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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. Cynic


    No. Japan has never had leaded fuel. You should use super or ultimate petrol though. Not for the higher octane although your bike will run better. No because at the moment it is ethanol free. A lot of your seals and the brass in your carbs can be badly damaged by ethanol. As well as running much leaner, not so critical on a 4stroke. Ethanol also holds water. Not good either. Will rot your tank out in no time.
  2. Cynic

    GTA VI?

    Wow. The obvious question is why?
  3. Great thats the kind of info i wanted. Give that man a beer.
  4. Hmm, well, I kind of....... The Aprilia wheels have never been fitted to my knowledge. Aprilia are kissing cousins to Cagiva, commonly sharing parts so I took a punt on them fitting, the spacers are similar sizes and the wheel does (its snug i'll accept) fit its just the chain alignment that's appreciably different, by 7-8mm. Not much if your cutting wood but miles talking about chain alignment. Ps, mocked up they look ace, less intrusive with the y spokes so keeping the minimal look of the wheels but getting rid of the spokes and being able to fit modern rubber. My idea of modification is to be unnoticed unless you know what your looking at. I don't do lairy.
  5. Hmm, the internal face isn't square though. Making it square would mean taking more metal out. The cush drive is packed in there pretty tight too, I did wonder about trimming the outer edge of the sprocket carrier to fit deeper in the hub and trimming the tabs down by the same amount but there is only 6mm between the bearings so that would not have enough mass to resist crushing and then the wheel may not tighten up properly.
  6. Ok, this afternoon that rear wheel has been in and out soooooooo many times but I now have all the measurements for the spacers and such. Just wanted to ask, more to confirm my own opinion. The chain run is a mile off with the wheel centred, like 7-8mm. so I know I can get 3mm from using a zxr250 front sprocket (same dimentions but 3mm offset) but to get it to fit real nice and keep it neat I'm going to get the sprocket carrier turned down by 4mm, I can get a mm or 2 with the wheel spacers too. So what do we think about taking 4mm from the sprocket carrier, the sprocket runs on a machined pcd face rather than being centred by the bolts like the tdr, it just means taking the depth of the tapped threads in the machined face down to 24mm from 29. Sprocket is held with 5xm8 bolts. What do we think, don't see any issues, shear force on the bolts is little changed and its more substantial than the original tdr. Just don't want to be missing something.
  7. So long as you expect 40year old performance it will be fine. looks tidy. Several folks on here got a soft spot for the XS.
  8. I hit a rabbit once on my old 350. It hit the front wheel and caused a bit of a wobble. Stopped at the next junction, "phew whats that smell?" The rabbit, or what was left had got jammed up in the expansion chambers and was cooking, uuugh.
  9. No las, ktm duke is 50 Hp in a bike weighing 100kg geared for about 90mph. Think racing supermoto with lights.
  10. Its a shame, the TDR forum used to be quite lively, as much as on here certainly. Post something and there would usually be some kind of comment within hours. Its tumbleweed town now, I posted about my wheels with questions and have had little or no comment. 12mths ago the screen would have gone spatty with people commenting, good bad or otherwise. Same ol names same as on here but now, nothing. Suppose its some kind of farcebook group, shame really. Lot of experience on there and it will be lost in facebook. Just be lost in the corporate blue.
  11. Yep, that's it exactly. You can pick up roadkill but if your the person hitting it esp with things like deer, its poaching.
  12. A duke to grow into you GOT to be kidding.
  13. Anything can be done, just depends if you want to put in the time or more importantly the money. I'm doing a wheel change and bracing myself for what the spacers will cost me, with luck beer money from a firm over the road from our yard, it could be a ker ching moment too with the cost of labour and material these days. Their not cheap and have an epic lead time measured in months which may well be a good indicator of work quality but central wheels will do most anything you want, for a price. Ring em though, the web site just takes you though the standard waffle.
  14. What, the old 'cheng shin chuckoffs'. You can spot any long term rider who experienced those tyres, their riding style instantly changes when it gets wet. Modern riders hardly change their riding at all relying on the rubber far more than, I think is probably wise.
  15. Checked the battery recently, bet its either buggered outright or low on charge. Could be a charging issue but unlikely.
  16. One of the few things that would help is your location. What year is the bike. This kind of problem is a tricky one to fix, changing the loom out was a mistake. You would have been better stripping the old. While on the bike as you knew the loom worked and was just corrupted by the loom. The 'new' loom may have issues of its own that may cloud the issues. Say hi in the new members area with some info about yourself as you will get far more help, you may get tagged as a one post wonder otherwise.
  17. Well the RXS 100 which is all but the same chassis with a different name has 30mm front forks if it helps any.
  18. Rs. Made by. Age? Do you mean the 1980's RS125.
  19. Rather than cbr600 ? Think more fzr400. Thats whats on a TDR250 and it hauls my arse down from, er? 25mpg back to 40mpg nicely. I certainly cant call foul seeing as im putting aprilia wheels in my tdr.
  20. Whats the bias on your tyres and what do you ride on the most. Keeping your current brake at 100% is probably best. Unless your more SM biased.
  21. So check the choke. When its warm and ticking over pull the choke. It should stall out.
  22. I can see people cutting that pipe not to nick fuel. Just to fk you up. I have been at shows, one with my mate and his bandit they nicked the balance blanking rubbers so it ran like a bag of spanners for the awards. My dad had little bits of insulation tape stuck up inside the plug caps so he couldnt do the arena parade (was a mainly brit bike rally though) on his cb175. Took a while to suss out too. And their supposed to be FELLOW enthusiasts.
  23. Pictures. Auto dt50.... ? Nah. Someone winding you up.
  24. Bad exhaust will cause a 2stroke all kinds of trouble.
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