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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Really! Obviously its the own brand 80/90 heavy duty gear oil? Or could be their fully synth car 10/30 oil? Without the detail this thread is pointless.
  2. What, Germans riding on the wrong side of the road?
  3. Nah, I was furthest travelled 2 years ago, some cheeky sod was given it on some tin pot 125 4 banger instead. Andy was his name I think.....
  4. Weather is looking solid John, you riding all the way?
  5. Cynic

    Liked this

    Worked with a bloke that had one. Those inboard disks were always giving him greif. You could hear him coming. The pipe? Nope epic brake squeal. Set your teeth on edge.
  6. Remember too much light is just as bad. Car drivers will have a wtf moment when the strobes kick off and in rain will destroy any night vision leaving shadows in their vision. A clean hi viz jacket will be far better. I pass a bmw every morning. He has extra lights that are so fucking bright you cant see as it comes past. Your blinded by your own mirrors. I dont see how that is safer. I am convinced soon people are going to be killed in accidents caused by their own lights blinding oncoming traffic.
  7. Not sure as to why but had the same thing happen to a v8 landrover engine. It was only tight at one point. I just put it down to abuse maybe some oil starvation as it was a trials ( they get to some interesting angles) engine and the last thing they get is mechanical sympathy.
  8. You are outside my territory, you don't have the faintest idea what the wires should be doing so how can you test. Before you make things worse find something concrete to work from.
  9. Try fitting new gaskets, the bloke that told you otherwise needs his head read. If the flanges are too thin you may even need spacers.
  10. Ok, had a bit of a snif round my map and it looks like a plan is forming. I think Stow on the Wold would be a tidy place to meet up. Its pretty and any road you take to and from is great, its the Cotswolds ffsake. Get to annoy Jezza. Anyway there is a Bp with a bad café and a cash machine so timing is not too vital and they sell proper (super unleaded) fuel. Sat nav. GL54 1JU Sits halfway between us Slice, so we can go for most travelled unless John comes down by bike. Prob aim to be there for around 10 (see the kids of to school ha ha ha) and then we got all day. Probably stop in Matlock for some scoff and a brew, fancy meeting up John? Then aim for the café at squires studiously avoiding anything remotely motorway like when ever possible.
  11. It will run exactly as it does now with electronic ignition. The plugs will last longer, the bike will be easier to start esp in colder weather and you may gain some high rpm benefits, maybe some more torque and most likely some mpg improvements too, which is just from the engine doing what its supposed too but better, but real world hp you can feel. Nope. Not really. Don't get me wrong it will be a nicer bike to use, and definitely more reliable if you get a reputable kit and fit it well but it wont actually go faster in any real sense, people usually get a 400 engine for that bit.
  12. So did it run as its supposed to with whatever it is unplugged?
  13. You northern nancies would explode in 30deg. Mind. It seems the furthest travelled will be there first. Im coming up with slice. Weather will dictate how direct the route is.
  14. Cynic

    How Many Left

    Lol. Apparently there aren't any cb175t's at all. Well there is at least 1. Its in my garage.
  15. There you go slice. Those 2 are tied up Friday so if your game im happy to meet anywhere you like.
  16. What. M5, M6, M62 and a bit of A1. Seriously dull. Im going from Northampton (ish) j16 m1. Easy enough to head up on that side of the world. If you want company. Prob pick up with Finnerez if we bounce off Derby/Matlock. Be much better off the M stuff. Did 300mile the first day with andrewelvisfan last year.
  17. Nice one. What's your route up?
  18. Being a full licence holder is she still stock or are you tempted..
  19. The first words out of the mouths of the dealership would be 'prove it'. You said yourself its all but a race bike and you pay for the performance by accepting an amount of reliability risk. Unless you find a fingerprinted smoking gun you will get squat from the stea...dealer.
  20. 'There is nothing worn under the kilt. Its all in perfect working order.' (Spike)
  21. Because he can. Yep i think its pretty stupid too. Whatever the asthetics the execution is tidy.
  22. So you didnt load test the starter. Free spinning and running under load are two very different things. That motor will pull serious amps. Free spinning it will draw little of any. If you have some bad coils or the com is worn it will do a small step untill it hits a dead spot. Wont blow a fuse either. Power drill on the gearbox sprocket nut with a spare man on the clutch lever for 'justin' will cover bump starting.
  23. Sugestions..... Use the new members area to say hi. Try fresh fuel?
  24. Cynic

    How Many Left

    Nah. Says there are 30 tdr250's. There may not be a lot but its easily in the hundreds. Just from members on TDR250.com
  25. Yep. I know a couple. One had patio doors fitted so he could get his bikes in and out easier. He lives upstairs. The downstairs is basicly a garage. The house isnt maintained either. My missus wont go there as you can look up from the kitchen into the bathroom. As there is not a lot of ceiling and not a whole lot of bathroom floor.(a rewire. Finished the wire but not the reinstatement). If your aim is off you can piss in the sink. DOWNSTAIRS! I will stick with the wife.
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