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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. When you bust you balls getting across london with a urgent must do delivery. Guaranteeing you wont be home till gone 8. Then you get a slimy tosspot tell you 'nah mate never after 430. Dont want to be late do i '. Ffsake bet he wasnt up at 4 o fucking clock. I put 2 hours on myday trying to get to that shitbag with his stuff. Still seeing as HE refused it rather than me failing it. The redelivery will be sometime in the next 10 days. Karma.
  2. Only real difference is the oil. Just swap it out for some slightly heavier fork oil and your done. Doubt you will notice a difference. On those early dts they hadnt figured suspention out for off road.
  3. Cynic

    Run Foamy run.

    Its not and we had pounds and pence long before europe fkt us. Since feb 71 to be exact. A wednesday according to my ol man. ie the day i was born.
  4. Exactly. Chain. Padlock and give her the key. No foul.
  5. Sigh... Smoking threads always go this way. Can we not get back to Steve and wishing him all the best with quitting the habit. By all means rant if you want to but kick it off in a new thread.
  6. Hmmm strong words.. This brings to mind a poem, whatever that my old boss had on his wall for years. Choice You choose to enjoy cigarettes Their residue is smoke That gets in my hair, my clothes, my mouth. I choose alcohol That residue is piss If you want that in your hair, your clothes, your mouth Smoke in my office........... Still makes me smile..
  7. So a padlock and chain wont do it then?
  8. You might want to check properly first. Normally its the ouputshaft seal leaking and the oil ends up dripping from the gearshift.
  9. Sure its smoke and not just fuel mist. Its pretty difficult for exhaust to get into the carb in any quantity.
  10. Sounds like a plan. One very obvious question... Why did you not ask how they strap the hrdly wrthits down to get them there. BDF look favourites to me to do the big work. With some timber under the bike so you only need to compress the suspention a small amount. You can really crank it down tight then without damage.
  11. Oh john you mean you cant see it. Oh wow your really missing out.
  12. Cynic

    Run Foamy run.

    Whats to apologise for tommy. Nothing is promised. I just wanted to show support. Quitting fags is hard. Really hard. A run somewhere be it full half whatever gives an aim and reason. Both are vital to succes.
  13. Cynic

    Run Foamy run.

    Ok this is putting him on the spot but hey what are we here for. Foamy has chucked the fags and mentioned a marathon. Tommy XS and i both said we'd throw in with 50p a mile. Anybody else who wants in........ IMPORTANT BIT Foamy has not agreed to run anywhere im just after incentive and testing response. If he tells me to take a running jump so be it. Foamy edit: check out my page to donate peeps
  14. Do any of you folk appreciate what this bike may experience on the boat. These boats dont sail round storms. They are too big. Secure it for worst case. There aint going to be anybody checking on it. If a strap fails a week in the bike could be smashed to buggery by the time it gets here.
  15. On a boat from aus to here. I would be getting a decent welder onside fully explain the issue then bracket to the MOST substantial mounts on the bike. Engine mounts or some such. Swap out your bolts for longer to secure the bike solidly if needed to the pallet. An adittional bracket or plate to hold the front straight would be a good idea. Anything that moves can break. Then there are no straps to slip or fret. No damage from removing wheels as that bike is a shaftie. Same with strapping the front. 6 to 8 weeks under full comp will do em no good. Dont forget your bike could be experiencing atlantic storms. That doesent compare in any way to a trip on the m6 on a trailer. Finally make the crate as secure as you can. Fellow had a land rover (early series1)imported and when it arrived it was missing its carb and throttle ass. Had a thank you note on the dash....
  16. plus 1 Same for me if you do it and havent had a smoke.
  17. The 170 will be fine running the 28mm carb. The difference will be more torque and less peak power with more mid range. Depends what you want the bike to do. I tried a rd250mm carb on my dt same type just a few mill bigger. Was great flat out but it would not run right any other way. Gave up in the end as the 24 give a big fat blob of torque right through. Granted i havent a pv though.
  18. Cynic


    Wahey congrats. New bike coming?
  19. Cynic

    Latest Disaster

    Cheap cables. Mine are 25years old and have never been oiled. Shit no 32 years old
  20. Like a racehorse mate. Yours is trapped in the paddock. Till its been out and got good and hot to burn all the crap off from the rebuild she will be off.
  21. Those filters are horrid. That metal cap at the end acts as a reflector and causes pressure waves that basically fuck the carberation right up. Great for flat out. Not for part throttle. Foamies are better. The best believe it or not is the stock airbox. With maybe the inlet oppening up a little. Once you can ride it propperly you can get a better idea of how she runs. What pipe is it. Microns never made a big difference. The allspeeds were better but ran lean if you didnt spend time setting em up.
  22. It did strike me as odd earlier. Does always surprise me that folk feel cheated when a cheap part turns out to be exactly that..
  23. Sorry mate more than my jobs worth. If somebody chooses to use the link thats up to them. But im afraid neithe myself or any of the mods will vouch for 3rd party sites being "safe". All we can do is refer good experience as you have. Sorry. Its use at your own risk.
  24. Need permission to see it.......
  25. Cant help myself. You will get a much better response with an intro in the new members Its the fault of one post wonders that ask for help. Get it, Bugger off and never contribute.
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