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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Oh I know she knows em, ever watched a ladies grass hockey game? I had little respect for footballers anyway (don't mind rugby tbh) but after following hockey for a while because of my daughter I now hold those supposed sportsmen in utter contempt. Rant aside, I just felt that that f bomb was probably the best way of explaining the feeling when you, the bike and the road hit the sweet spot.
  2. Welcome. Don't fret the car/bike difference its all similar, just smaller and more fun. If you can work a set of spanners you will do fine. You might be needing some metric stuff now though eh,
  3. True, just seems odd, keep your legs warm in winter I suppose. Just seems an awful lot of things are going to have to fit in a very small space. While getting pretty fkin hot at the same time, imagine trying to sort the jetting when the temps are so extreme, 2 cooled carbs with cold air and 2 heated fed with hot which gets more extreme the longer it runs.. Its a protortype after all, the rd700 at squires had carb problems with heat and they were in the 'right' place. Hey, I'm not called cynic for nothing. Love the 'o'ring barrels though.
  4. That right/wrong cyl thing is weird, there is nowhere for any airbox and the carbs will get cooked, surely you want the centre cyls to be reversed for the exhaust route and then the carbs won't overheat. The carbs on my gsx600f had jets 10% smaller due to heat, how far will they have to go with this. Could be a wind up, or something to confuse competitors?
  5. Trail wing 302. I would try harder on your searches, took google less than a second to find.
  6. It don't work, might be an idea to say what it is too.
  7. She is 14, we scored a real good stretch on the A50 between Spratton and Chapel Brampton, clear road. I just had to, wound on, great bends only a couple of miles of silly but when we hit the brakes to slow for Chapel Brampton I heard "oh wow that was fkin awesome", over my shoulder. I can fully accept that f word as appropriate I think..
  8. Did 50 odd miles today with the eldest daughter on the back and she is really starting to get it. Only got headbutted once today, she uses the rack rather than me to hold on. Can really get a move on with her on the back now I can rely on her not moving at the wrong time. Actually enjoying the bike rather than worrying if she will stay on for the next overtake/bend etc. Only real pain is she rests on me under braking but that's improving with her upper body strength (hockey training) and the TDR front brake really struggles pulling up when the bike has a pillion. I may fit a blue spot for peace of mind. She is hinting after some leathers and boots now though, gulp. She has been using her mums till now ( said quietly but she (the wife) wont fit em now and their older than my kids). But now K wants some of her own.
  9. Brings back memories of 2000 for me too. How they do it? More skill in his sweat than I will ever have. Wonder how those slower lads felt getting whupped by a bloke with a gammy leg and a skinny wolverine lookalike.
  10. Cynic

    Oh Jesus !!

    Um, so? Yes its a bit of a 'artistic' bike. Kind of what the kid in quadrophenia would ride when he grew up after chucking Sting's off a clff. The seat would keep Leslie Ash handy for more alley shags. She certainly couldn't get away and if she tried? well there is the trailer.
  11. I know I keep on about it but the cortisone wont last forever and each time you go it is less effective. max number of jabs was 3 last I knew. Mine was too urgent in the end. Being a proper 'bloke' it was so advanced I was risking gangrene, I had permanent pins and needles in my left hand. oops When I was tested it was 3 weeks from test to treatment (op). Lever looks the part.
  12. Um, which one was project T.U.R.D again?
  13. Sorry Slice, someone impotant?
  14. And like any nightlife its only any good when its dark and your 3 parts pissed. My house is 200yds from open fields and i would only change it to lower the number. You can keep London and its nightlife all to yourself with my blessings. Its not for me.
  15. If it were me by bike id go through the middle. Make it a tour. You could go past St Pauls, fleet street over tower bridge, trafalgar sq, run along the embankment (built to hide sewer pipes) and through the isle of dogs looking at the money in canary warf and the millenium dump... er dome. At the least on a bike the south circular will be better than slogging round the 25. Std london rules apply though. Make sure you have your eyes on and watch the busses. They are the deadliest. Then trucks and taxis with fucking cyclists being right up there too. And not forgetting it will smell of car fumes and rubbish with a top hint of fast food. Personally. I hate the shithole. But then im a country hick so..?
  16. Does the 125 LC have the little o ring on the crank under the primary drive gear collar like the 175? That would do it.
  17. Strip it down and do it again. Its either, duff sealant bad seals or fitted the wrong way round. cracked case. Any way you spin it the most sensible way to check is strip it back down as sods law says the last thing you check will be it.
  18. Running it too long on choke, idle and not going anywhere.
  19. Lucky sod, was pissing it down here this morning, still a bit hit and miss now. Managed to fluke the sunsine in the week though when my mate that lives prob 5 miles from me got the soaking of a lifetime, laugh..... you think I did? how rude..
  20. RTFM. Simple, you do have a manual? If you haven't get one, there nothing more worth saying otherwise if you have no spanner knowledge.
  21. Its broken. The exhaust valve (or whatever they are cables), are hanging in the breeze suggesting those exhausts have not been fitted at all well. I think the detail for the accident and repairs are off. Damage to rhs where it landed. Ok. So the truck hitting it did nothing! The few scratches to the paint are 4k, there is more to that. and i still dont like the bent lever. Why not put the original exhaust back on. He must still have it. I dont get 600 miles in what could be 3 years eithe. Dont forget that lever may have done for the master cyl too. Sorry but i just dont like bike 1 something is wrong but dont know what. If you were sharp with a set of spanners id say insult him offering 4k and see what happens. You may be surprised. You can buy good straight bikes for the money he wants atm. So no loss if he tells you to feck off. As your not a spanner man i say door no 3. Unless your a gambler. As for age i have 2 bikes one nearly 30 years old that i use to go to work and long weekend trips. My old bike is 36 years old. As i said condition is all. Age pah.
  22. The last one for me. A dropped bike needs to be cheap and it isnt. Scratched, odd parts and the one i dont like is the lever. That means bars took a big hit which may have twisted . Bike 2 does nothing to stand out and if you fly and its a dud you may buy when you shouldnt. The biggy is the stock pipes. Yuk. Bike 3 has the goodies and good mileage. Close enough to view propperly too. Age irrelevant. Condition is all.
  23. Fowlers of bristol is my choice. If they havent got it then you know its not off the shelf.
  24. The oil residue will collect on the bike. If you spend a lot of time in traffic, or short trips your exhaust will never get hot enough to burn off the sludge that collects in there. It may just need a good italian tune. ie wang it along a decent stretch of road that will let you keep the revs nice and high NOT THRASHING just high in the power. For 5 to 10 miles. You will probbably end up looking like a red arrow for a while as the pipe gets fully hot and burns off the rubbish. Wrong oil or fuel is a strange statement that i would ignore. Oil is subject to minimum standards so aslong as its 2stroke oil your near enough and wrong fuel. Huh. You really should use premium unleaded where you can as this has no/less ethanol and your bike will run better. Mine certainly makes up for the exta cost in more miles per tank.
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