have 2x35w halogens up front your pulling 6a for the headlights alone. Add in sidelights and instrument lighting plus some losses you could easily be nearer 8a.That is a lot for the charging to cope with.
  23. Cynic

    go get em......

    Now we die hard motorcyclists can laugh. Well i certainly did today. The first of the wobbly warm weather riders were out.
  24. All done. Thanks to the european union rules that nobody else follows i got an early day. Quick dig through my junk.....er spares stock. There you go. Spare kickstart. Not so bugger.
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