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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic

    Price to fix bike

    What did you pay for it. Whats the milage. Whats broke. £150 for servicing a ybr is a bit salty even including a battery. Sounds like he's taking the piss to me. Or has somebody who wants a ybr and thinks your daft enough to take the offer. 250 plus a 20 quid battery some oil and he could be making maybe 500quid for not much.
  2. Is it possible to swap the guts of the/a 175 taco into the lc housing. Swapping the faces.
  3. I have said this before I think, seeing as Yamaha are so unbelievably lazy with some of there kit I would bet real money that a comparable taco of the same year will have the same guts in it. Be it Dt175, RD125 even a XS if your pushed . I know you had a dt one you were using have you torn it down to have a look? Or did that come off your dt as a temp fix? It will be either the magnets losing strength or the spring losing flexibility that make it read lazy.
  4. Cynic

    Blow by

    You need to get in there and measure the cyl. Most times its the rings that have worn. In engines 'soft wears hard' and if the bore is within reasonable limits a quick blitz with some glass paper and a set of rings may keep it running cost efectively for some time. Worked on several of my old cars and motorcycles in the past. I even ground a set of oversize rings down sufficiently to keep my old cb125 on the road. Was a nail though. And i was propper balls to the wall skint at the time.
  5. Barbecue paint from B+Q. Works a treat on my tdr.
  6. One of my best friends was a yorkshireman. God rest him. Always knew where you stood with him. If you had something to say, fkin say it cos he sure as hell would.
  7. Seriously? The bolt can't fall out, the thread is in the lower section so the bolt head is topmost, with the spring of the lever split it is nigh impossible for it to come out let alone have the lever fall off. On a sub 2 year old bike someone has been pissing about.
  8. No. You just need to form a stop. A simple loop stopping the dipstic going in an uncontroled amount. The loop only need be larger than the filler hole.
  9. Why the fuss for checking the oil. Check the oil properly first. Then when you know its good park it where you normally would. Then using a welding rod/ bent up coat hanger long enough to check the oil dipstic style. Open oil filler and dip the gearbox. Mark the level (permanantly with a hacksaw mark or put a kink in the rod)and keep as your oil checker and then you dont need it stood straight up to check the oil. Especially as the easier it is to check the more you will do it.
  10. Polishing (professional metal kind) or vapour blasting. If your a patient sort you could use paint strippers but they are really messy and results can vary. One thing. The longer you leave the white rust (aluminium oxide) the worse it will get. Dont forget if you live near the coast bare ally is not a good idea. No matter what season.
  11. Put the telly by the patio doors (that's as close to the stage as you will get so the image is the right size), rig your tent in the garden and have the hose spray on all weekend for the real feel experience.
  12. Really common, we get warned about it at work often, called a "look through". You see green and go, even though the green is 20yards up the road.
  13. They are prob a middle man then. You place the order with them and then they pass it along. Happens all the time with internet companies. Friend of mine retired after he sold his company. Had NO material assets. Just contacts and customers. Just built it with eba# as a seller.
  14. There is a lot of fancy science on planet angle/solar activity and our solar orbit that explains why it was so hot and cold in the 70's. Were at the other extreme now which is why the weather is so bloody average, or in your case wet.... Global warming down to modern industrialisation, so what about the thames freezing so hard in the 1600's you could walk across, or, oh yea the fkin ice age. The planet has been getting warmer for the last 20000 years. We aint helping but hey, that's what we do (cos somebody will always be aiming to make a buck of the backs of others paranoia). Sorry, needed that, kids are doing it at school.........ffs mutter mutter (Back on topic) We have very low standards for a campsite, check out squires café.....
  15. Woah people. Form an orderly que. Unless I'm really off the ball he has swapped the coil connections between coils. So the fault has swapped from 1 and 4, to 2 and 3. From that I say the coils, plugs and leads are all good, now we move on to the pick up coil(s?) and the cdi and its connections. I don't kow the fz in any detail so i'll shut up now.
  16. Swap the coils over from left to right. If the problem swaps its the coil. If it doesent you have proved all the plug leads and coils are good.
  17. I can read them easily. Thats 4 years of technical college for you. If you have no idea then you will do better buying a loom. Even an old dirty one to dissasemble. Then you can build up just what you need. Explaining wiring looms on a forum will be nigh impossible to a standard where you can build one, if you really are struggling with electics pulling some looms apart will help a lot.
  18. Nothing in it. My old suzuki was a parralel and apart from the colour scheme you wouldn't know (it was french). My tdr is a jap import and that came with much better spec chassis than the uk bike as well as a stupid light in the dash that comes on at 55kph and no sidelight. Had zero issues with any aspect of owning either.
  19. It will be on ebay shortly after for 5 times the price. Why do these disposal sales flog the stuff so cheap, esp when bussines types will come in and bulk buy most of it so the profits go to the big fish and their like. Its a cycle that will kill all bussines. Cut prices, fine but wages are cut or capped, hours cut etc to reduce prices (but really to increace investor profit). The net result of the actions to cut prices reduce the money in the system to buy the product. So they cut prices. Its a cycle that will kill many more businesses like granby's in the future. A company I deliver to now buys its raw material from spain, still cheaper even because of the transport. But then they sell their product in the uk, but they are reducing the income of people in the uk, and therefore destroying their own business. Yes I'm cynical, I'm not often wrong in my observations either......
  20. No problem, may I be the first of many to suggest......... Get the manual
  21. Moved. Sorry i dont understand the offroad only logic. Why didn't you get a yz? Anyho. Post a bit about yourself in the new members area or there will be few replies. Dont forget the vast majority of ' off road only bikes' are generally nicked. That often sours folks opinion of them unless you have history with it.
  22. Cynic

    1983 Yamaha TR1

    Acceleration, braking, cranked over in your favorite bends and roundabouts. You will move around a lot. I just think its something that deserves as much thought as you have put in the rest of the bike.
  23. Cynic

    1983 Yamaha TR1

    Well you said before you like it straight from the hip and with the work you have done on other parts I think your skipping over this one. With blobs of resin and such rather than a proper engineering solution. If you even touch on the performance the suspension/brakes can deliver your arse will be sliding all across that seat 3 ways from sunday..
  24. Cynic

    1983 Yamaha TR1

    Considering how seat foam seems to magically transmit every odd edge and curve from the seat base, (at least on my TDR) I gotta say I think its brave not flattening the bit you sit on. There was just a small strap on my TDR seat but it rested just at the bottom of my back and resonated, after a few miles it hurt like f and started to taint the bike. Its gone now NEVER to return. I would recommend spending time on the seat, a couple of proud nuts hurting your arse (funarr), every time you ride your bike would not be nice.
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