Jonny, can you not ask more constructive questions. You obviously want your bike to go a bit quicker, most people want a bit more go. 33hp? pipe dream to be honest. I heard the same stories, thing is the maximum hp a single cyl 2 stroke can achieve is about 40. That is by mega money factory race teams on bikes that last hours.
Real world the first ( 88, 89) tzr 125's had no servo's. The full power versions of those bikes had around 22. That needed different cdi, exhaust, full servo system, massive carb changes and took the bike from a 60mpg machine to a 30mpg machine. Bloody fun though (yes I'm old enough to have ridden one).
You need to give more info in the posts, describe your bike, show some pictures to get the members involved then the information will flow. There are several folks on here that know A LOT about TZR's. Right down to which bits fit which model.
Thing is atm you sound like the endless "wanna go faster cos my mates said so" group. Lift yourself above that. Invest some time in the forum and then you will have a very sorted TZR.