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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Yes, enduro tyres are designed like road tyres to work in a lot of different terrain. MX knoblies are material specific. Sand, mud, etc.
  2. Why not have the back blank, then las can get em quick and folks can add their mark as and when
  3. If it genuinely spends most of its life off road see what enduro tyres are to your liking. They are more dirt biased but still work and are legal (tell insurance) on tarmac. Avoid the big knoblies though they sap massive hp and only work in the nastiest gloop.
  4. ha, got 115 from my tdr, all time record, took 12.6L to refill.
  5. Up to you, I have had the experience and passed it on, it hurt a lot and cost me money and time off work. Its your life/leg/money. If it happens to you I will say I told you so. Although I truly hope it doesn't.
  6. Cynic


    I thought they were far closer than that, I thought the busa was at its base a GSXR1100 waterpumped motor, with what amounted to a 1270kit on top and better carb/injection, stupid gearing etc for flat out speed. Personally I adored the 1200bandit, the proper early ones before they gave it manners, without a lot of work those motors gave getting on for 150bhp. Rode like a LC with bigger everything.
  7. That chain has already come off once. Chains dont come off because they are slack they come off because they are worn out. I was badly cut, my bikes engine cases were smashed and I very nearly came off.Thanks to a bad chain. When I was 16. Probably get next week doesent cut it. That chain could indirectly kill you. Get it fixed.
  8. You must have heard the well known phrase, 'More than 2 strokes is wank'
  9. Didn't the go faster brigade bore them back to 32 even 34 accepting a bit of bad manners for cheap hp .
  10. Damn Kev your pushing the limits there...
  11. The system sucks, you need about 4000rpm for it to make up for its own power needs. Junk it for the kicker unless you really want it. As to the load on the crank, you will still have a flywheel??????? Don't forget you will have to swap out for 6volts as well. You only get 12 on the leccy starters. Just remember you ideally need a points set up, with the flywheel. If you get anything intended for cdi you will need the appropriate cdi unit too. Yam used 2 different systems. Also 125, 175. No difference as far as ig goes.
  12. Cynic


    Unfortunately after 25 years my missus can read me like the morning paper. Like what your doing though,
  13. That makes the bills easier to pay than when they just go CLUNK at traffic lights.
  14. parts not here yet to fix my gearbox...
  15. So the equal and opposite reaction of your engine shitting its self quite expensively is?
  16. Cynic


    If you can get that lot for 1400 quid you should go into business. I bet all up you need another '0' on there. The wheels alone will knock a big hole in a grand.
  17. I think the way he was riding he hit the brakes, standing the bike up and running wide instead of putting more effort into the bars to get her to turn. Trouble being the car coming the other way, amazing really on a road. Must have been a complete shock. Twat.
  18. Whats it got to do with physics. 3 things kill lc's Mixture, generally from owner tuning or aftermarket exhausts, microns used to be especially good at it. Cheap head gaskets, cheap pistons, cheap rings, cheap.... you get the idea Red mist caused by the punch at 6000rpm. Its more addictive than crack.
  19. You explained it enough. You have sheared off one of the spring bolt towers in the inner basket. Cant repair that, odd thing to happen though.
  20. No they are separate, the inner section will spin separately without the plates there to stop it. The outer basket is driven by the engine, the inner transfers the drive into the gearbox. The metal plates lock to the inner, the fibre plates lock to the outer. The spring pressure connects the whole lot together transferring drive. I may have one kicking about I will have a look tomorrow.
  21. Inner only or the whole basket?
  22. They dont give up do they. The tank has been done with por15. Pull the dent, destroy the coating. Looking good though,
  23. No suspect about it a healthy yz is kicking 35 to 40 horses. The insurance would be hideous too, not to mention the maintainance. Messing about keeping temps up and down. Fuel.. The reasons its a bad idea are endless.
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