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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. I have enough hassle just keeping exhausts black. Would only work on a trailer queen.
  2. Don't know about that bike but swapping the carb (not vital), head, barrel and piston for 175 parts is a straight nut and bolt swap. Im actually doing the opposite to my 175 so my daughter can do her test. No special modification at all. Whatever its problems they will be no worse than any other 30 year old lucky dip.
  3. bluespots giveaway?, me, me, me. well the right one anyway.
  4. Twinshock's a 5 speed. MX is a 6.
  5. Little ball bearing present?
  6. It will be charged with nitrogen. The air you add is for adjusting to preference. If the gas has gone there is a good chance the shock is fubar. The proper manuals will give a procedure to degass the unit. Although cracking the banjo bolt with your helmet on is probably a common one The shock and resivoir are normally replaced together and a lot of modern day replacements dont use them . Old tech and all.
  7. As already said by others... I have a neck and a foot injury that have never healed properly because I knew better. When I knew better as a gobby 17 year old and a not so gobby 25 year old I felt no pain. Well the piper has called for his payment and if I could go back in time and slap some sense into both of those idiot me's I would not walk with a slight limp and have to watch what and how I lift.
  8. Could have dropped a cell. Next time its running put a voltmeter across the terminals. With the bike running you should expect around 14v pretty constant if the bike is good.. For me, if 30mins on the car jump leads didn't put anything into it nothing will. BTW not recommended jumping a bike from a car, car has far more amps than the bike wiring can handle. You can easily kill bike charging and electronic systems that way.
  9. Said the Punch and Judy audience..... "OOOOOOHHHHHH yes it is". The site may not be copyright but the manuals need permission to be reproduced 'in any form', be that paper electronic or otherwise. Its one of those naughty loops, the poster and the reader are in breech. The site isn't because their just hosting the material. its no different to pinching songs off the internet. Sorry. OP, that is not a figure to guess, quite often camshafts float in the journals in a skim of oil a couple of thou thick, that torque figure is a must or the cam may well lock in the head.
  10. Actually i dont think you can ride at all officially. Few years back now i broke my left foot. Both of my cars were autos but i was told that i was not legal to drive. Untill its healed there could be un known events that leave you in too much pain to be in control of your vehicle. Or got fobid you drop the bike or say a bird strike (had a few pigeons first thing). Fracturing a fracture is nasty. For me its a no.
  11. Lights on or off makes little difference. If your lights are bright they destroy others depth perseption, LED even more so, so it could be worse. Not to mention our trucks run daytime lighting. Is 50ft long, 15ft high and people still dont see ME so i will stay on the fence re headlights. Prob leaning tasky's way a touch.
  12. Cynic

    sunday drivers

    Who knows. But consider this. Woman in her car. Phone to her ear held with the left hand. Changing gear with the right? Driver in front of her pulled up a bit sharp. Not really that excessive but the abuse coming from her would make a docker blush. She had a couple of kids in the back too. Thats what your up against. Idiots that have come through the school of "wasnt me! Its not my fault". People just expect it their way. I avoid several accidents a day driving the Black Country reading what these idiots will do. Im under no illusion that one of these days i will collect one with the truck. Just a matter of time.
  13. Well that's me back, fed and post shower. Feel kind of human, in as much as you can averaging 200mile a day on my tdr. Didn't quite touch 600mls. Slice was well met, we had some silliness up the Fosse way going North. John as usual a gent. Brought the life of every party with him. Pat and Mervin arrived on Fri, Andy, Tommy, kev and Murph came for the rideout and we met Paul and Las later on Saturday. Will not miss the Chinese place we went to for food on Saturday, took way too long and was easily forgotten. Biggest injustice, it kept us from a few beers and Las. Gutted about that mate. The official response is blaming Tommy. Weather was best described as weird, not unpleasant but not really brilliant for riding either. Either sticky or cold, no middle.
  14. You need to be a paid up member. If you write the ad the right way search engines will pick it up and spread the word. Put the bike price and v short description including where you are in the first few lines. Put the waffle after. Then anybody that searches your type of bike with a lose search will see it. Like the people thinking of buying one. Cheap really. And the site gets to benefit too.
  15. Stand next to Dave. He is chucking them away in fine style. Catch a few for yourself.
  16. Cantankerous bugger has had a change of heart. He is starting to realise he is actually older than he thinks and now confesses he needs leccy start so his original choices have got muddled. At the minute. I have no idea what he's thinking of. My mum had her hip op recently so the bike has been put on hold for a while.
  17. Dont know about john but slice and i are taking the senic route from stow. Depending on how senic we will be there mid late afternoon i expect. Unless we get lost. I will send you my number. Use the gamma. You want to..... you know you do. She can handle 90 cruising. My tdr has. Whats numb fingers toes and arse anyway. Edit. No i cant. You cant recieve messages. Can you send me yours?
  18. Cynic

    Henry Cole

    He is already doing his speed series. 700hp 160mph transit van.. Not limited to bikes either so there is time for that to grow into top gear's market space.
  19. Around 20quid for the gagues. Its the easiest job on the bike so long as the adjusters are free. Changing plugs is harder. And im not being sarcastic. Makes a real difference too. Used to do my old 600 as soon as i felt her hesitate at 6k.
  20. Better be. Indian food makes me ill. Don't touch it. Would sooner eat at squires.
  21. That sucks Andy. Hope the boss is on your side.
  22. Fuel in the oil will dilute the oil. It can then get past rings and valve seals.
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