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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Limited......... ha. You just dont know what limited range is.
  2. Cynic

    grey imports

    Long story short. Parallel import is an existing model imported from another country. French DT125 for example imported to the uk. Grey import is a bike not released in the uk. GSXR250. CBR250, RVF400 etc. These bikes were Japan only. They exist but not official in the uk but perfectly legal if imported correctly.
  3. Nah. Dont help, the rear steer makes the kick worse. Not forgetting those selco 6 wheelers have an 8ft overhang. The driver will have needed to plan his turn most likely clocking the 'empty' side road gave him more options as people regularily hit the tail as it swings. None of the traffic on the main road would have given him an inch.He would have been avoiding the little old lady too. Be interesting to know what the rider was wearing. It appears to be a tan coloured textile. Smart choice to blend in. Speaking as someone who has long experience of both vehicle types and just how fucking hard it is to drive in London i think the driver had information overload and the rider could have done more than moan and shout. The truck driver will be the one that loses out ultimately. He was more at fault but the bike could have saved himself.
  4. Without wanting to insult, you do know how to actually check the oil level? As example my TDR250 needs to be checked after running the engine otherwise it looks way overfull. It may explain it appearing overfull. It may also be the garage but you don't want to be draining it down if its right.
  5. I know what you mean, I didn't take my parents to school either. Good 40minute walk for me, used to ride it on a pushbike, going to sucked as it was all uphill but the end of the day was ace, home in 5mins.
  6. Cynic

    grey imports

    Imports are no different to uk bikes. So long as there is a uk version. My bike is an import, guy thought I was taking the piss when I said it was from Japan until he got my meaning. Made no difference to the price. Some bikes like the GSXR250 were never officially imported so are not on insurers info, you know the sort. 'Computer says no'. types. They are the greys, because they are in that grey area between the lines, they exist but not officially in the uk. Will make little difference to any decent motorcycle insurer. The likes of direct line or admiral may cough. And no the road tax is no different. Providing it has been registered properly of course.
  7. Knocking banging and screeching, what an image. Guy should be shot for cruelty to mc's. Although...........? Had a van do pretty much that many years ago when I had the mechanical sympathy of a teen it was the mains breaking up. Ultimately it put a rod through the front of the block with enough violence at about 80mph it went out of the block through the rad and the grill trim in the front bumper. ahem. You could see the crank without opening the bonnet. The hole in the motor you could fit your hand through. The real surprise, with the rod out of the way it still ran, funnily enough only on 3 but perfectly well enough to get out of the traffic. Anyho, yep, crank dead would be my guess too.
  8. Thanks for the feedback, not many people report the outcome, glad its sorted, or do we wait for the brake bleeding questions? .
  9. Why do you want to change the piston? This is done when its worn past its limits or has been damaged. On a 2stroke when its replaced you go up a piston size. Generally .5mm sometimes more. I had to go a full mm on my TDR when the powervalve and piston came together with the piston ring. What is the problem you have, I'm guessing you may just have excessive wear even then you will need to rebore. You may get a bit extra with a set of rings but, again. My TDR was brought low by the age of the piston and the ring peg failing to stop the ring rotating. If the bore is clean and not out or round you may be able to use a .25 increase but it is tiny, barely more than the piston tolerance of .125mm either side. You may be able to use it but the full 2.0mm bore may be better for long term reliability. As will using GENUINE gaskets, don't believe the bull, anything other than genuine yam or Athena head gaskets will fail. The only names repeated for these bikes for replacement pistons that will stand the use are Mitaka (best price), Woosner and Genuine OE Yamaha, (gold plated I think). I fitted mitaka in my TDR250 on the recommendation of everybody I asked pretty much.
  10. Sorry but your asking for trouble. 2strokes are a balance between the exhaust and the inlet. Generally bad tuning makes bikes SOUND faster and go slower. The biggest problem is if it goes wrong you cannot refit a good pipe.
  11. Where did you get 1.25 from? Generally pistons go up by .5. Anything less doesent generally clean the bore. Mitaka do piston kits for your bike up to 2.0mm oversize for around £50.
  12. carbs iced, points broke, the reliability of anything i could afford ment every trip was an adventure. My steed at the time was an ex race (yes! i know now ) rd350. Shifted when it was happy though.
  13. Just remember your not de restricting a 2002 dt. Your tuning it. All the derestricting mumbo jumbo comes from the late 80's where manufacturers hadnt caught up with the 125 hp rule changes so their 25hp 125's needed urgent restricting to be legal. By 2002 12.5hp was all you got. It wasnt restricted by then. You will get power gutting the pipe but not really worth it till you have an overall tuning plan.
  14. It feels like its slipping but its just rolling faster on that part of the tyre. You may feel the same sensation from the rear as it squares off. Personally i would change the tyres. I always change tyres early. Personal choice but you have to have faith in them or you just wont enjoy your bike.
  15. Just look at any sports bike. Massive front brakes. Then on the rear? Pissy little excuse for a brake. The rear is more use off road but it is the poor relation.
  16. At the very least register on a forum your asking for help.....
  17. Just bear in mind its only designed to give maybe 20% of your stopping power anyway. It will never be amazing or it will lock up.
  18. Slice? You want this one?
  19. No shame in the L plates mate we have all had them and its only non bikers that give you stick for them. (could have took em off for the pic if they bother you though, eh?)
  20. No problem, the forum is open to all. No silly post restrictions where you need admin to allow you to post. That has brought forward a kind of new member filter. Folk such as yourself go ' oh bugger',' hi guys im bob etc' . The jerks get the arse and sod off. Welcome to the forum. Cruisers are not my thing im afraid but im sure others will chip in.
  21. Forgive the sarcasm but I missed the 'Universal Yamaha Q and A service' statement on the forum. This is a site for Yamaha enthusiasts to talk bikes , bull, and whatever else you feel like. The only real entry requirement, say hi in the new members area. Would you barge into a group in a pub and start asking questions. The number of one post questions across the forum literally runs into thousands. A single posted question then nothing. Some questions take a little time and effort to answer that the member is giving for the benefit of others. This has lead to people generally ignoring low post count questions, especially when none of the profile details have been added as it gives the impression your not staying? Please pop over to the new members area and introduce yourself, you will be much more likely to get the information you need. There are plenty of custom fans on here.
  22. Sorry about your issues, with something sensitive like this you really have to introduce yourself properly in the new members area. I know you will appreciate just how sensitive this kind of subject is and villans will happily try and use forums such as this one to try and get info to help in moving on bikes that have been compromised. As far as I can see the frame number is meaningless, it is supposed to have 17 digits,(I think) your 6 missing which starts bells ringing. Unless you strip some paint and find the rest. Where did you get the african connection, little is exported back from there aside from minerals. Its a mechanical death sentence for equipment to be run on string and bubblegum till it dies somewhere in a desert. I wish you well but you may find a very limited response from the members.
  23. Depends if the middle of middle England is somewhere near somewhere? er? Your oooop norf somewhere but give the folks a clue?
  24. If steve had one of those I think the dna content would make it officially a living organism......
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