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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Hmmm deliberately trying to kill a Dt. Unless you do something daft like pinning the throttle and waiting for the bang, if its healthy you wont kill it.
  2. Wow. The expaansion tank doesent have any flow to it. If it gets hot you have problems. Its connected to the overpressure side of the rad cap. Overpressure causes fluid to pass into the tank, if an extreem event occurs causing v high temos like summer traffic the system can let off steam. The reverse happens when it cools and the excess will be drawn back by vacume. If the exp tank is cold its fine. The coolant level MUST be checked at the rad. The level on the exp tank is just for the tank. Worrying about nothing....
  3. Clutchless changing riding properly does zero damage. Your matching all the ratio speeds allowing the gears to move without the synchros interfering. Less stress on the drum, forks, engine everything. Its the halfwits banging through using brute force, normally on something with an R in it when doing power wheelies. Downchange is the same just needs to be done at much lower rpm, out of the power, maybe 4k. I brought an artic back from plymouth with no clutch, easy when you know how.
  4. Crikey. Doom and gloom prevail. Of course old oil in a 2stroke can go grey, its sparkly oil you worry over.Most likely condensation over time and short runs. Maybe a weepy waterpump seal. But that is worst case. Wouldnt worry me any unless the new stuff goes off quick.
  5. Opsee the joys of classic ownership. It will not be the first or last time you suffer this. Blackhat knows for certain but the a and b models look very much the same but are not. There are differences and not all of them are documented. Like the 79 and 80 dt175. Look identical. In truth all the carb and airbox, frame, exhaust fixing, 2stroke tank as well as battery and reg unit positions changed.
  6. What are you suggesting, would you be calling me a cynic, ah.......well. Drum looks pretty and does the job, in 78 it was likely far more reliable than a disk anyhow. My old mans Ho :-D da has a chuffing great twin leading shoe vented drum. It may not be as good as disks by some margin. You cant argue that polished up it looks the nuts. Its really good the first time you use it too. Problem being how close to the first the second time you use it is........
  7. Rt for me too. Dt 250 does nothing a 175 wont, performance is similar. They got used as learners too remember. So chances of abuse far higher.
  8. Haha..... My TDR back brake gets used during the m.o.t and then.............? er..................? oh maybe if its raining, possibly. ooooh ice. Otherwise nope.
  9. There are folks on here better able to answer but pv to piston contact is not that uncommon. Normally shows in a hot engine though, generally results in busted rings and a big chunk of the top of the piston coming away. You need to work on the piston to pv clearance. Being a static valve simply radiusing the piston side of the pv should sort it.
  10. Ha I have only bought 5 games and they all start Gran Tourismo. lol
  11. Depends what you mean by topping out too quick. 47 teeth on the rear is a lot for a road bike. 16 on the front is hardly small. If you have the internal ratios of the gearbox and primary drive with a bit of math you can calculate you speeds @ peak rpm for each gear and choose your preference. With this engine in a 50 all the std geari.g is pointless.
  12. 138. Stupid guess but what the hell.
  13. Heh heh. Running out. Not out. My 25 year old 2stroke is making 200bhp per litre. yours.....? Thats progress.......
  14. Velly funny mr hatblack. Actually did the whole on under a litre of oil. Big surprise was the MPG. 50+. Must have been chuging about with foamys blade that did it.
  15. Cynic

    Washing a bike!

    Personally I like autoglym stuff and their car shampoo used neat removes just about anything. Old mug and a paintbrush Then just rinse and reapeat Baby wipes are really good for the sw arm and back wheel gunk too. No matter how tempted dont use a pressure washer.
  16. Sounds like the pitch of the chain and the sprockets could have been off.
  17. Phew the further south you get the worse the wind. No rain but even with some ear protection I feel like I have been to a metalica gig. Still 420 miles, 2pissups and about 8hrs sleep, on a 25year old stroker all in 48hrs. Bring on the next. oh bring a stroker next time elvis so you win fair........
  18. Ya all jessies. The proper bikers are here, and foamy. We have him warmed up ready for you kev. Elvis brought a double airbead too?
  19. Hmmm. Kev your ability to get lost the fastest seems under threat.....
  20. So your coming up from telford. And AVOIDING snake pass, cat n fiddle, woodhead etc. What a waste.
  21. er. picture or a link would help kev
  22. I think this reply is better........
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