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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Its rotating anti clockwise, watch the shoulder and you will see it. The head is really clever as the back view is a mirror of the front and your brain ignores the errors as it try's to make the image fit the expected picture that initially moved past your vision. Really interesting image.
  2. Low load, its not a house, even basic electrical maths says you have added another AMP to your lighting load with no way for the battery to compensate without supplying the extra through existing components adding stress to them all. If you include your general lighting, 45w headlight, sidelight, stop/tail at 31w and some idiot lighting at 3 to 6w apiece so could be another 12w that's say 75w without including losses/electrical resistance from poor connections and old components, or 4 amps estimated basic load. All dependant on engine rpm. Your low load has added a probably surprising 20% load to your lighting system with no fuses or circuit separation, as I said the numpty way is direct. Bikes don't have anything spare.
  3. What use is it other than in a museum. Dry seals, hard grease, it would need rebuilding before you rode it away.
  4. How I have done it, like I said earlier. Fit the plug then go for a trip of a couple of miles and run the bike in the problem area then take the plug out and shock horror, look at the end. Basic and reliable with some experience, if its black its bad, if its clean its bad, light dusting will do. Not to mention the old plug can tell you as well doesn't necessarily need a new plug. If the old plug comes out jet black covered with wet oily residue its bad or a lot of short slow runs. The plugs in my TDR (which runs sweet as) are actually a light brown for the most part, near perfect. Although she does only get used for proper rides not commuting in traffic. The better guide in the modern age is getting a thermocouple to tell you the actual plug temperature. There is a sweet spot, the exact details escape me but Airhead has one on his DT and thinks it is really useful to keep the engine sweet. I'm tempted myself.
  5. Well I'm no bike expert as far as qualifications go but I have had the better part of 25years of riding and fixing my bikes and maintaining 2 competitive v8 engine land rover trials vehicles as well as helping my dad who was a mechanic man and boy, this is the first time I've heard it done this way. Always willing to learn and happy to be proven wrong but any tuning shop will tell you it could take 20 or 30 road or dyno runs to tune in a carb (my Suzuki took 28 runs to set up), can't see anybody trashing 20 or 30 plugs (more on a multi) for a carb tune at 5 or 6 quid a pop can you?
  6. Sorry but I'm looking to see if the date is 1st April. Internet gags to trip the unwary methinks..
  7. Ok i'll bite. A plug chop is running the engine at a constant throttle, rpm in the area the engine is running badly for a sustained period of minutes then cutting the engine. Once stopped safely you swap plugs, (chop one for another). ie a plug chop and look at the electrodes to show how the motor is running. Black and sooty, oily, tan colour, even showing red spots in the ceramic. These are all good indicators of engine/carb conditions. Hacksaw not required.....
  8. I am assuming your taking the piss here, least I hope so.
  9. If there is some movement something is happening at least. You need to fire up your meter and see what infomation the motor gets. Also. Did you replace just the motor or the whole motor/pully assembly. 2 wires are power and 2 are signal i think. You should check to see what is happening.
  10. There is cleaning and cleaning, cars can cope with a bucket of warm water a month as everything is really designed to be covered in crap, its only the outside most of us wash. Relatively speaking your needing to do the equivalent of jacking the car up and removing the wheels and bonnet then cleaning all you can see. I don'nt ride my bike from October to March, I don't care what you say it shags bikes and riding in all that winter crap and cold is shite too. I have done the only transport thing though before you start, 4 years my old 600 Suzuki was my sole transport. I became expert at stripping and cleaning the brakes, not disturbing and lines just undo the caliper. Then brush and soapy water to wash the caliper and push the pistons out and back so they were free. Same with the rear, lost 2 rear calipers before keeping the monthly ritual. Scottoiler, cannot stress this one enough as well as getting a good quality stainless steel exhaust, (good excuse for an upgrade). Lastly have the garden hose ready to go, mine was rigged in the garage so it didn't freeze too much. If the hose is too much hassle to get/set up you wont use it. Just rinse the bike down after each ride. Don't get too excited with a cover as wet is fine, as is dry, without the cover the wind will dry it off quickly. Its the nasty middle ground of being left wet in a damp garage that does damage. Lastly lots of wd40 on the electricals and change the plug caps at every other plug change and she will never miss in the rain.
  11. Looks like it could be cdi, your battery is fully charged? A bad battery can play holy heck with the pv.
  12. Crap fuel economy, horrible engine manners, a sizeable drop in hp. exhausts are far more science than a bit of pipe.
  13. Have you done the basics first. Fuses. Cleaned all the connections etc. Cdi is unlikely to fail but the motor can burn out if there is a lot of drag on the system. The pv should turn rasily with your fingers and the cables should move smothly too. No earthing the cable just alters the infomaton to the cdi. Nothing directly for the pv motor.
  14. Trouble is they all end up as green splodge, its the only thing that's put me off more, mine originally had loads of colour now its just shades of green although I would like some of the steampunk stuff I have seen, depends on the tat man though. erm, and getting the wife onside. The stag do tat was up on the limits, she can't stand em.
  15. So it really isn't the seat height, its a concern but more from getting your leg over, (there I said it) its reaching for the bars that's the killer and tbh I haven't a clue although I would think there are more than a few options for change.
  16. Forgive me for the question, if a Drag is 'big' how do you ride the Bonny?
  17. nope, 1100 engine is quite a bit taller.
  18. Show me your not spamming for punters and I will unlock the threads.
  19. Mine was a simple choice at an Outlaws bike rally. My stag do, bungee jump or get inked? so I got inked. Jumping out of a basket 200feet in the air didn't appeal. Oddly a year earlier my mate was faced with the same choice and took the jump, go figure? He still cannot get up the nerve for a tat and he's in his 40's now.
  20. Its a custom, it will be low, ironically after about 6 seconds on google there 695/710mm for the 650 custom/classic and 690 for the 1100.
  21. Yep, worrying to note the amount of times I see European AND uk lorry's with laptops on the dash playing movies.
  22. That'l be the ones, PWEI too, still got some of their tapes in the loft I think, nothing to play em on mind lol. Its their old drummer Fuzz Townsend does the car sos stuff. Still wonder about the tat, now I kinda wish I had but it would have hurt like a bastard, (apparently its like having a wookpecker on speed going at your head) and I would prob regret it now as it would have been my equally drunken mates giving me tat advice which is NEVER good.
  23. Hair grows as long as it grows, I tried for long hair when I was an unkempt youth, think 'kin missile' and other quality 'fringe' music. (google em) Anyhow, sharing a house with students I fell into their world. But with MONEY, heh good times. Anyway I tried growing my hair, it got to my shoulders and stopped. Looked like a bad bob so I got a pretty severe undercut (shaved area was above my ears by a good inch and a half). Was cool at the time and thankfully no photo's. On one drunken bike rally I nearly got a tattoo on the bare skin, dodged a bullet there.
  24. Tasky its not "your smaller than me". It happens to me in the truck. They dont accept that anybody would not allow them to do as they please. Litterally an hour ago 2 shal we say non european men were in the outside lane alongside my trailer. There lane filters to mine with me having right of way. Truck to my left so nowhere to go. Im expecting him to back off and filter. Nope accelerates for a gap that isnt there forcing me to hit the brakes HARD from the chaos behind there may have been a minor shunt afterwards. Considering his response was middle finger salute held high from the drivers window im glad i wasnt on a bike.
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