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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Somehow I dont see kev as the pillow biter in that
  2. Wow that HAS to be the oldest thread to get a reply in quite a while, after 8 years you may not get a reply. Think we shall lock this one eh.
  3. Ha , not over here DT, only approved portable fuel containers. Some wont even accept military jerry cans. I have been refused with them in my Land rover before. What gave away that I wasn't a scot
  4. Ah but your side of the water your not lumberd with namby pamby jobsworths that treat the public as idiots.
  5. Obviously nobody has explained the ' running in '. The main purpose is taking microscopic high spots off of moving parts and putting full heat cycles to fully seat components. Letting them seat fully. You have rebuilt the top end of a 2stroke. Far simpler than any 4stroke that will need the 500mile treatment. All your seating is a little end bearing and the rings. The rest is ready done. Far better advice is to ride normally but dont let the bike labour and stay away from full throttle for 30 or 40 miles to bed the rings. Thats it. All I have ever done.
  6. 2 plug head dates back to when plugs were less effective outside their optimum, so you had one to start and cold running another for highway (speed) work. its the right carb, why are you worried about the screw settings, is it running bad. As far as it matters the one with the spring behind it sets the tick over speed by lifting the slide slightly, the other is the mixture screw (does precious little apart from the transition from idle to main jet. Its normally around 1.5 turns out.
  7. Dirty DT already has the cash and sizes. No problems there.
  8. yea, need to know why that head looks new?
  9. An 83 should have some sort of voltage regulator, same as the DT175..
  10. Just sounds likely, you mentioned a tick tick noise, backfire can be caused running out of fuel. If its breaking down rather than failing?
  11. Have you checked the fuel pump is pumping properly. A check is to bypass the pump, then try the bike with a full tank of fuel. As when its full the pump does little or nothing for the flow, only really makes a difference when the fuel level is lower.
  12. Slice, unless your Romanian is as good as Las's English? can it while we get the numbers sorted properly.
  13. Just thinking that even though the stroke is the same, if the points at the limit of the stroke are in different places between the 400 and the 426 on the 2 cranks, if you know what I mean. They both travel the same distance but start at different points, relative to the crank centre line. Say (I don't know the proper numbers) the 400 decks at 100mm from the crank centre line and the 426 is 110. Did it make better sense this time?
  14. OK OK.... Be serious a moment, we need a proper count for Las. So far....With YOC on the back. Cynic Foamy Blackhat250 Tommyxs up.yours andrewelvisfan slice jimmy drewpy
  15. The only measurement that could scupper that plan is the deck to gudgeon pin (piston wrist pin) difference. The longer stroke will bring the piston down further which could mean the pin is lower in the piston body to give crank clearance or there is an extra 2or 3 mm of meat in the piston crown to cope with the bigger bang? Needs confirming early?
  16. Love that, " A complete set of swearing", brilliant.
  17. C'mon if you want to yaw on about kwaks that fine. But start a fresh topic.
  18. Going all Sherlock Holmes but you can't have tried everything. Also, swapping carbs with a different bike, when yours isnt running will just confuse things even more. Bad plan. Must try harder....
  19. Kev, gentle. Doesent seem right together, like honest and politician. Or kev and subtle....
  20. For 6 bucks buy it and see what happens.
  21. Sure there are no air leaks carb side?
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